※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-23 14:55:10
看板 Rockets
作者 標題 NBA Combine Measurement (HOU)
時間 Sat Feb 23 14:02:11 2013
Player Height Height Height Weight Standing Wingspan
(no shoes) (shoes) NBA.com NBA.com Reach
O.Asik 7'0.5 7'0 255 9'4 7'2.25
D.Motiejunas 7'1.5 7'0 222 9'1 6'11
C.Parsons 6'8.75 6'9.75 6'9 227 8'8.5 6'9.5
T.Jones 6'8.25 6'9.5 6'9 252 8'9.5 7'2.25
G.Smith 6'8 6'9.25 6'10 250 8'10.5 7'2.5
R.White 6'7 6'8 6'8 260 8'8.5 7'0
C.Delfino 6'6 230
J.Anderson 6'4.75 6'5.75 6'6 215 8'8 6'8.5
J.Harden 6'4 6'5.5 6'5 220 8'7.5 6'10.75
J.Lin 6'3 6'3 200 8'2 6'5
P.Beverley 6'0.25 6'1.5 6'1 185 8'2 6'6.5
T.Robinson 6'7.75 6'8.75 6'10 237 8'10 7'3.25
T.Honeycutt 6'6.75 6'8.25 6'8 188 8'9 6'9
F.Garcia 6'5.75 6'7 6'7 195 8'7 6'10.75
P.Patterson 6'8 6'9.25 6'9 235 8'11 7'1.25
M.Morris 6'7 6'8.75 6'9 235 8'9.5 6'10
以網站數據來看. 裸足C.Parsons比T.Jones, G.Smith, T.Robinson還高.
資料來源 http://www.nbadraft.net
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