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看板 MenTalk
作者 標題 Re: [討論] 為何有些人長很像好看度卻有差?
時間 Fri Oct 24 11:49:23 2014
推 : 請問樓上童態是什麼10/24 09:55
智人跟相近的親戚 就面貌來說 產生差異的主因
是因為paedomorphosis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny
Neoteny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neoteny (/niːˈɒtɨni/ /niːˈɒtni/[1][2][3] or /niːˈɒtəni/[4]), also called juvenilization,[5] is one of the two ways by which paedomorphism can arise. Paedomorphism or paedomorphosis is the retention by adults of traits previously seen only in the young, and is a subject studied in the field of develo ...
Neoteny (/niːˈɒtɨni/ /niːˈɒtni/[1][2][3] or /niːˈɒtəni/[4]), also called juvenilization,[5] is one of the two ways by which paedomorphism can arise. Paedomorphism or paedomorphosis is the retention by adults of traits previously seen only in the young, and is a subject studied in the field of develo ...
這一點 在家犬、馴化銀狐 與野銀狐、及狼相比
Animal evolution during domestication: the domesti... [Bioessays. 2009] - PubMed - NCBI PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. ...
2.耳、尾軟骨變軟 (尖→圓)
而智人的臉 從paedomorphosis 得到的 是光潔的皮膚(小時候的各種靈長類)
接下來它發展的旋律 是從女性開始
女性 她是我們的預設性別
(人類胚胎7至14週 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prenatal_development
Prenatal development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prenatal or antenatal development is the process in which a human embryo or fetus (or foetus) gestates during pregnancy, from fertilization until birth. Often, the terms fetal development, foetal development, or embryology are used in a similar sense. ...
Prenatal or antenatal development is the process in which a human embryo or fetus (or foetus) gestates during pregnancy, from fertilization until birth. Often, the terms fetal development, foetal development, or embryology are used in a similar sense. ...
若基因跟激素的指令有出現男性分化的表達 才會發育成男性
有一點點失誤 通常就會產生女性化 或通常直接發展成女性
有一點點失誤 通常就會產生女性化 或通常直接發展成女性
而男生出生時切除性腺 這歷史紀錄非常多 像製造童聲合唱團
而女生 不會發育出男性的特徵)
由這一點 人類不跟其他靈長類除了面部皮膚的光潔雷同以外
它開始在人類演化時面部發育的作用 它是人類美貌的主軸:
(合理推測 原始人在美貌的選擇上 跟其他靈長類應較接近 不若現代人很強烈的在乎細節)
1.estrogen在口唇(厚度與色澤)與人中(維持幼時的長度 雄激素會拉長)的發育
2.下顎與眉骨維持幼態 (雄激素會讓它們變更耐衝擊)
3.鼻骨(estrogen會發展柔順 而雄激素讓鼻結構粗糙隆起)與
鼻唇角(男性鼻唇角 度數較少)
4.下巴骨維持幼態 (雄性...反正就相反 變寬厚)
人類的美貌慢慢從這個骨架推進 而女性的這項特徵又傳給男性(不完整
就像男性乳房也會有少許發育一樣 通常是不完整的)
如果說距離上 像是
鼻子跟唇長差不多的話 但是距離有別 則人中較長者面貌的吸引力會下降
接下來的主軸是inclusive fitness
Inclusive fitness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In evolutionary biology inclusive fitness theory is a model for the evolution of social behaviors (traits), first set forward by W. D. Hamilton in 1963 and 1964. Instead of a trait's frequency increase being thought of only via its average effects on an organism's direct reproduction, Hamilton argue ...
In evolutionary biology inclusive fitness theory is a model for the evolution of social behaviors (traits), first set forward by W. D. Hamilton in 1963 and 1964. Instead of a trait's frequency increase being thought of only via its average effects on an organism's direct reproduction, Hamilton argue ...
而男女性在繁殖上 有不同的策略:
男性終身可繁殖 女性有更年期
(鮭魚射精就死了 不讓牠射壽命就延長
老(通常印象不好)跟性成熟(通常印象好) 是同一回事
女性平均壽命跟晚年健康狀況較長 必然有這因素)
雄激素低 基本上能量消耗少(肌肉組織少) 也傾向比較容易合群、合作
Society Bloomed With Gentler Personalities and More Feminine Faces | Duke Today
Technology boom 50,000 years ago correlated with apparent reduction in testosterone ...
Technology boom 50,000 years ago correlated with apparent reduction in testosterone ...
任何人都可以看出 這生物一定會完蛋(沒有子代)
所以生物的生育年齡 完全是由環境─平均壽命來決定 而古人壽命很短
生殖利益的選擇史 開始朝向另一種路線發展得益
(利他是必然的 如果我死能救超過2個以上的兄弟姊妹 基因的傳播就不會損失 甚至增值)
─有幸活到老年的個體...如果再生育 便很可能沒辦法妥善處置後代而死
女性有更年期的個體 就有更多資源(雄性鮭魚的相反選擇)去照顧後代
而這一點 原始男性他找配偶的指標 就寫在組織的鬆弛跟皺紋上:
像老化 眼周會開始流失組織(肌肉、脂肪、結締組織 像個蘋果) 下臉會累積脂肪(嘴邊肉)
時間很少 解釋的很不完整
有興趣可以多看VS Johnston那篇研究 及相關ref.
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