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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-11-30 15:16:14
看板 Rockets
作者 djviva (淡定~ 穩中求勝)
標題 [外電] Injuries wreck Sampson's plans for Roc
時間 Fri Nov 30 12:57:48 2012

Injuries wreck Sampson’s plans for Rockets http://tinyurl.com/cppgxb4
Ultimate Rockets » Injuries wreck Sampson’s plans for Rockets Injuries wreck Sampson’s plans for Rockets ...

Rockets acting coach Kelvin Sampson wanted to consider the work to be done
and a chance to do it, but his mind went instead to a different list.
Sampson腦中已經有了強化火箭的計畫, 但他現在心中想著的則是另一條路

After a much-needed day of rest after the whirlwind of a back-to-back and
side trip to Minnesota to be with Kevin McHale and his family, the Rockets
will practice Friday before hosting the Jazz on Saturday and then have two
more days to work before taking on the Lakers.
前天先趕去MN參加喪禮再趕去雷霆主場的奔波後, 火箭今天先休息明天才會團練
雷霆-灰狼隔兩天, 灰狼-湖人又隔了兩天可以運用

Normally, little encourages an NBA coach more than a schedule with more
practice days than game nights, and Sampson knew the youthful Rockets needed
to work more than to play. But before he could consider beating defensive
traps or tightening transition defense, his thoughts went to the injury list.
通常schedule上練兵日比上場比賽日多, 這對NBA總教練來說是好事, Sampson也清楚他
的隊員們現在需要的是練兵而非比賽, 但在他去想要怎樣突破對方的防守陷阱 or 高強
度的防守前, 他腦中浮現的是傷兵名單

With forward Chandler Parsons listed as day-to-day with a strained right
shoulder following an MRI on Thursday and forward Carlos Delfino close to
returning from a groin injury, the Rockets hope the first step to getting
better will be getting well. If not, different remedies will be in order.
高富帥右肩傷了, Delfino該逼傷了快要回來, 火箭在想著要變更好之前得先讓陣容完
整, 如果沒, 就得先想好補救措施

“We have to find out who we’re going to have first,” Sampson said. “
Chandler is so important to our defense. He had 13 rebounds the other night
versus Chicago. Chandler’s been playing great. All of a sudden, you don’t
have him.
Sampson說: 高富帥對我們的防守來說非常重要, 對公牛時他抓下了13顆籃板, 他也是
很棒的得分手, 但熊熊我們就失去他了

Key players hurting
“We’re hoping to get Carlos back. A lot of our issues were personnel-based.
I think, ‘We have to clean this up.’ We get Chandler and Carlos back, some
of that stuff will get cleaned up.”
也很希望Delfino快點回來, 他跟高富帥如果都能健康回來, 我們就沒問題了

Wednesday, Daequan Cook started with Parsons out, giving the Rockets a jolt
of scoring with a season-high 18 points plus seven rebounds and four assists.
昨天廚師替補高富帥的位置, 砍下本季新高的18分, 另有7籃板4助攻

“I’ll defend Daequan a little bit,” Sampson said. “He played 38 minutes
when he had not been playing at all, basically.”
我會多留心保護一下廚師, 上一場他打了38分鐘, 以前基本上他沒這樣操過

But with Delfino and Cook unavailable to come off the bench, the Rockets were
short-handed on the wings.
即使有了Delfino跟廚師, 火箭在兩翼還是缺少幫手

Marcus Morris filled in at small forward but remained more effective as a
range-shooting power forward, where he could draw big men away from the paint
and often get open looks over defenders unwilling to venture all the way to
the 3-point line. At small forward, he was defended by Thabo Sefolosha, who
excels defending the perimeter, while Thunder power forwards remained in
position to block shots at the rim.
MM充當了小前鋒, 但他還是當一個定點射手的大前鋒比較有效率, 因為MM可以把對方的
大個子從禁區內引出來, 他也常常可以在三分線獲得空檔.   拿MM當小前鋒的話, 上一
場他就被雷霆的沙發守死, 而雷霆大前鋒衣巴卡通常守在籃下蓋火鍋

Guards tested
The greater issue Wednesday was with the Oklahoma City traps of guards Jeremy
Lin and James Harden. That got the ball out of their hands and limited them
to just one field goal in the first half. By the second half, the Rockets
adjusted, with Lin especially finding the seams in the defense to set up Omer
Asik and Patrick Patterson behind defenders trapping outside.
上一場對雷霆最值得注意探究的, 就是雷霆針對哈林雙衛施展的防守陷阱, 讓他們在上
半場多數被迫自己出手, 這防守陷阱也限制到雙衛上半場只投進一顆field goal.
火箭下半場做出了調整, 特別是林書豪找出了對方防守中的空隙, 助攻給了包夾陷阱外

Still, if the Rockets don’t see the same sort of defenses against the Jazz
and Lakers, they will in the next three games against the Spurs (home and
away) and Mavericks.
儘管如此, 如果接下來對爵士跟湖人時沒再看到這樣的針對雙衛使出的包夾陷阱, 再接
下來的三場對上馬刺-小牛-馬刺時, 就會再遇到了

“I was really pleased with Patrick and O,” Sampson said. “Those guys
really competed. But our guards have to be better at recognizing defensive
schemes and move the ball. And our coaches, we have to do a better job. It
starts with me. I have to do a better job putting these guys in the right
Sampson說: 陣中有阿喜跟PP真爽, 他倆很能打, 但我們的後衛們在面對防守強隊時真的
得打得更好 & 多讓球流動些.   我們的教練們也是, 從我開始我們都得更好的調整訓練
球員, 我得讓這些小夥子都能被放在最適合的點上

Those kinds of corrections might be made at practices, but most of all, the
Rockets will have to handle the sort of scoring bursts that are certain to
come in the next five games as they did in the last five road games, all
一切都得靠練習, 但最重要的, 是球員們得好好掌握放無雙的能力, 不然接下來的五場

“We have to get better at handling adversity,” Sampson said. “We can’t
revert. That’s going to be an important part of our offense and defense.”
處於落後時我們要有逆轉反超的能力! 之前我們沒做到, 針對這點大家的攻擊跟防守都

The Rockets expect to be tested. Not only do they bring a 1-7 record into a
stretch of games against Western Conference teams, they have lost to the next
two opponents, the Jazz and Lakers.
火箭期望在測試一下自己, 不只是現在對西區球隊的1勝7敗記錄, 而且接下來的爵士跟

“It’s going to be important,” Parsons said. “These next two are going to
be must-win at home. They’re good teams. We didn’t forget what Utah did to
us at their place. We owe them. Then we have L.A. coming in.”
高富帥帶傷發言: 下兩戰無比重要! 必須得在主場贏下這兩場! 阿爵跟湖人都是強隊,
上回在爵士主場敗戰的不爽不敢或忘, 我們誓言先滅爵士後殺湖人!!

Trials by fire
Lin disputed the notion the Rockets will be stepping up in weight class after
last week’s roll through Eastern Conference visitors Chicago, New York and
Toronto, but he said rematches with teams that have beaten the Rockets would
be needed trials by fire.
林書豪: 要擊敗上回贏過我們的隊伍, 我們需要再次展現對公牛/尼克/暴龍那時的火力

“I wouldn’t say the Chicago Bulls or Knicks weren’t,” Lin said. “I
thought they were good competition. But definitely, we’ll be tested against
Utah and L.A. We just dropped games to them. We’ve got to grow up.”
林書豪: 我不是說公牛跟尼克不是夠好的強隊, 但接下來對上爵士跟湖人這兩場, 對我
們來說絕對是場實力的測試, 我們曾經輸給他們, 現在要討回來!!

先滅爵士! 後殺湖人! 之後的事! 之後再說!! XDDDD

清晨霧一般的思念, 清新 double, 美麗 double, 捉摸不定 double...

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◆ From:
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gaudiron:因為Parsons沒上吧!不過用久了應該就會用上癮12F 11/30 14:02
sean47:用了會上癮+113F 11/30 14:08
akainorei:差Parson差很多,有時候需要換他控球14F 11/30 14:21
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jorden:Parsons 運球過高 帶到前場很容易被抄  但分球做的不錯16F 11/30 14:59

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