※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-21 01:33:05
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 Knicks sign Gadzuric as playoff insurance, wa
時間 Sat Apr 21 01:02:27 2012
Mike Woodson announced that the Knicks will sign 6-11 journeyman center Dan
Gadzuric and waive swingman Bill Walker in a move to provide depth and
insurance for the playoffs.
Gadzuric, 34, an athletic big man out of UCLA, will be added in case Amar’e
Stoudemire and Jared Jeffries break down in the playoffs. Prior to signing
with the Knicks, Gadzuric played for the Texas Legends in the D-League and
overseas in China. Gadzuric's last NBA action came last season when he played
for the Nets, appearing in 14 games. Gadzuric had played eight seasons for
the Bucks after UCLA.
"It gives us another big,'' Woodson said. "Just in case Jared is not able to
come back from his rest. It gives us a veteran big that's been around that
could use fouls and rebound.''
Stoudemire will make his return tonight from a bulging disk and Jeffries may
be shut down until the start of the playoffs as he battles chronic knee pain
and swelling. Jeffries may undergo a bloodspinning knee procedure in the
The Knicks also have rookie center Jerome Jordan and Josh Harrellson on the
roster but Woodson wanted a veteran as insurance. Plus, Woodson hadn't used
Walker since the swingman returned from elbow surgery 12 days ago.
In addition to Stoudemire, Iman Shumper will be in the starting lineup
tonight, leaving Landry Fields as the odd man out, coming off the bench
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Knicks sign Gadzuric as playoff insurance, waive Walker
Mike Woodson announced that the Knicks will sign 6-11 journeyman center Dan Gadzuric and waive swingman Bill Walker in a move to provide depth and insurance for the playoffs. ...
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推 :有人對他熟嗎? 希望可以看到介紹文 感謝!1F 04/21 01:03
※ 編輯: cty 來自: (04/21 01:04)推 :所以Walker要被裁了嗎 天阿 我很喜歡他耶2F 04/21 01:05
→ :沒辦法~現在走路人的地位在季後賽根本就沒他的位置了3F 04/21 01:07
推 :緣已盡..4F 04/21 01:07
→ :這步棋合理~但不知道大G的狀態能夠負擔多久的時間5F 04/21 01:09
→ :真的走了 QQ6F 04/21 01:09
→ :對這位的表現一無所知 (羞)
→ :對這位的表現一無所知 (羞)
→ :Walker本來的定位是Melo的替補吧....8F 04/21 01:10
推 :有專業板友可以解析這位嗎9F 04/21 01:11
推 :苦力中鋒10F 04/21 01:12
推 :有火鍋的中鋒11F 04/21 01:13
→ :以前公鹿的先發中鋒 去年跑去大陸打球 場均還有20分 13板12F 04/21 01:13
→ :↑有點強13F 04/21 01:14
推 :好像有點強...14F 04/21 01:14
推 :總版有人說 尼克只是簽了保險用 季後上場5分都不到= =15F 04/21 01:14
→ :5分鐘
→ :5分鐘
推 :好可惜...他可防守也可進攻..只能說受傷的真不是時候17F 04/21 01:15
→ :不知可不可信?@@18F 04/21 01:15
→ :沒辦法啊QQ 為了季後賽 不適者淘汰......
→ :沒辦法啊QQ 為了季後賽 不適者淘汰......
推 :這隻簽來會用吧20F 04/21 01:16
→ :如果他狀態ok的話
→ :如果他狀態ok的話
→ :5分鐘!? 這...What?22F 04/21 01:16
推 :就一隻老屁股啦23F 04/21 01:16
推 :現在這時間點簽來的講白就是撿剩的24F 04/21 01:17
→ :先去跟Jerome Jordan打場架來決定誰是第一備胎吧
→ :先去跟Jerome Jordan打場架來決定誰是第一備胎吧
推 :......如果真的那麼....難道走路人比他差嗎?26F 04/21 01:19
→ :尼克能打三號的人太多了27F 04/21 01:20
→ :大JJ不是回去發展聯盟了?28F 04/21 01:22
推 :他是靠活動力的 沒啥噸位29F 04/21 01:22
→ :走路人就算健康 也分不到太多時間 補內線比較實在30F 04/21 01:23
推 :jordan實在太軟了 我看他季後賽可能常常要上場救火31F 04/21 01:24
→ :拿這隻當年雄鹿資深弟兄和喬丹比 他會哭吧...32F 04/21 01:24
推 :DG是中鋒,用來頂JJ的(都苦工型的),跟走路人無關33F 04/21 01:27
→ :所以才會說JJ的傷勢是不是很嚴重(JJ今天也不能上…)
→ :所以才會說JJ的傷勢是不是很嚴重(JJ今天也不能上…)
→ :喬丹非即戰力 看武僧寧可用肯胖也不用他 就知道一二35F 04/21 01:28
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