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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-20 11:05:08
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 july713c (小歐斯)
標題 [影音] The Last Pick
時間 Fri Jan 18 11:27:11 2013

The Last Pick | Jubilee Project Trailer

The Last Pick ft. Jeremy Lin | Jubilee Project Trailer - YouTube Tweet:  | FB:  The Last Pick is a story about helping others. Jubilee Project partnered with the Jeremy Lin Founda...


http://tinyurl.com/adlq8hk 影片作者推特
Jubilee Project
We just released a new trailer for our short film #LastPick with @jlin7 check it out here!  Watch, RT & subscribe!



GO LIN !! GO ROCKETS!!*\(^v^)/*

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◆ From:
sean47:我有自虐傾向1F 01/18 11:30
akthebest:謝謝分享!看來這部短片才是Lin暑假參與的那部,本來以2F 01/18 11:34
bluesunflowe:Lin的燦笑太療癒了啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4F 01/18 11:35
nancyh:推!!! 期待完整版5F 01/18 11:36
iswearxxx:未看先推 謝謝分享:)6F 01/18 11:41
rutenac:推 溫暖!!!!!7F 01/18 12:49
akthebest:http://tinyurl.com/apl335g 林吧有網友介紹這部影片的8F 01/18 14:50
akthebest:相關資訊,請見九樓。很有意義的影片。9F 01/18 14:51
bluesunflowe:點擊一次就會有人捐一分錢耶~應該是要點完整版吧?10F 01/18 19:39
snow5420:感覺就很動人~11F 01/18 20:57
hrmymeg:他在"關於"裡有提到完整版之後會在JLin的youtube公開~12F 01/18 21:01
hrmymeg:This is a trailer for the film, which will be released
hrmymeg:soon on Jeremy's YouTube channel.
olivelee:公益短片!林在裡面的笑容好可愛!15F 01/18 22:36
jt:謝謝分享! 感覺很溫馨16F 01/18 23:25
ppppllo:真得很Q 期待完整版17F 01/19 00:54

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