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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-03-01 16:19:43
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 lesley2836 (lesley)
標題 [更新] FB Q&A 整理
時間 Thu Feb 28 18:01:43 2013

just got back from practice...impromptu q&a right now!! lets go...ask
whatever (appropriate and humorous) questions and ill respond for the next
few minutes!
剛練習完 來Q&A吧!! 這幾分鐘內我會回答任何的問題!

Q:how tall were you in 8th grade????
A:i was 5'3" as an incoming freshman in high school and a lot of girls were
  taller than me...it was kinda sad
A:在我還個剛進高中的新生我只有5'3" 好多女生都比我高 好桑心

Q:How do you spell temporal?

Q:Did you ever have doubt?
A:absolutely! but God empowered me and gave me strength when I needed it most
A:當然! 但當我在最需要的時候上帝賦予我強壯給我力量

Q:what do you miss most about new york
A:the fans! i love the fans!!

Q:What are you going to do after the Q/A? eat mcchicken? hahaha
A:hahah i wish but i dont get to eat much fast food during the season. im gonna
Q:Q&A結束後你要做什麼? 吃麥香雞? 哈哈哈                                 食物題1
A:哈哈 我也希望 但是我不能在季賽期間吃那太多速食 我要去睡覺覺覺覺覺覺覺覺覺

Q:If you play Mario Kart, what player do you choose?
A:wario! haha i really dont know why but i loved being him
Q:如果你玩瑪莉歐賽車 你會選擇哪個角色?
A:wario! 哈哈 我真的不知道為什麼 但我就是喜歡他

Q:What is your greatest fear?
A:looking back and feeling like i wasted my life not living for God or not
  giving my best effort/wasting opportunities

Q:any YouTube collabs in mind?? :)
A:thats a surprise lol. but i would just say nothing until the offseason for
Q:有想到任何YouTube collabs?? :)
A:那是一個驚喜lol 但肯定的是 我只能說直到賽季結束後沒有

Q:you really can play piano?
A:wait for the next youtube video coming out soon!

Q:Favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?
A:leonardo, im a fan of the double sword. i had a ninja turtle blanket that was
A:leonardo 我是粉絲 我有一個忍者龜的毯子 真棒

Q:Favorite all time movie
A:too many to chose from but i love the usual suspects, italian job, shooter
  and forgetting sarah marshall
A:好多阿阿阿阿阿 我喜歡usual suspects, italian job, shooter
  和 forgetting sarah marshall

Q:In N Out or 5 guys?
A:come on! in n out and its not even close!!!
Q:In N Out 或 5 guys                                                   食物題2
A:拜託! 他跟in n out能比嗎!!!

Q:Do you have an instagram account?
A:Yes...literally just started it today. Username is JLIN7
A:有捏...他今天開張了 使用者名稱是JLIN7

Q:Favorite food?
A:dim sum (cooked by my mom), sushi or seafood
Q:最愛的食物?                                                          食物題3
A:dim sum(我馬麻煮的) 壽司 或海鮮

Q:Enter a Karaoke contest or dance competition.... both are solo!
A:either. im confident i could win both contests haha jk
A:我有信心兩個比賽都可以贏 哈哈 開玩笑的啦

Q:would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?
A:1 horse-sized duck. im not intimidated by a duck, im really scared of horses.
  they have strong glutes haha
Q:跟100匹size和鴨一樣小的馬或一隻size和馬一樣大的鴨 你更願意和誰打?
A:一隻size和馬一樣大的鴨 我不怕鴨 但我好怕馬 他們的屁屁好壯 哈哈

Q:Can I borrow $20?
A:yes if i get to charge interest

Q:when did u meet the jubilee project? loved the last pick.
A:i was in the same christian fellowship as eddie and eric from jubilee project
  so ive known them for a while...theyre awesome!
Q:你什麼時候認識jubilee project的? 愛the last pick
A:我和來自jubilee project的eddie and eric是同一基督徒團契的

Q:Do you miss Palo Alto?
A:absolutely...my favorite city in the whole world! nothing like home
Q:你想念Palo Alto嗎?

Q:what's your favorite pokemon?
A:blastoise! he is a BEASTTTTT

Q:bro... do you even lift?
A:i sure do. im 65 pounds heavier than the next closest person in my family
  haha. having said that, im still really weak relative to the nba
A:當然有阿 我比我們家跟我體重最近的差了65磅 就算這樣 相較於NBA我還是弱弱的

Q:Is Tyson Chandler still your friend ?
A:yes! he came to my foundation event during all star weekend...we will always
  remember our times on the court last year
Q:Tyson Chandler還是你的朋友嗎  (這問題好狠XD)
A:是的!他在全明星賽期間來到了我的基金會 我們會一直記得在球場上一起打球的日子

Q:Favorite bible verse?
A:romans 8:28, romans 5:3-5, john 15:5

A:羅馬書 8:28 羅馬書 5:3-5 約翰福音 15:5
(羅馬書 8:28) 我們曉得萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、就是按他旨意被召的人

(羅馬書 5:3-5)不但如此、就是在患難中、也是歡歡喜喜的.因為知道患難生忍耐.忍耐
生老練.老練生盼望.盼望不至於羞恥.因為所賜給我們的聖靈、將 神的愛澆灌在我們

(約翰福音 15:5) 我是葡萄樹、你們是枝子.常在我裏面的、我也常在他裏面、這人就多

Q:If you're not a basketball player, what other sports you think you would
A:soccer. i used to play center midfield and just run around the whole field
  the whole game...it was so fun lol. i miss it
Q:如果你不是個籃球員 你覺得你能勝任哪種其他的運動?
A:足球 我以前當過中鋒 就整場跑來跑去...很有趣 真想念

Q:What's your favorite dessert?
A:fresh oven-baked chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream on top...

Q:Have you ever been to Costco?
A:of course! must give a shoutout to the churros and berry smoothies
Q:你曾經去過Costco嗎?                                                   食物題4
A:當然! 不對churros和berry smoothies喊一下怎麼行

Q:favorite boba tea flavor?
A:i pretty much always get passion fruit pearl milk tea
Q:波霸奶茶你最喜歡的是什麼?                                             食物題5

Q:what came first the chicken or the egg?
A:in my opinion, the chicken because if the egg came first the chicken would be
  trapped on the outside lol
A:以我的觀點 是先有雞 因為如果是先有蛋 雞就會被困在蛋裡了

Q:Volvo or saab??
A:obviously volvo!!
Q:Volvo 還是 saab??

Q:what's your favorite disney character?
A:puumba. hes just awesome
A:puumba 他很棒

Q:have you ever thought "I just wanna quit" ?
A:definitely during really tough times, but God and the people around me kept
  encouraging me to press on and persevere. without them, i wouldnt be here
A:當然有 在我最艱困的時候 上帝及身邊的人不斷的鼓勵我及持之以恆
  要是沒有有他們 我今天就不會在這裡了

Q:Favorite drink?
A:jamba juice smoothies! mango a go go to be specific
Q:最喜歡的飲料?                                                        食物題6
A:jamba果汁冰沙 尤其是芒果

Q:i should ask, how do u like stinky tofu?
A:its gross! its called stinky tofu for a reason hahah
Q:我想問你喜歡臭豆腐嗎?                                                食物題7
A:他很胎歌耶!這就是他為什麼叫臭豆腐 哈哈

Q:favorite street fighter?
A:ryu, blanka or ehonda
A:ryu, blanka 或 ehonda

Q:Why can't I be as Asian as you are?
A:because your last name has too many syllables. asians tend to have one
  syllable last names...

Q:為什麼我不能跟你衣樣成為亞洲人? (姓歐陽及日本人及東南亞人表示)
A:因為你的姓氏你太多音節了 亞洲人的姓氏都只有一個音節...

Q:When will you get a left hand and a jump shot?
A:i currently do have a left hand and a jumpshot however neither are
  consistently effective right now. but thats something to work on for the
A:我有用左手級跳投阿 只是他們現在還不是很穩定 這也是我將來要努力的地方

Q:Who is your favorite DOTA 2 hero?:)
A:im so glad you asked this. my favorites are spiritbreaker, phantom assassin,
  tidehunter and ogre magi
Q:DOTA 2裡你最喜歡的英雄是誰?:)
A:真高興你問了這個問題 我最喜歡的是piritbreaker, phantom assassin,tidehunter
  和 ogre magi

Q:How do you read so many comments in such a short time?
A:i took a course at harvard specifically on impromptu facebook q&a's lol
A:我在讀哈佛時修過facebook q&a的課程lol

Q:what is your relationship with God like? (and what can we pray for you for!)
A:you can pray that the gospel message means more to me everyday and that i
  work on surrendering everything (career, future, relationships, etc) to God
A:你可以禱告每一天福音都對我意義更多 並且我把一切(職業, 未來, 人際關係等等)

Q:Whats your favorite korean food?
A:kalbi and seafood pajean
Q:你最喜歡的韓國食物是什麼?                                             食物題8
A:kalbi 和 seafood pajean

Q:favorite video games?
A:halo 3, dota 2, nintendo 64 for the throwback answer hahah
A:halo 3, dota 2, nintendo 64 真是過時的答案 哈哈

Q:can you hold off the Lakers?
A:thats what were hoping to do! hopefully we put together a nice winning streak
  and make it up to the 5, 6 or 7 seed and wont have to worry about squeezing
  into the playoffs

A:那就是我們希望做的! 希望我們能拿到一連串的勝利 成為5 6 或第7號腫子

i tried to grow the beard like harden but it just ended up being whiskers...smh
我試著要留跟哈登一樣的鬍子 但他們最後都只是鬚鬚的...

Thanks for all the questions...I had fun! Dont forget to vote for your favorite
organization here: mad.jeremylinfoundation.org #MakingADifference
謝謝所有的提問...我很開心! 不要忘記投給你最喜歡的組織

┌──┐┌──┐┌──┐ ┌──┐┌┐  ┌┐┌┐  ┌┐┌┐    ┌──┐┌┐┌┐ L
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Marxing:龍, 布蘭卡(怪獸), 本田1F 02/28 18:02
iswearxxx:感謝整理~2F 02/28 18:05
nancyh:感謝整理!4F 02/28 19:04
chin0505:百香果珍珠奶茶   台灣有嗎?XDDDDDDDD5F 02/28 19:26
StarTouching:台灣的飲料店很萬能的 多找幾家店就會有了6F 02/28 19:29
gcarrot:百香果珍珠奶茶...感覺怪怪的=.=7F 02/28 20:00
zerokonz:百香果珍奶超好喝.......8F 02/28 20:15
YTOM:THX9F 02/28 20:20
jajaye:感謝翻譯整理^^10F 02/28 20:24
EVASUKA:好有趣!  第一次聽過百香果珍奶  想喝11F 02/28 20:28
kkyyk:Lin:in-n-out is the best     老姊:WHAT!?!?!←5 guys派12F 02/28 21:16
seto:Kalbi應該是韓式烤牛小排  Seafood Pajean應該是海鮮煎餅13F 02/28 22:25
selina0508:第11頁"上帝及身邊"14F 02/28 22:27
※ 編輯: lesley2836      來自:        (02/28 22:51)
lesley2836:阿~感謝 打太快沒看到打錯了>"<15F 02/28 22:52
akthebest:感謝整理及翻譯。16F 02/28 22:56
eurosids:感謝翻譯17F 02/28 23:12
mamimi:感謝整理! outside 雞會被困在蛋外面18F 02/28 23:31
lesley2836:可是那樣好怪耶 有幾句在翻時有遲疑一下19F 02/28 23:38
ontm:感謝翻譯!!20F 02/28 23:45
showming75:感謝翻譯,忍者龜的毯子好可愛的感覺XD21F 03/01 00:11
mamimi:意思是雞跟蛋是兩個分別的個體, 先有蛋的話 雞沒辦法跑到蛋22F 03/01 00:42
mamimi:裡面去生出來, 林的想法很有趣XD
olivelee:謝謝整理翻譯。林回問題很愛最後字母重複,跟小朋友一樣24F 03/01 00:53
momomiruku18:原來林愛jamba的芒果冰沙 我之前去買也是選芒果!>//<25F 03/01 03:53
Picton:食物題4的上一題「最喜歡的點心」也是食物題唷!(在第9頁)26F 03/01 13:28
jt:謝謝整理27F 03/01 13:44

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