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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-29 16:56:19
看板 Hearthstone
作者 pride829 (unknown)
標題 [情報] Reddit翻譯:金卡比普通卡更弱的證明
時間 Wed May 28 04:39:57 2014

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This golden card is WEAKER than its normal version : hearthstone **WARNING: This is purely theoretical (and Amaz now gets it)** Hello gentlemen, I have an interesting scenario to discuss with you guys! Take this wi... ...



WARNING: This is purely theoretical and Amaz might not get it <3.


Hello gentlemen, I have an interesting scenario to discuss with you guys!
Take this with a grain of salt, it does not matter much in practice.


I will argue that there exists a golden card which is weaker than its normal

counterpart. That is, having this golden card in your deck, instead of the
normal version, produces no additional advantage (obviously) but may (rarely)
actually add a disadvantage to your play. Say whaaat?




Point: playing two versions of the same card, one being gold and the other
being normal, could give you a disadvantage. Consider a Shaman versus Priest
match, where the priest uses a normal Thoughtsteal to obtain a golden Hex. A
few turns later, the shaman plays a regular Hex. The conclusion is that the
shaman must have two Hex cards in his deck. This may or may not matter, but
it's certainly important because many decks (I suppose) run things like 1
Hex, 1 Flamestrike, 1 Faceless...


Edit: Don't focus too much on whether Shamans actually use 2x Hex or not. The
argument applies for any non-legendary card which is often used with a single
copy. This changes with the meta-game.


Edit: This point can be proved in many other ways, such as returning a golden
minion to your hand and playing its normal version later


In the very end-game, you could actually win the game by knowing that your
opponent holds, for instance, a second Flamestrike.


The conclusion is that running both non-golden/golden versions of the same

card gives additional information to your (priest) opponent! It can confirm
that you are running more than one copy of a certain card!


Okay but wait, this only proves that you should NOT PLAY both non-golden and
golden versions of a card. How does this prove that a golden card can be
WEAKER than its normal counterpart?


Golden Thoughtsteal. Huh, why?


Golden Thoughtsteal is UNABLE to distinguish between your opponent's
non-golden and golden cards because Golden Thoughtsteal always turns the
stolen cards into their golden version.


This means that Golden Thoughtsteal cannot give us the additional information
that the regular Thoughtsteal is able to. There is no reason, aside from
liking shiny cards, to use a Golden Thoughtsteal in your deck instead of a
regular one.

金色思想竊取而不是普通的偷牌 ,除非你喜歡卡片亮晶晶。

Regular Thoughtsteal has the ability to differentiate between two "versions"
of the same card. "Version" refers to whether it is golden or not


CONCLUSION 1: (theoretically) Do not play both regular and golden versions of
the same card.


CONCLUSION 2: (theoretically) Do not play golden thoughtsteal.


Edit: The same probably applies to golden Mindgames and Mind Vision


Edit 2: Front page! Bring on all the hacks!


Edit 3: This is a known issue in games like Magic: The Gathering, but I find
it unique that the problem arises in Hearthstone. Cards should not be
distinguishable, but using their "gold status" they might be. Furthermore, it
is unique in the sense that using "better" cards gives you a disadvantage


Edit 4: People are arguing whether regular thought steal can give you golden
cards. I'd argue any person who played priest for a while would have
experienced the opposite


Edit 5: Amaz is no logician


Edit 6: To all of you who do not get it, be open minded and think for a
moment. Clearly, a lot of people understand this



timhk108:              雨八07/15 22:00
victoryss:             田ㄙ07/15 22:03
timhk108:...什麼雷公!再給你一次機會  雨八07/15 22:14
mcsam:                                云木07/15 22:30
timhk108:什麼雲朵!!最後一次!  雨八07/15 22:32
victoryss:                       云ㄙ07/15 22:34

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hearthstone/M.1401223201.A.41B.html
※ 編輯: pride829 (, 05/28/2014 04:42:26
S890127     :Amaz Q_Q1F 05/28 04:48
zxf123      :有點無用又有點有用吧XD 也許BZ辦比賽可以限制全普卡2F 05/28 04:49
zxf123      :或全金卡 以避免洩露情報之類的情形發生
KMSNY       :amaz@光榮犧牲4F 05/28 04:56
zack7301428 :廢話很多直接說他討厭AMAZ搞不好我還比較欣賞這篇文5F 05/28 04:56
ultimako    :打那麼久了哪些職業某些會放兩張還不知道嗎..神邏輯6F 05/28 05:00
Lumiar      :簡單來說...不要用金卡思想竊取?7F 05/28 05:02
rex456852   :我覺得這邏輯不成立= =8F 05/28 05:07
warchero    :果然有些人抄牌抄慣了 以為一種流派只有一種牌組9F 05/28 05:19
po5980      :比賽有牧師在說XD10F 05/28 05:38
kaodio      :好處:用金卡偷自動升級成金卡 壞處:不知道對面原本的11F 05/28 05:57
byjiang     :有用推 一百場裡面有用一場吧XDD Amaz一直中槍12F 05/28 06:15
oGsMvP      :金卡會自動轉金卡喔!? 好猛13F 05/28 06:32
zack7301428 :你無面金卡複製的也是金的喔~14F 05/28 07:08
FOTOP       :理論上是成立的,可是成立的條件蠻嚴苛的…不過想法15F 05/28 07:46
FOTOP       :很超脫思考
iphone55566 :玩過就會知道的東西吧= =17F 05/28 08:05
yung80111   :妖術必入二吧,和變羊一樣怎麼可能只放一張18F 05/28 08:08
max006      :這屬於細節性質,我覺得不錯19F 05/28 08:11
bowcar      :妖術只是舉例而已啊,幹嘛糾結在那上面20F 05/28 08:14
sandking    :原作者真的廢話很多啊...21F 05/28 08:16
kevincookie :有次我就偷到金色鬥毆,然後對面馬上用一張普通的22F 05/28 08:16
mp5k6       :鐘培生:恩? 有差嗎? 就我看來一堆廢話而已~~23F 05/28 08:16
FallRed     :偷過金色炸雞*2  只有爽而已24F 05/28 08:36
max199083   :這邏輯還不錯啊,尤其是算到生物可以決定要不要扣暗25F 05/28 08:46
max199083   :言術
Shalone     :理論上沒錯,但實用性很低27F 05/28 08:51
Shalone     :基本上都會往對方同牌放兩張的思路去做預防
Shalone     :確定對方有兩張只是多一層的保險而已
max199083   :他也不是在討論實不實用,只是在講一個金卡比普卡弱30F 05/28 08:53
max199083   :弱的可能性
vergilmir   :金卡只能偷到金卡 普卡可以偷到普金 金比普弱得證32F 05/28 09:04
srxrrr      :理論上是沒錯的 有趣的想法XDDD33F 05/28 09:18
srxrrr      :所以應該改成普卡只能偷普卡 會比較好@@?
rufjvm12345 :等等 普通竊取 可以偷到金卡? 至少我從沒遇過35F 05/28 09:20
sienasken   :偷過金卡+1 我都是用普通牌36F 05/28 09:22
sienasken   :以前沒想過這個問題說XD
max199083   :樓樓樓上,窮人牧的小確幸就是偷金傳說阿38F 05/28 09:25
Sanco       :但這只針對牧師啊  可是現在用牧師的人多嗎?39F 05/28 09:32
v50503030   :你用熊貓也一樣啊40F 05/28 09:36
v50503030   :回手的牌跟再打出的牌若不一樣就透漏手排了
kerbi       :講得有道理阿 只是限定條件很嚴苛而已42F 05/28 09:38
Clinkz      :奇雞賊:?43F 05/28 09:39
shadowlupin :他是多討厭Amaz啊XD44F 05/28 10:12
bbqomfg     :Bullshitting on extreme cases45F 05/28 10:34
byjiang     :雖然是extreme case但是不是bullshit啊46F 05/28 10:57
jepk007     :羊0~2都有,不一定放滿,妖術通常放滿47F 05/28 11:41
max199083   :明明就是個有趣的討論不知道一堆人在認真什麼48F 05/28 12:05
dadan       :作者是怕寫了沒人看所以各種牽拖amaz嗎49F 05/28 12:08
iphone55566 :如果不是amaz在實況中推算錯誤 到底cue他做什麼?50F 05/28 12:27
rayba       :金卡偷普卡會直接變金卡 普卡偷金卡也還是普卡啊 ?51F 05/28 12:58
rayba       :不然對面兩張金毒藥 , 偷出來的那張卻是普毒藥是怎樣
rayba       :難道我遇到傳說中的三毒通過 ?
superbabyer :三毒通過是啥啦XD54F 05/28 13:15
x940410     :普偷金是金啊 我一小時前才打 該不會一小時內改了~55F 05/28 13:49
shield      :有時候知道對手有兩張沒法解也沒用吧...56F 05/28 14:32
shield      :況且多數人不是傳說之外的卡都預設對手會擺兩張嗎?
nin64       :情況罕見,影響不大,這些內文都有寫了啊58F 05/28 14:44
starbiscuit :不夠穩定的牌就有可能只放一59F 05/28 14:44
nin64       :就是金卡在戰略上肯定沒有好處,但也許有一點點壞處60F 05/28 14:46
shield      :金卡的好處是 一定機率讓沒金卡想打快的對手跳(誤)61F 05/28 14:49
CahoForever :還不錯的論點,從沒人注意過的細節62F 05/28 15:13
Homeparty   :我覺得還蠻好笑的XD63F 05/28 19:44
grimmi      :不愧是牧師神人64F 05/28 21:45
CMC677      :Cool65F 05/28 22:36

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