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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-27 01:09:12
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 PTT0000 (0000)
標題 Re: [影音] Lin 2012 Time 100 紅地毯訪問視頻
時間 Thu Apr 26 11:02:56 2012

Lin 下車進場時,另一個角度的影片,
有點害羞的樣子,很可愛 XD

Jeremy Lin humbly walks the red carpet in NYC - YouTube
Basketball rising star Jeremy Lin humbly walks the red carpet of the Times 100 Most Influential People in New York City


感覺真的好愛他喔!哈哈 XDDD

Jeremy Lin At The Time 100 Most Influential People Gala In NYC - YouTube Subscribe To In Touch Weekly's Official You Tube Channel!


※ 引述《vipailin (Ailin)》之銘言:
: 一直亂找視頻哈哈哈~~
: 紅地毯的訪問
: http://youtu.be/bnZ8N9PhuyY
Jeremy Lin being interviewed at the TIME 100 Gala(120424) - YouTube Jeremy Lin being interviewed at the TIME 100 Gala(120424) [fr:smartriangle.tumblr]

: [fr:smartriangle.tumblr]
: 我英文很不好T^T((完全聽不懂的程度(毆
: 整段訪問似乎都是在討論Lin?
: 求大略翻譯哈哈哈
: 另外搜到一段fancam(?) 拍到下車的片段
: http://youtu.be/c9DHLltESW8
Jeremy Lin entering Time 100 event - YouTube
Jeremy Lin entering the "Time 100" event where he was named one of Time's 100 most influential people in the world.

: 一下車就是驚呼+尖叫聲XDDD
: 時代100這個電視沒直播嗎(毆
: 好想看領獎畫面阿~~~
: 還有想聽他講感言(?)XDD

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
skymay:一直聽到Jeremy  XDDDDDDDDDDDDD1F 04/26 11:08
dadadeng:瘋啦~整個2F 04/26 11:09
skymay:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-m-6Lp8FTI  第一個連結3F 04/26 11:14
Jeremy Lin humbly walks the red carpet in NYC - YouTube
Basketball rising star Jeremy Lin humbly walks the red carpet of the Times 100 Most Influential People in New York City

skymay:水管板4F 04/26 11:14
※ 編輯: PTT0000         來自:       (04/26 11:19)
PTT0000:謝謝sky大,我把本文內連結改成水管版了XD5F 04/26 11:20
oilUlio:揪咪下車也要照顧一下右邊的粉絲群 相機只能拍背影6F 04/26 11:30
edith19:NY TIMES有提到啾咪有趣的紅毯心情http://ppt.cc/3ibx7F 04/26 13:00
Scene City: Time Magazine Toasts Its Top 100 Influencers - Slide Show - NYTimes.com
Time magazine honored 100 people that it named the most influential, among them Hillary Rodham Clinton, Rihanna, Stephen Colbert and others. ...
edith19:“Everybody was yelling at me. I thought I was doing8F 04/26 13:01
edith19:something wrong.”
skymay:我笑翻了,他也太可愛了XDDDD10F 04/26 13:02
edith19:他也太可愛了~大家是太愛他才會喊他的名字阿XD~12F 04/26 13:04
spittz:XDXDXDXDXDXD13F 04/26 13:04
PTT0000:OMG!他怎麼可以這麼可愛啊XDDDDDD14F 04/26 13:21
skymay:LIN (OS):痾...發生什麼事了,是西裝有問題,還是我到錯地方15F 04/26 13:23
skymay:或者是我走錯了,為什麼大家一直喊我 >"<
sarahls:哈哈哈~Lin的反應好可愛啊!!!!!XDDDD17F 04/26 17:32
iswearxxx:好可愛><18F 04/26 20:47
d1991624:會說出這麼可愛話的大概也沒幾個了XDXD19F 04/26 21:59
lovelypag:那個反應太好笑~~~ㄚ是常做壞事喔20F 04/27 00:47

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