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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-23 19:35:15
看板 Knicks
作者 djviva (淡定~ 穩中求勝)
標題 [外電] Taking Eye Off Standings, Knicks Escap
時間 Mon Apr 23 14:05:08 2012

Taking Eye Off Standings, Knicks Escape Against the Hawks
不用管東區排名了, 尼克放手做掉老鷹

The first step in the Knicks’ playoff preparation was to stop fixating on
their playoff preparation, or at least the part about improving their
postseason position.
尼克備戰季後賽的第一步, 就是別再想要調整啥來進入季後賽, 也別理排名次序了

Before they took the court against the Atlanta Hawks on Sunday, the Knicks
took a calculated gamble, choosing to rest Tyson Chandler, their defensive
conscience, even if it might mean giving up a game and a chance to change the
對戰老鷹賽前, 尼克賭博性的選擇讓拳王休息, 不管這決定可能會輸給老鷹, 或是

It all turned out O.K. — albeit by mere inches and mere tenths of a second —
 when Atlanta’s Marvin Williams blew a driving dunk at the final buzzer,
allowing the Knicks to escape with a 113-112 victory.
但結果很ok, 儘管老鷹的M.Williams差點賽末灌進壓哨球, 尼克還是113-112險勝

Amar’e Stoudemire and Carmelo Anthony converged on Williams as he drove the
lane, challenging him just enough to prevent the basket. On a day when
neither team played much defense, that was the only stand that mattered.
比賽即將終了時, 老鷹M.Williams帶著球猛衝到籃下, 但一旁竄出的啊罵, 脇下夾著
顆又大又紅的甜瓜, 大聲的喊了聲: 嚇!!!!  嚇的進攻中的M.Williams愣了半秒, 而
在這場雙方都沒拿出好防守的比賽, 這半秒恰巧時贏球的關鍵

“It was a good drive by him,” said Stoudemire, who looked lively in his
second game back from a back injury. “He attacked the rim well. I think Melo
and myself both had our hands on the ball, so it was tough for him to make
that basket.”
傷後復出第二戰的啊罵說, 當時好險哪~ 他切進來的又快又猛, 所以我跟瓜哥只好先

Replays showed that Williams did not release the ball before the buzzer
sounded, which was also a credit to the Knicks, for delaying him just long
enough on the drive. Williams had intended to hand the ball back to Joe
Johnson, but Iman Shumpert cut off the pass.
重播顯示M.Williams響哨時球還沒出手, 這恰巧證明了瓜罵的"嚇嚇他"真的奏效!
本來M.Williams還想回傳給鷹王, 但香波早已阻斷了傳球路線

Replays also appeared to show some contact between Stoudemire and Williams,
although Stoudemire denied it.
重播還顯示了當時啊罵跟M.Williams有點身體接觸, 但啊罵說"哪有"

“I drove the ball and I felt like I got fouled at the end,” Williams said.
“But they didn’t call it, so you just move on to the next one.”
M.W.: 我真的有感覺被犯規了啦, 但裁判沒吹◢▆▅▄▃崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰▃▄▅▇◣

It was an encouraging moment for the Knicks all the way around — for the
victory it preserved and for Stoudemire’s stout effort in Chandler’s place.
He finished with 22 points and 12 rebounds and absorbed several hard hits,
appearing every bit recovered from the bulging disk that cost him 13 games.
對尼克來說今天是場振奮人心的球賽! 除了贏球之外, 還有啊罵成功的頂替拳王的
位置. 阿罵今天22分12籃板, 還有好幾次漂亮的表現, 阿罵真的100%回來了!!

“I felt great, I felt strong,” he said. “My back feels phenomenal.”
阿罵: 真是太爽了! 我的背完全好了!!

Anthony, who struggled Friday in Cleveland, regained his touch with a
39-point, 10-rebound effort while alternately dueling with Johnson (22
points), Williams (29) and Josh Smith (14). Jeff Teague added 23 points for
the Hawks (38-26), who are practically locked into the fifth seed in the
Eastern Conference.
上一場對騎士表現不佳的甜瓜今天重拾身手, 39分10籃板!

The victory kept the Knicks (34-30) in seventh place, with a half-game lead
on the Philadelphia 76ers (33-30), with two games to play. The Knicks also
kept alive their slim hopes to catch Orlando (36-28), which lost to Denver on
Sunday night, for sixth.
賽後尼克續排第七, 領先76人半場, 季賽還剩兩場, 因為魔術今天輸了所以對於第

Coach Mike Woodson agreed to Chandler’s request for a day off, concluding it
was more important to protect his defensive anchor than to jockey for playoff
position. “I think so,” Woodson said. “For him, it is.”
賽前武僧同意了拳王請特休的要求, 彼此都認同保護尼克防守中心的拳王, 比去爭奪

Chandler plans to return to the lineup Wednesday night, when the Knicks close
their home schedule against the Los Angeles Clippers. They conclude the
regular season Thursday in Charlotte. The playoffs begin two days later.
但拳王打算下一場對快艇時上陣, 季後賽則是在最後一場對山貓後的兩天開打

Chandler is not injured, but he has played a team-high 2,029 minutes and is
averaging 36 a game in April.
拳王沒傷, 但他是本季出場分鐘數最高的尼克人, 四月還場均上場36分鐘

“I want to be fresh for the playoffs,” Chandler said. “And the coaching
staff and medical staff thought it would be best for me to get rest here,
because we have one game in four days.”
拳王: 我想用最佳狀態來打季後賽, 教練&隊醫們也都同意今天讓我特休對球隊最好

Without Chandler to hold the defense together, the Knicks turned porous,
giving up 65 points in the first half and allowing the Hawks to shoot 58
percent through three quarters. They finally responded in the fourth, holding
Atlanta to 7-for-18 shooting.
少了拳王坐鎮, 尼克的防守出現漏洞, 讓老鷹上半場就拿了65分跟前三節58%命中率
, 但好佳在尼克的防守第四節回神, 這節只讓老鷹18投7中

“It just shows how valuable Tyson Chandler is to our ball club,” Woodson
said, adding: “We missed him. We stayed the course.”
武僧說: 看到了吧! 拳王是尼克的寶~

Woodson smiled as he called the game an “old-school shootout,” but then
admitted: “Yeah, I hated it. I’d like to see some defense.”
武僧笑說, 這是場老式的投籃比賽, 我不喜歡這樣, 我想多看到些防守

The Knicks’ offense more than compensated, as all five starters scored in
double figures, including a resurgent Landry Fields, who produced 18 points
and went 7 for 8 from the field.
尼克的攻勢抵銷了防守上的缺失, 先發五人都有雙位數得分, LF的手感也復活了, 他
今晚8投7中拿下18分 (ps.三分球3-3)

The lead changed hands four times in the final 3 minutes 7 seconds, with the
Knicks finally taking a 113-112 lead on Anthony’s 22-footer with 1:40 left.
The Knicks blew two chances to pad the lead in the final minute, with J. R.
Smith throwing the ball away and Anthony missing a quick 3-pointer with 5.9
seconds left.
最後的3分7秒內領先權四度易手, 但1:40時尼克在甜瓜一顆22呎挑投下取得113-112

清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double...

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◆ From:
sean47:阿罵也太逗趣了吧 又轉球又嚇人1F 04/23 14:11
ab32110:真的有嚇人喔~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2F 04/23 14:12
djviva:沒....那只是逗趣的翻譯....3F 04/23 14:13
sean47:XDDDDDDDDDDDD4F 04/23 14:13
sean47:昨天尼克被犯規成那樣都沒吹 這球吹下去會決定勝負的...
ab32110:我覺得沒碰到啊....再說這種決定勝負的是沒法黑哨的 會重7F 04/23 14:18
sean47:而且其實 時間根本已經到了XD 他說有被犯規也沒用9F 04/23 14:20
HidakaShu:先把melo在第四節至少被吃掉的三球吐出來,就讓你上訴:P10F 04/23 14:44
mobaby:這場的比分領先轉換18次,9次兩隊平手...有夠刺激XD12F 04/23 14:47
Norteariel:今天這場很刺激 看得我心臟砰砰跳>"<13F 04/23 15:05
scorpion2272:最後一擊通常都會交給球員自行決定勝負的 只要不太14F 04/23 15:22
scorpion2272:誇張  誰叫他要切進去呢囧
dadadeng:我大笑了HAHAHAHA 只好先嚇嚇他XDDDD16F 04/23 15:30
dadadeng:阿罵你也懂周星馳? 阿罵:略懂~
krailvivo:逗趣的翻譯好好笑  看了這幾場覺得阿罵好可愛!!!18F 04/23 15:30
cloudie:為啥阿罵每次登場都有莫名的喜感XDXD19F 04/23 18:03
annebronte:阿罵一直都很可愛-w-20F 04/23 18:21

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