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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-25 22:31:45
看板 Knicks
作者 bluebabe (Quest forever)
標題 [外電] Novak 離最佳三分球紀錄只剩一步
時間 Wed Apr 25 17:50:55 2012

這篇文章分析了今年 Novak 的數據,還蠻有趣的,分享給大家看看

原文出處 ESPN Knicks
Novak nearing best 3-point season ever - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
The Knicks' overall 3-point percentage as a team this season wouldn't indicate they have the best long-range gunner in the game. Currently, the team's ...

Novak nearing best 3-point season ever
By Jared Zwerling | ESPNNewYork.com
Novak 離最佳三分球紀錄只剩一步

The Knicks' overall 3-point percentage as a team this season wouldn't
indicate they have the best long-range gunner in the game. Currently, the
team's 33.1 percent accuracy from downtown is the eighth-worst in the NBA.
截至目前為止('12.4.21) 33.1% 的命中率是聯盟倒數第八名。

But Steve Novak has basically single-handedly put the Knicks in a tie for
fifth place for most 3-pointers made (488). Novak is 125-for-268, and those
makes equal 25.6 percent of the total team amount. Carmelo Anthony is second
on the team with 65 (33.2 percent accuracy), and J.R. Smith proceeds him with
62 (34.8 percent accuracy).
但 Steve Novak 一夫當關,獨撐尼克三分火力,讓尼克可以站上三分球進球總數
的第五名 (488顆)。 Novak 出手 268 次投進 125 顆,相當於全隊進球數的 25.6%。
Melo 排名隊上第二 (65 顆,命中率 33.2%), J.R 第三 (62顆, 命中率 34.8%)。

As for Novak? Currently 46.6 percent -- the best in the league. In fact,

he's within striking distance of the best 3-point shooting season ever (with
a minimum of 250 3-pointers attempted). Former Knick Hubert Davis is third on
the all-time list. Here's a breakdown:
而 Novak 的命中率如何呢? 目前是 46.6%,排名全聯盟第一。實際上,他也有機會
改寫史上單季最佳成績(門檻為 250 次三分球出手)。前尼克 Hubert Davis 是史上

Highest 3-Point Percentage In A Single Season All-Time*
47.8 (162-for-339) -- Dale Ellis (SuperSonics; 1988-89)
47.8 (177-for-370) -- Joe Johnson (Hawks; 2004-05)
47.6 (127-for-267) -- Hubert Davis (Knicks; 1995-96)
47.0 (179-for-381) -- Steve Nash (Suns; 2007-08)
47.0 (207-for440) -- Glen Rice (Hornets; 1996-97)
*至少 250 次出手

Since Novak's breakout game on February 6, when he was 5-for-8 from beyond
the arc in a 99-88 win over the Jazz, he's averaged 2.9 makes out of 6.2
3-point attempts in only 21.4 minutes per game.
二月六日尼克以 99:88 勝過爵士隊,Novak 從那場開始嶄露頭角。當天他的三分球成績是
投八中五。自此之後,平均每場短短 21.4 分鐘的上場時間內,就能場均 6.2 次出手、
2.9 次進球。

That means per 48 minutes, Novak is on place to finish with the most
3-pointers made in a single season ever (with a minimum of 100 made). Smith
is currently first on the all-time list. Here's a breakdown:
換算成每 48 分鐘的數據,Novak 可能會創下「單季三分球場均進球數」的
新紀錄(門檻為至少投進一百球)。J.R 目前是紀錄保持人。下面是目前排名:

Most 3-Pointers Per 48 Minutes In A Single Season*
5.3 -- J.R. Smith (Nuggets; 2007-08)
4.9 -- Eddie House (Celtics; 2008-09)
4.9 -- Steve Novak (Clippers; 2008-09)
4.9 -- J.R. Smith (Nuggets; 2006-07)
4.8 -- Dennis Scott (Magic; 1994-95)

What's most impressive about Novak is that he's money from all across the
perimeter. The one area where he's slightly higher is from the right wing to
the baseline corner. To illustrate that, here's his ESPN "Zone Chart"
(entering Friday's play):
Novak 數據中,最令人驚豔的是他來自四面八方的攻擊點。


Against the Cavaliers, he was 5-for-12 from 3-point territory. So on the
season up until this point, he's 61-for-120 from the right side, 23-for-55
from the top of the key and 41-for-94 from the left side.
在對上騎士這場比賽中,他三分外線投 12 中 5,所以截至今日('12.4.21),他從右側
的進球數是 61-120,弧頂是 23-55,左側為 41-94。

Whereas most players say the shortened season has posed challenges,
interestingly Novak told ESPNNewYork.com recently that the condensed schedule
has benefited him as a shooter.
當大多數的球員都在哀怨縮水球季帶來的衝擊時,有趣的是,Novak 反而告訴 ESPN,

"I think, to be honest, and it may seem funny, but the amount of games that
we're playing I feel like helps," Novak said. "Because you never go that long
of a stretch without getting up or down about a great night or a down night.
In like two hours, it's kind of like so what? You've got to do it again
Novak 說,「老實講,雖然有點奇怪,但我感到目前的比賽量對我反倒是助力。

"It's a what-have-you-done-for-me lately kind of thing. It's just kind of

nice to know that if you miss a couple or it doesn't go your way one night,
you get to play right away. So I feel like it's kind of easier to keep that
groove because mentally it's easy too."
「對我而言,這像是活在當下,不提當年勇 (*譯註) 般的事情。
譯註: "What have you done for me lately?"
What Have You Done For Me Lately? - Mike Sprouse - Marketing - Success Mike Sprouse talks about the "what have you done for me lately" society and gives a few pointers on how to thrive in this competitive world. ...

Of course, Novak's accuracy has a lot to do with his preparation, which is
basically the same every practice and game. After practices, he works his way
around the perimeter several times with an assistant coach, getting extra
shots in. Then, about an hour before tip-off, he practices different shooting
routines -- some standstill, some off of screens, some running into his
set-up and others from five feet behind the 3-point line.
當然 Novak 的準度,跟他的準備方式有相當大的關係,基本上每次內容都一樣。

Novak always looks balanced upon lift-off and release, which is a credit to
his footwork, and during games he utilizes a timely pump fake to create space
when the defender is closing in. In addition to his technique, Novak said his
confidence is higher than it's ever been in his career.
Novak 跳投時看起來總是保持著平衡,這就要歸功於他的腳步功夫。在比賽時,他還會
利用出手的假動作,騙過防守球員來創造投球空間。技巧面之外,Novak 也說本季是他

Every day, Novak estimates that he puts up between 500 and 1,000 shots --
something he's been doing ever since he was a kid growing up in Wisconsin.
Novak 估計他每天投進 500~1000 顆球 -- 從他打小就開始的作息。

Novak didn't stop then and he hasn't stopped now.

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◆ From:
kixer2005:推腰帶王拿下三分球冠軍腰帶1F 04/25 17:55
Norteariel:之前打完老賽那場 novak的命中率有到47.2%2F 04/25 17:58
eyeshieldZI:          活在當下 = )3F 04/25 17:58
O10lOl01O:能這麼準 背後的努力絕對是非常人所能想像!4F 04/25 18:58
HarryYu:推腰帶王!!!!!5F 04/25 18:59
esther81828:推腰帶王!!6F 04/25 19:01
osape:推腰帶王~~~~新版球衣加腰帶好好玩!!!!7F 04/25 19:05
skymay:推推~~ NOVAK加油!!!8F 04/25 19:07
baoo:每天500~1000顆球,不是出手數而是進球數,真的很威9F 04/25 19:11
iswearxxx:樓上你一講我才發現不是那數字出手數而是進球數...10F 04/25 19:19
iswearxxx:                 那數字不是出手數而是進球數
faseno:也想起Novak的冠軍腰帶球衣!! 推腰帶王!12F 04/25 19:20
achun522:射手不是靠天分,是要靠努力......推~~~13F 04/25 19:23
realiori01:鄉民一天丟個200球大概就躺在那邊了14F 04/25 19:29
annebronte:推翻譯用心  也推SuperNovak!!  祝腰帶王順利破紀錄!!15F 04/25 19:38
bluebabe:這樣好像要對照前面 GG 先生升職,沒有 Novak, JR16F 04/25 19:40
bluebabe:真的是補對人讓你上天堂  XD
weichang921:可見沒了JR跟Novak 之前看走路人之類投三分會哭死19F 04/25 19:45
annebronte:補對人讓你上天堂XD  GG先生超強的20F 04/25 19:49
HidakaShu:想看Novak破紀錄啊!21F 04/25 19:50
giona:期待破紀錄的那一天!22F 04/25 20:00
linda0076:NOVAKING!!23F 04/25 20:07
※ 編輯: bluebabe        來自:          (04/25 20:14)
foolishboy:只能說超猛的,每天500~1000顆24F 04/25 21:05
ppppllo:希望最後一場Novak有很多很好的增加命中率的機會!!25F 04/25 21:33
Norteariel:超期待novak破紀錄!!!!!26F 04/25 21:41
ppppllo:更期待Novak在季後賽變成自走砲 為球隊創造更多貢獻!27F 04/25 21:57
kiki41052:NOVAK超強自走砲...28F 04/25 22:16
rere40321:推NOVAK!!!!! NOVAK加油!!29F 04/25 22:17

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