看板 lifEmbellishment
作者 標題 200 Adam clones and the Early Access Program!
時間 2010年08月30日 Mon. PM 02:50:38
Rohan Shravan | August 30, 2010 at 11:32 | URL: http://wp.me/pvwUE-3I
Hello All,
Recently we suggested the programmers world over to send in an email at relations at notionink dot com so let us know they are interested in getting the access to the SDK (and lot more information).
Well, the number has reached well above 2k and it's still increasing.
There is a good news for those who sent in their requests. They will be given a preference over others in getting selected in the EAP. Only 200 people will get selected in the Early Access Program (EAP) and there is a lot which they will get in return like:
Adam itself! I believe these will be the only people other than our labs who will get access to Adam. More on what all will be there when you register for the upcoming EAP web portal.
to get to play a pivotal role in validating the pre-production software
full access to the OS and UI which we have developed
24x7 engineering support from Notion Ink (email as well as on phone)
other things like: marketing opportunities, etc. will be explained in the program itself
Here is what is going to happen.
The current list of developers (those who sent request at relations) will all get access to SDK. They will get preference over others but will still have to go through the EAP registration processes.
I personally believe that the Application developers are the best people to test any device. They run their own applications, check all the sensors, have great sense of their UI, gives better feedback on issues (with logs) and interact with device at all the levels.
I am adding a poll for your suggestion on who should get more preference on the EAP.
※ 來源: DISP BBS 看板: lifEmbellishment 文章連結: http://disp.cc/b/143-uxb
※ 作者: lifEmbellish 來自: 時間: 2010-08-30 14:50:38
※ 看板: lifEmbellishment 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 103