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看板 lifEmbellishment
作者 lifEmbellish (生命點綴)
標題 T91 T91MT T101MT按鍵調整工具TabletGoHome
時間 2010年08月27日 Fri. PM 11:11:23



translated with google
TabletGoHome is a small utility used to change the button behavior Touch Home netbook ASUS EeePC T91/T91MT/T101MT.
These models have a small button on the frame of the screen that, when pressed,
behaves according to the settings adjusted at the factory by ASUS.
This little program does just change these settings yourself what action to take the pressure (short or long) of the button.

Touch Home button on EeePC T91
How it works
TabletGoHome "intercept" messages sent to the software ASUS Hotkey replacing the standard actions,
what we have configured in a separate file. Ini.
Examples of use
There are no limits on the type of action to take. For example,
more to open the web browser or program to our liking, you can start the Control Panel, Skype, Windows Explorer or a particular website, you may lock the screen, minimize all windows, show desktop , rotate the display, and so on.
The. Ini file comes with some of these projects are ready.
Downloads and Information After Installation
TabletGoHome can be downloaded from maxerist.net.
It 'a little utility without a graphical interface, to close it must rely on the Windows TaskManager.
Works with Windows XP and Windows Seven.

※ 來源: DISP BBS 看板: lifEmbellishment 文章連結: http://disp.cc/b/143-tAr
※ 作者: lifEmbellish  來自:  時間: 2010-08-27 23:11:24
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