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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-17 09:38:17
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 shadowydark (影)
標題 [外絮] 林書豪在火箭之一:執行擋拆戰術
時間 Thu Aug 16 13:49:16 2012

Jeremy Lin on the Rockets Part I: Running the Pick-and-Roll - The Triangle Blog - Grantland
After having Jeremy Lin pre-Linsanity, the Houston Rockets made up for cutting him before last season by agreeing to pay Lin around $25 million over t ...

Jeremy Lin on the Rockets Part I: Running the Pick-and-Roll
By Sebastian Pruiti on August 14, 2012 12:40 PM ET


After having Jeremy Lin pre-Linsanity, the Houston Rockets made up for
cutting him before last season by agreeing to pay Lin around $25 million over
the next three years. While that may seem like a lot for a player who had
success for just 36 games as a New York Knick, Lin is coming in as the
presumed starting point guard for the Rockets, ready to prove that those
games weren't a fluke. As it turns out, Houston wanting to make up for their
mistake might be the best thing for Lin, because when looking at the tape and
the numbers, the fit seems pretty good, especially when you look at Lin's
play in pick-and-roll situations, and especially in comparison to how Kyle
Lowry — who ran point for Houston last season and is now on the Raptors —
 played in the pick-and-roll last season.


If there is one play that defined Linsanity, it was the pick-and-roll. Lin
coming off of a screen and finding a way to get all the way to the rim or
hitting a teammate, whether it be the roll man or a player spotting up
outside of the pick-and-roll, for the open shot. The pick-and-roll was a big
part of what made Jeremy Lin successful; as he ran it on 42.5 percent of his
possessions, it's only natural to expect that the Rockets will use Lin in
that way as well. It's not going to be much of a change for the Rockets, who
ran PNRs (10.9 percent of possessions) almost as much as the Knicks (12.9
percent of possessions). When the Rockets do use Lin in pick-and-rolls, they
aren't going to have to change much of their offense because Lin and Lowry
both use ball screens in an almost identical way. Let's start by looking at
where these screens were used.




Synergy Sports uses three locations to define where a pick-and-roll takes
place: the left side, the right side, and the top. Comparing Lin and Lowry,
and looking at where they both used ball screens last season, you see that
they favor the same spots (with point guards, a large chunk of your ball
screens are going to be set at the top of the key). Once the screen is set,
the next step is looking at how the ball handler uses the screen. Does he
dribble off the screen or does he go away from the pick?

Synergy Sports 用三個位置來定義擋拆在哪裡發生:左端、右端和頂部。對比


Once again, the numbers are pretty similar. Both guys like to use the ball
screen, doing so at a pretty high rate. With that being said, both are
willing to go away from the screen, mixing things up and reading the defense
to take advantage of a defense overplaying them. Once they use the screen,
what do Lin and Lowry do with the basketball? Again, it's pretty similar.



Both guys like to look for their shot, but they also like to get their
teammates involved more than they score. The numbers from Synergy Sports show
that. The willingness to defer to teammates in pick-and-roll situations
forces the opponents to be somewhat honest when defending ball screens. When
that happens, you force the defense to start thinking, and this is what
allows a point guard to have success in the pick-and-roll. For the Rockets,
being able to replicate pick-and-rolls in the same fashion Kyle Lowry
executed them is very important. It means the Rockets won't have to change
much of their offense. You can teach Lin the offense and you don't have to
deviate from what you do or what you had success with last year to maximize
Lin's value.

拆配合的重要條件。對於火箭隊來說,能夠複製Kyle Lowry式的擋拆配合相當重

Is Lin an upgrade from Lowry? It's tough to say. According to the numbers,
Lowry was one of the best scorers in pick-and-roll situations, posting a PPP
of 0.969, placing him in the top 10 percent of all NBA players. Lin's PPP?
0.797. Still above average, that PPP places him in the 63rd percentile, but
not as good. However, when you look at each player's use of all ball screens,
including pass-out situations, things get a lot closer. Lowry's total
pick-and-roll PPP (including both scoring and pass-out situations) was 0.919,
placing him in the 63rd percentile. Lin's was 0.893, placing him in the 53rd


What makes Lin so successful in the pick-and-roll? It's his ability to keep
the defense honest by mixing things up. He simply takes what the defense
gives him.



Lin doesn't force things. If he doesn't have a lane in pick-and-roll
situations, he knows that he should have a teammate open and works to try to
get them the ball. In addition to that, he keeps his dribble alive, forcing
the defense (especially the hedging big) to stretch out, prompting a tough
decision: Either the big continues to hedge and he leaves his man open, or he
returns to his man and creates a scoring opportunity for Lin. Now, Lin did
struggle with turnovers, especially when being blitzed, giving up the ball on
about 26 percent of possessions, but I think those numbers will naturally
improve. This will be the first camp that Lin comes into as a starter. He's
going to get starter reps in practice, and he's going to be much more
comfortable with how defense will attempt to stop him. If he can get that
turnover rate down to the 15 to 10 percent range, Lin's efficiency will only
improve. This means that when Houston runs pick-and-rolls next season, the
sets will look quite similar to last year's sets. That's a good thing — and
with Lin's decision making, the Rockets should have success in the
pick-and-roll next year.




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qfyjke54:先推再看!!1F 08/16 13:52
yeswater:看到這篇就讓我想起LIN的弱點到底有沒有在練(改進)2F 08/16 13:53
yeswater:幾乎整個8月都在亞洲玩 這個時間點應該是苦練再苦練的
shadowydark:你知道Lin即使旅行期間一樣一天練三次毫不間斷嗎?4F 08/16 13:55
plzsmile:那不是玩,那是工作的一部分。NBA球員不都這樣?6F 08/16 13:56
yeswater:很擔心他的傳球視野太過於集中某個方向 下季會吃鱉的7F 08/16 13:56
shadowydark:打不好沒法在聯盟生存就該被淘汰 沒什麼好說的8F 08/16 13:57
yinchun:那是工作不是在玩,而且他每天都有在練習的...= =9F 08/16 13:58
PTT0000:久違的技術文,感謝sha大!>////<10F 08/16 13:59
jaykinki:開季就知道了 擔心也是多餘 實力至上我想他很清楚13F 08/16 14:01
plzsmile:Lin在還沒亞洲之行就開練了,目前當然持續進行!14F 08/16 14:01
PTT0000:其實我也想知道,Lin擅長做擋拆,那火箭現在可以配合他的15F 08/16 14:02
plzsmile:曾經看過一個數據,Lin在沒有拳王的情況下,得分、助攻、17F 08/16 14:04
admorert:感謝sha大~~喜歡看到技術文~~~18F 08/16 14:05
yun0215:小帥哥吧?ASIK感覺速度太慢了...除非有很好的走位判斷19F 08/16 14:05
plzsmile:命中率反而提高耶!20F 08/16 14:05
yun0215:不然可能有點難配成(? 像拳王也是速度不快但判斷好21F 08/16 14:05
admorert:yes大 他每天都還是有練球 除了被台灣媒體逼回飯店那次..23F 08/16 14:07
PTT0000:沒有拳王反而比較高?真的?XD24F 08/16 14:07
nancyh:感謝分享!  另  某樓好300摳Fu  您實在太多慮了 = =25F 08/16 14:08
admorert:話別說太快 先查證一下會比較好:)))26F 08/16 14:08
kerotamama:未看先推!!等這篇翻譯好久啦~~~~~~~感謝shadow大翻譯!!27F 08/16 14:09
admorert:我的推文怎麼瞬間被擠到這....大家討論熱烈....28F 08/16 14:09
plzsmile:記得是在虎撲看到的,所以說,Lin需要的是願意配合的隊友29F 08/16 14:10
PTT0000:我記得Lin跟JJ也常進行擋拆,JJ擋人很不錯,可惜finish30F 08/16 14:12
admorert:說願意"配合"不如說願意一起好好打拼吧 :))))32F 08/16 14:14
plzsmile:哈哈,對啦   我是說一起配合戰術~ XDDD 不是人33F 08/16 14:18
admorert:嗯嗯:) 這陣子爬了些火箭文 雖然火箭很多球員常處於交易34F 08/16 14:20
ab32110:推啊 某樓的id我好像有點印象…35F 08/16 14:20
admorert:恐懼中 但至少都還蠻敬業地 :)36F 08/16 14:21
silviasun:推shadow大專業文!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!37F 08/16 14:37
shadowydark:這篇是scarletvenus翻的 我只是轉載喔38F 08/16 14:38
silviasun:這篇訪問解答了2樓的問題http://ppt.cc/Rvl439F 08/16 14:41
silviasun:記者也很關心他的訓練情況40F 08/16 14:42
minamix:火箭現在陣容好像還不穩定 檔拆中的大個子還滿需要任勞任41F 08/16 14:44
minamix:怨的 也需要技巧默契  阿罵跟拳王跟林配合就有落差
minamix:火箭的體系不知道是怎麼樣哩? 著重PG嗎?
admorert:這我不懂啊 好希望有專業網友多聊聊火箭教練的問題46F 08/16 14:55
silviasun:所以Asik是著重防守+抓籃版 P&R找別人玩?47F 08/16 14:55
PTT0000:應該是吧,聽說有點接近冷笑話體系,很注重PG48F 08/16 14:56
silviasun:前幾天看到莫泰的訪問 好像說他也有玩P&R的能力49F 08/16 14:56
wuling1001:推 期待新球季的表現 不過不知他們的陣容何時會確定呢?50F 08/16 14:56
wuling1001:不是還有人說可以挖冷笑話讓他跟啾咪重逢 雖然是玩笑XD
PTT0000:打完訓練營吧!應該還會再裁一些人XD52F 08/16 14:57
eileen86:沒吧 他亞洲行一樣有帶訓練團隊阿 每天都有例行性的訓練53F 08/16 15:01
PTT0000:我看虎撲火箭版友說莫泰跟Patterson應該可以玩P&R54F 08/16 15:02
eileen86:只是回休士頓後 應該會多些團隊訓練!!55F 08/16 15:02
Joba07:阿罵跟拳王的差別好像是前者虛擋較多 拳王擋人很紮實56F 08/16 15:09
kerotamama:莫泰是歌舞青春男孩嗎?57F 08/16 15:10
admorert:怎麼又歌舞青春男孩了啦:)) 這篇要專業討論 要專業 :ppp58F 08/16 15:23
ab32110:原來是歌舞青春啊 我知道是誰了59F 08/16 15:34
kerotamama:http://goo.gl/JgboN 林吧有篇Patterson的訪問60F 08/16 15:40
kerotamama:提到他想和啾咪成為那組名搭檔 害我好想喊教皇快來XD61F 08/16 15:42
kerotamama:歌舞青春男孩名字太難記了咩Q.Q Mahale叫他D-MO的樣子
yuki3534:那Lin是歌舞青春男孩團體的隊長嗎?XDDD63F 08/16 15:46
plzsmile:不覺得"歌舞青春男孩"六個字也滿長的嗎 XDDDD64F 08/16 15:46
※ 編輯: shadowydark     來自:        (08/16 15:52)
yun0215:歌舞青春男孩XDDDDDDD65F 08/16 16:37
YummyKidd:推推~~老基小弟子加油~~!!66F 08/16 16:43
ab32110:樓上怎麼不跟隨老基去尼克咧67F 08/16 16:48
qfyjke54:YK!!!!68F 08/16 17:05
VieriKing:怎麼都跑過來了= =69F 08/16 17:22
iswearxxx:這篇的第二部 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/179571440870F 08/16 17:40
iswearxxx:有人要PO第二部嗎?71F 08/16 17:41
noral:感謝shadow大轉文 百度的第2部翻譯似乎有問題?72F 08/16 18:08
noral:第2篇談的transition是指攻守轉換吧 翻成運動戰看不太懂@@
noral:這系列文後面應該還會有 等shadow大翻譯或虎撲翻譯團版本吧
PTT0000:partII探討的內容更深入,也在clutchfans引起火箭迷熱烈75F 08/16 18:22
essendo:真的很期待這個全新團隊的表現!77F 08/16 20:45
lilactime:還蠻訝異和羅利打法那麼相近 雖然目前還不如78F 08/16 21:07
lilactime:  ^如果
essendo:Lin也曾經說自己打法跟Dragic很像,他是不是Dragic和Lowry81F 08/16 21:23
dalepp:感謝分享83F 08/16 21:42
leroialice:這個好讚!謝謝影大!!    (期待好心人譯第2篇…84F 08/16 22:02
Gnail:Lin很清楚自己的弱點在哪,他在視訊中有提醒Naim「左手從小85F 08/16 22:30
YummyRondo:Patterson想當馬龍2.0吧 林就是老史2.0....87F 08/17 00:25
silviasun:「左手從小就要練」絕對是發自肺腑的真心建議啊~XDD88F 08/17 00:26
temma:林和羅利相同之處除了擅擋切之外,大概只有勇於切入籃下和大89F 08/17 09:26

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