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看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] 阿罵談林書豪
時間 Thu Aug 16 20:14:05 2012
Stoudemire believes Jeremy Lin and Rockets are a good match
Aug 15, 2012 5:34 p.m. By Mark Berman, Sports Director
New York Knicks forward Amare Stoudemire, who is in Houston working with
Hall-of-Fame center Hakeem Olajuwon, believes former Knicks guard Jeremy Lin
and the Rockets are a good match.
Lin signed with the Rockets last month.
"Jeremy Lin is going to be a great addition to the team," Stoudemire said in
an interview with FOX 26 Sports. "He is a player who is going to continue to
"He practices just as hard as anyone else on the basketball court. He plays
with great confidence and great poise for a young player. So to have him on a
team, a young team as the Rockets are, it's definitely a great addition."
Stoudemire believes Lin was able to show what kind of player he can be in the
NBA, even though he started only 25 games.
"25 games is 25 games," Stoudemire said. "You got to take it when the
opportunity is given to you and he did that.
"So much respect to him for that and I just wish him health and luck going
into next season."
Stoudemire respects the fact that Lin was able to cash in on his success last
season and land his three-year contract worth $25 million with the Rockets.
"Most players, the ultimate goal is to win a championship," Stoudemire said.
"Then if you can win a championship and also cash in, you've got a double
"He's on the right track so far with cashing in and coming to beautiful city,
as Houston is, he's going to do a good job."
而對於LIN來說,目前他正走在一條對的路上(cash in),
Stoudemire believes Jeremy Lin and Rockets are a good match - Houston weather, traffic, news | FOX 26 | MyFoxHouston New York Knicks forward Amare Stoudemire, who is in Houston working with Hall-of-Fame center Hakeem Olajuwon, believes former Knicks guard Jeremy Lin and the Rockets are a good match.Lin signed with ...
Stoudemire believes Jeremy Lin and Rockets are a good match - Houston weather, traffic, news | FOX 26 | MyFoxHouston New York Knicks forward Amare Stoudemire, who is in Houston working with Hall-of-Fame center Hakeem Olajuwon, believes former Knicks guard Jeremy Lin and the Rockets are a good match.Lin signed with ...
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※ 編輯: oumo 來自: (08/16 20:16)
推 :阿罵講話很得體啊 不虧是有看過孫子的人1F 08/16 20:21
推 :我還以為在講Lin彰化的阿嬤~2F 08/16 20:21
推 :祖孫情~3F 08/16 20:24
推 :以為是Lin的阿罵+1,冏4F 08/16 20:24
推 :推....感謝翻譯!!5F 08/16 20:24
推 :推 阿罵變超會講話的有點不習慣(^O^)6F 08/16 20:31
推 :感謝翻譯:D7F 08/16 20:44
推 : 好阿罵不推嗎8F 08/16 20:44
推 :推阿罵:D9F 08/16 20:45
推 :當然推啦~10F 08/16 20:46
推 :揪甘心! 他講的每句話怎麼都像林版的心聲XD11F 08/16 20:48
推 :進修過感覺不一樣了12F 08/16 20:50
推 :阿罵趁球季外空檔去找天王補習 也是很上進13F 08/16 20:58
→ :我最喜歡這篇文章中的兩個字:「尊重」。 為何有人不懂?14F 08/16 20:58
推 :阿罵到底去上什麼課這麼有效XDD15F 08/16 21:01
→ :原來阿罵上的是說話的技巧課XD16F 08/16 21:09
推 :上一次對啊罵充滿好感是尼克FAN MEETING的時候LIN說17F 08/16 21:30
→ :啊罵能夠在失去深愛的人之後可以掛著微笑繼續全力以赴
→ :啊罵能夠在失去深愛的人之後可以掛著微笑繼續全力以赴
推 :推阿罵~19F 08/16 21:31
推 :推阿罵是個溫暖的人 受傷期間他有在推特上說很想林20F 08/16 21:40
→ :希望林快點康復 回到球場
→ :希望林快點康復 回到球場
推 :阿罵溫馨 有選修說話課齁 越來越會說話XD22F 08/16 21:44
推 :Lin的阿嬤明明住台北24F 08/16 21:49
推 :阿罵對Lin的合約從沒評論過,這點比瓜,JR強太多了
→ :現在能如此讚賞一位前隊友,對他印象改觀了
推 :阿罵對Lin的合約從沒評論過,這點比瓜,JR強太多了
→ :現在能如此讚賞一位前隊友,對他印象改觀了
推 :阿罵一直對LIN的相關評論都不錯吧27F 08/16 22:13
推 :阿罵就甘心~~~希望阿罵和林下季都表現亮眼!!!28F 08/16 22:17
推 :阿罵是個有格調的人!29F 08/16 23:17
推 :推阿罵!!!!!是個有格調的人!!!!!!30F 08/16 23:31
推 :ㄚ罵除了進修球技還有進修腦袋 有差~~31F 08/16 23:33
推 :阿罵這樣真的很難讓人不對她生出好感~~~32F 08/16 23:58
STAT TV | Training with Hakeem - YouTube
In Houston, TX training with the best, Mr. Hakeem Olajuwon.
In Houston, TX training with the best, Mr. Hakeem Olajuwon.

→ :訓練影片最後還有提到啾咪~~34F 08/17 00:04
推 :阿罵只是把他心裡想的講出來而已啦 沒什麼講話技巧 就是個35F 08/17 00:10
→ :老實人
→ :老實人
→ :之前有個訪問,阿罵到休士頓要找lin敘舊,結果他人正在亞洲玩XD37F 08/17 00:13
→ :樓上的新聞哪來的啊 也太可愛了吧XDDD38F 08/17 00:25
→ :在電視新聞上看到的,跟xsummerx版友po的是同影片,但長一點39F 08/17 00:31
推 :哈 真的嗎 好可愛好好笑XD40F 08/17 00:33
→ :現在休賽季Lin也不會住休士頓啊~阿罵好古意喔XDD41F 08/17 00:37
→ :就上面阿罵影片的最後 說休士頓很美 想找啾咪但找不到人XD42F 08/17 00:41
推 :阿罵好可愛好溫暖XDDDDD43F 08/17 00:44
推 :影片中的阿罵好輕盈喔~帥:D44F 08/17 00:51
→ :就算沒來亞洲 這時間也不太會在休士頓吧 阿罵太可愛 XD45F 08/17 00:54
→ :阿罵是好人46F 08/17 01:17
推 :阿罵就可愛的老實人啊 心裡想什麼就講什麼 呆的可愛47F 08/17 02:11
推 :阿罵推推推推!48F 08/17 04:11
推 :可是休士頓啾咪可能也不熟哦~阿罵真可愛XDDD49F 08/17 09:01
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