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看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 Fw: [外電] Harden insists Thunder reunion no big
時間 Wed Nov 28 16:58:02 2012
※ [本文轉錄自 Rockets 看板 #1GjT6qkE ]
看板 Rockets
作者 標題 [外電] Harden insists Thunder reunion no big
時間 Wed Nov 28 16:56:17 2012
Harden insists Thunder reunion no big deal http://tinyurl.com/br9ukvt
Ultimate Rockets » Rockets report: Harden insists Thunder reunion no big deal Rockets report: Harden insists Thunder reunion no big deal ...
James Harden insisted again and again that his first game against the
Oklahoma City Thunder will be just another game. He was not sure how he would
feel Wednesday when he returns to Chesapeake Energy Arena and that
uber-exuberant crowd roars, he said, but he didn’t think he would be more
emotional than in any other game.
鬍子說明天對上雷霆也只不過是一場比賽, 沒啥的, 他也不清楚明天重新回到雷霆主場
會是怎樣的感覺, 但他說應該不會有啥太多的情緒波動吧
“I’m on the road trying to get a win,” Harden said Tuesday. “That’s no
different than when we played at Memphis or Atlanta or whatever the case may
鬍子: 跟打其他隊沒兩樣, 我就只是想贏罷了
Harden was dealt to the Rockets days before the start of the regular season
when he could not come to an agreement on a contract extension with the
Thunder. The Rockets signed him to a five-year, $80 million max deal. He said
he never expected to leave Oklahoma City after the trip to the NBA Finals
last season or through the summer on the Olympic team with Kevin Durant and
Russell Westbrook, but he refuses to consider the game special.
“To be honest, I don’t even know,” he said. “It will be good to see some
faces, some old teammates and coaches. They’re all my family. I look forward
to every single game I play. It’s just another game.”
鬍子: 老實說我還不知道會怎樣, 當然看到些老面孔會很棒, 前隊友&教練我都當家人
看待, 但我現在只往前看, 就努力著打好未來的每場比賽
But guard Daequan Cook, who was traded with Harden and Cole Aldrich in the
deal, said Harden will be especially driven Wednesday.
但當初跟著鬍子一起被交易來火箭的Cook說, 鬍子明天應該會狂切猛切一直切
“He’s going to be in a different zone,” Cook said. “At the end of the
day, if anybody knows, I know this game means a lot to him. He’s going to
want to play his best basketball. This game means so much right now to him.
You’re going to see a different mindset with him.
Cook說: 哈登明天將會進入"鬍子領域", 我知道明天這場對鬍子來說具有很大的意義
, 他會想打出他最棒的狀態, 你們明天看就知道了
“It’s going to be crazy, man. Crazy emotional and very energetic on both
sides of the floor for both teams.”
又接著說: 明天, 對鬍子&雷霆雙方都會是場情緒亢奮的比賽阿!!
Thunder coach Scott Brooks also disputed the idea that players don’t hold a
grudge when playing the team that traded them, calling on his experience of
getting dealt to Dallas by the Rockets for Morlon Wiley in 1995.
對於要跟把自己交易出去的球隊在場上相遇對抗, 球員會不會心懷怨憤這檔事, 雷霆教
頭也來加入爭論, 他說....1995年他有過被火箭賣去小牛的經驗....
“It’s not another game,” Brooks told media in Oklahoma City on Tuesday,
playing with the notion of a reunion game for Harden, Kevin Martin and others
in the trade. “I want to beat the Rockets. They traded me in the second
championship year.
這哪僅是一場比賽而已, 我想要把火箭大洩八塊, 當初奪冠第二年他們居然把我賣掉!
“It took me five years to get over Rudy Tomjanovich. Now we’re best
buddies. But yeah, it’s still personal.”
我花了整整五年才走出這心理的陰影耶! ---逼---(消音處理)
爆發你的憤怒吧! 鬍子!! 明天來喊 Beat The Thunder!!
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※ 編輯: djviva 來自: (11/28 16:57)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: djviva (, 時間: 11/28/2012 16:58:02
→ :對尼克時林書豪被大關注導致鬍子跟高富帥有很多空檔....1F 11/28 16:58
→ :那明天鬍子被大關注的話... 希望揪咪明天25分13助攻 >"<
→ :那明天鬍子被大關注的話... 希望揪咪明天25分13助攻 >"<
推 : Let's go Rockets! Beat The Thunder!3F 11/28 17:01
推 :就希望明天把球傳給林....不要自己一直攻啊QQ4F 11/28 17:04
推 :爆發吧! 鬍子!!!! 希望Lin和其他隊員也鼎力相助^^ (但 其實5F 11/28 17:05
→ :還是希望他們盡力就好 千萬別受傷!!)
→ :還是希望他們盡力就好 千萬別受傷!!)
→ :對位來說, 鬍子好像是對上人高手長的得分王KD喔??7F 11/28 17:06
→ :KD-鬍子, 西河-揪咪....KD手長防守好, 西河速度快nate加強
→ :Asik對上火鍋王又能中距離跳投的Ibaka, 高富帥加油阿!!
→ :KD-鬍子, 西河-揪咪....KD手長防守好, 西河速度快nate加強
→ :Asik對上火鍋王又能中距離跳投的Ibaka, 高富帥加油阿!!
推 :感謝翻譯!!Lin:我要開啟吸怪功能讓鬍子切切切~~~XD10F 11/28 17:08
推 :推 希望明天隊友們也能幫鬍子!!! 好硬的仗啊QQ11F 11/28 17:09
推 :KD應該是小帥哥守的吧12F 11/28 17:09
推 :鬍子領域online13F 11/28 17:11
推 :668在稱讚帥哥讓我有點擔憂(O_O)14F 11/28 17:22
推 :推 onlineXDDD15F 11/28 17:25
推 :不是阿西-臭臉王、PPT-18卡、高富帥-KD、鬍子-沙發嗎?16F 11/28 19:42
推 :這... 阿不是都說了沒時間準備比賽 怎麼搞的像大戰前夕XD17F 11/28 22:48
推 :明天一定很精彩18F 11/28 22:54
→ :我只希望明天不要爆炸啊><~~~~~~~~~~19F 11/28 23:00
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