※ 本文為 ott 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-02-05 13:19:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 Monkey655633 (猴樣男孩)
標題 [問卦] 有沒有前奏一下就讓人高潮的歌?
時間 Wed Feb  5 03:07:21 2014

一首歌曲 節奏 旋律 歌詞 在搭上歌手本身特有的詮釋 必須每方面都俱道才能造就一首完美歌曲的誕生

更甚者 是謂神曲


還有如LIVE之王  伍佰 老大
挪威的森林 牽掛 白鴿 等等…




posted from android bbs reader on my Sony ST27i


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◆ From:
sumika:我難過1F 02/05 03:07
seasonsong:國旗歌2F 02/05 03:08
s110269:羅百吉的幹X娘3F 02/05 03:08
pornpig32:黑色星期五 保證讓您爽到上天堂4F 02/05 03:08
KOSHON:HOTEL California5F 02/05 03:09
laruku69:你濕了嗎? 濕了再說!6F 02/05 03:09
KOSHON:玩 具 手 槍7F 02/05 03:09
a111111zz:白鴿8F 02/05 03:09
pornpig32:玩具手槍XDD 濁水溪公社 好懷念9F 02/05 03:10
goshfju:黎明的High歌 一開始就高潮了10F 02/05 03:10
pornpig32:可是我只能躲在角落裡尻秋琴 哦哦~~哦 哦~~哦哦11F 02/05 03:10
worshipA:五六年前國中屁孩網誌會放的有一首充滿淫叫的歌是啥13F 02/05 03:11
mithralin:貝多分命運交響曲14F 02/05 03:11
slashlin:Billie Jean16F 02/05 03:12
SevenPort:一年多前我因為MC Hot Dog的離開,認識了PTT17F 02/05 03:12
douglasyeh:閃電霹靂車啊18F 02/05 03:14
lavylavysana:sod片頭曲19F 02/05 03:14
goshfju:黎明 盡情地愛21F 02/05 03:17
PSRY:大學指考考試前五分鐘預備鈴聲23F 02/05 03:18
Http://youtu.be/wt0RKW3aC8424F 02/05 03:19
Brokeback Mountain- The Wings (Soundtrack) - YouTube
I love this movie and this song.. I love Jack & Ennis *-* Text: You give me the wings to fly You are the clear blue sky I'm floating so free, so high Falling...

xxx80076:樓上放連結好方便26F 02/05 03:20
sunsoon:Europe的the final countdown還有KO大推的,雞皮疙瘩掉滿地27F 02/05 03:20
Archerdark:起床歌  歐伊呀喔嗨壓28F 02/05 03:25
Lady Gaga - Do What U Want (Audio) ft. R. Kelly - YouTube
Buy Lady Gaga's 'ARTPOP' now on iTunes:

xxx80076:小刀會組曲 超有氣勢30F 02/05 03:26
[MV] 미쓰 에이 Miss A | Bad Girl Good Girl (中文版) 繁中字幕 - YouTube fr:《A Class》亞洲豪華獨佔精選盤 字幕後製為原創作品 歡迎轉載 Please take out with credits, do NOT re-upload to other account. Thanks!

Chinese Music - Dagger Group Suite 小刀会组曲 - Prelude 序曲 - YouTube Performed by : Members from Shanghai Philharmonic 上海乐团 Shanghai Symphony Orchestra 上海交响乐团 Shanghai Ballet 上海芭蕾舞团 Shanghai Conservatory of Music 上海音乐学院 Shangh...

Air Original Motion Picture Score for The virgin Suicides [ FULL ALBUM ] - YouTube The Virgin Suicides is a score by French electronic music duo Air for the film of the same name by Sofia Coppola. The album was released in February 2000. Th...

ichibanhoshi:每天多愛你一點34F 02/05 03:27
wolfking623:紅的明顯35F 02/05 03:27
AresMars:GNR的Sweet child o my36F 02/05 03:27
el4e8d:宇多田ヒカル - Stay Gold37F 02/05 03:29
Rue168101:http://goo.gl/hsfoyW 這首 阿斯38F 02/05 03:30
Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) - YouTube
Music video by Journey performing Separate Ways (Worlds Apart). YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,169,357 (C) 1983 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT

el4e8d:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COTR5NiHkCc 當年公牛曲40F 02/05 03:32
Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky - YouTube
Occhio Nel Cielo - Non pensare che scusa sia detto facilmente non provare a cambiare le carte hai avuto numerose possibilità prima ma non ne avrai altre non ...

Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing You Give Love A Bad Name. (C) 1986 The Island Def Jam Music Group

georgei0:K哥之王43F 02/05 03:32
垃圾車 - YouTube

ePaper:太七的片翼天使45F 02/05 03:33
In the Air tonight LIVE- phil collins - YouTube
this is a video of phil collins in his farewell tour. song- In the Air Tonight

All Good Things (Come To An End) (US Version) - YouTube
Music video by Nelly Furtado performing All Good Things (Come To An End). (C) 2007 Geffen Records

Allenk:灌籃高手啊48F 02/05 03:36
Scorpions-Rock You Like A Hurricane - YouTube
'Lewis Tocker 2008' classic scorpions song from 1984- lyrics- It's early morning The sun comes out Last night was shaking And pretty loud My cat is purring A...

Heart - Alone - YouTube
Music video by Heart performing Alone.

Secret Garden- Song from a Secret Garden - YouTube
This is the third song from Secret Gardens album Songs From a Secret Garden, from 1995. "The idea of Secret Garden is one that everyone can relate to. We all...

金曲之聲--010 Emotion 情 感 Samantha Sang...中英文字幕 - YouTube Emotion由澳洲歌手Samantha Sang(莎曼莎姍)所演唱 曾獲得1978年全美排行的亞軍 個人覺得bee gees的誇刀合音相襯,副歌是這首歌曲最好聽的部分 。 bee gees (比吉斯合唱團)除了作詞 作曲的才華令人激賞外 製作專輯的功力也不凡 可惜的是Samantha Sang 也只是一片歌手 ...

Abba - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) - YouTube
Music video by Abba performing Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight). (C) 1979 Polar Music International AB

swatch44:英文老歌一堆啊54F 02/05 03:43
el4e8d:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eb1oFIqBVzA 這MV一定要55F 02/05 03:44
Bon Jovi - All About Lovin' You - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing All About Lovin' You. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group

Taio Cruz - Higher ft. Kylie Minogue - YouTube
UK Taio Fans -- Vote for 'Dynamite' for Best Single at the BRITS 2011 here:  Music video by Taio Cruz performing Higher. (C) 201...

Taio Cruz - Higher - YouTube
Now I know how to get down on the floor Experienced in moves you can't ignore There's something bout this beat that's got me hooked Come over here and take a...

el4e8d:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4H_Zoh7G5A 黏巴達改編59F 02/05 03:47
Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull - YouTube
Music video by Jennifer Lopez performing On The Floor feat. Pitbull. © 2011 Island Records #VEVOCertified on April 15, 2012.  ht...

mimikstar:Dan Dan60F 02/05 03:51
tw536653:以父之名 編的超好61F 02/05 03:54
kimfatt:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1uH4BnswKQ 5秒定生死62F 02/05 03:57
Digimon Song Brave Heart - YouTube
Digimon Song - Brave Heart. Immagini Digievoluzioni.

Wham! - Last Christmas - YouTube
Music video by Wham! performing Last Christmas. (c) 1984 Sony BMG Music Entertainment (UK) Limited

George Michael - Careless Whisper - YouTube
Music video by George Michael performing Careless Whisper. (c) 1984 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

The Cranberries - Linger - YouTube
Music video by The Cranberries performing Linger. (C) 1993 The Island Def Jam Music Group

Sfly:Bon Jovi-Social Disease66F 02/05 04:00
el4e8d:媽的 小紅莓的神曲一拿出來 我就不想繼續反串我難過惹67F 02/05 04:01
el4e8d:我難過超難聽 呵呵
momoisacow:Don't look back in anger69F 02/05 04:04
senior:自已在那邊推自己在那邊爽 頗呵70F 02/05 04:07
el4e8d:唉唷 前幾天被我電到沒話說就氣到現在唷71F 02/05 04:07
senior:蛤有這回事 什麼東西可以指點一下嗎72F 02/05 04:10
el4e8d:#1IxeEaTy (Gossiping) 這篇囉 我記得另一個主攻的血比較厚73F 02/05 04:11
el4e8d:至於你 則是沒啥論點或料
senior:喔喔喔原來是你喔 你整個輸阿還電勒 哈哈75F 02/05 04:12
el4e8d:哈哈 對於說女生只要露兩點 男人習慣了就不會有興趣的76F 02/05 04:12
senior:不過我跟你說 我推這篇根本不記得你是那篇的什麼東西77F 02/05 04:13
el4e8d:我拿腿出來講就贏了 台灣夏天露腿一堆 男人還是愛看78F 02/05 04:13
senior:不要誤會惹 蟹蟹79F 02/05 04:13
Will And Elizabeth - POTC Theme (Klaus Badelt) - YouTube
The theme "Will And Elizabeth" for Gore Verbinski's "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (2003). The song is composed by Klaus Badelt.

el4e8d:這種等級也敢出來說自己贏了 真是可悲81F 02/05 04:14
senior:不要再不甘心的歪別人樓了啦 乖喔82F 02/05 04:14
el4e8d:是阿 沒論點就乖乖縮回去吧 血比較厚的那個都被腿打敗了83F 02/05 04:16
el4e8d:弱的就更別講了 小菜一碟
senior:不要再拿腿歪人家樓還自婊了啦 同情Q.Q 回去推前奏文好嗎85F 02/05 04:18
el4e8d:我推10多首就夠啦 不然總共4百多首要推到幾時阿86F 02/05 04:19
senior:哪有人推一堆連結不附歌名的啦87F 02/05 04:21
el4e8d:講到同情 我是蠻同情那個主攻的 副手根本一點忙都幫不上88F 02/05 04:22
senior:唉 這人就是不甘心到堅持要歪樓 原PO我救不了你惹89F 02/05 04:23
el4e8d:點了就知道歌名啦 不爽別點阿 上面好幾個沒附歌名 就我中槍91F 02/05 04:23
el4e8d:挖操 嘴砲也不是這樣的吧
senior:你整片的占大多數怪我囉 再說我上面那句也沒專指你辣93F 02/05 04:24
senior:不要那麼敏感 累了嗎 聽首歌好嗎
el4e8d:我占整遍又如何 有人規定不能貼10多首喔 更別說大家大多95F 02/05 04:25
senior:發現中間有插個homerunball清流 謝謝尼homerunball96F 02/05 04:26
el4e8d:都沒附歌名 原PO也沒嫌 就你在那邊挑骨頭97F 02/05 04:26
senior:尼慢慢悲憤 我閃惹 8898F 02/05 04:26
el4e8d:沒事找碴 真是無聊99F 02/05 04:26
senior:對惹 這樣你可以再做一次勝利宣告如果你想的話 哈哈101F 02/05 04:27
antilibra:歷蘇表示:102F 02/05 04:27
el4e8d:全部人都沒在計較歌名 就一個拿著歌名哭哭 真是趣味103F 02/05 04:27
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine - YouTube
Music video by Guns N' Roses performing Sweet Child O' Mine. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 2,418,311. (C) 1987 Guns N' Roses under exclusive license to Geffe...

RachelMcAdam:槍花  我的甜小孩105F 02/05 04:41
instinct4:Tokio Hotel-dogs unleashed106F 02/05 04:43
wayne0318:Eric Clapton107F 02/05 04:54
sdc4589:七里香108F 02/05 04:59
A07:The final countdown.   也算是神曲了吧.109F 02/05 05:02
jok1216869:數碼寶貝的進化歌啊 還有爆走兄弟的110F 02/05 05:12
onenicky:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gah8FnYSypk 開車別聽111F 02/05 05:21
Initial D - Mega Mix (HD) - YouTube
Use the link below to get download software because someone reported my other download link:

xu370127:紅Last Live http://ppt.cc/XTEQ112F 02/05 05:22
zse24:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6g4D4dStmY 沒有之一..113F 02/05 05:31
Chris Benoit Theme Song - YouTube
Chris Benoit Theme Song R.I.P

u5274p:Live Forever114F 02/05 05:48
slow714285:那個el4推一堆歌又自爽 點開來也沒幾首好聽 根本自嗨115F 02/05 06:22
barlin:放年假就總是有人會跑出來討戰討噓加自HIGH116F 02/05 06:39
PR58:一絲不掛117F 02/05 06:54
Phater:Welcome to the Jungle118F 02/05 07:01
LIRCHEN:Song 2-Blur119F 02/05 07:22
partytonight:el洗版面啊120F 02/05 07:29
wafone:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2Jjn-QXlVE 只有這首121F 02/05 07:39
3秒聽出這個旋律的男人一定邪惡了! - YouTube
我FB的粉絲以及YOUTUBE上的觀眾客群 女生佔了六成 男生只有四成(圖在我FB牆上:  ) 很顯然的我的曲目並不符合男性同胞的胃口... 我深深地檢討自己 並接受我朋友的提議 錄這首專門討好男生的曲子: 他說這首女生聽過會很奇怪 但男性朋...

occlumency3:Pacific Rim theme song122F 02/05 07:43
Khadgar:我確定The pacific的Theme會立刻讓人低潮123F 02/05 07:49
tingvictor:e大的歌還不錯聽阿XD124F 02/05 08:07
pipida00:看成前妻…125F 02/05 08:13
jason90262:Linkin Park - new divide126F 02/05 08:22
coca212:也看成前妻127F 02/05 08:41
baptism:我難過128F 02/05 09:06
promax5566:我難過129F 02/05 09:11
dingcross:跟動畫OP一樣副歌擺最前面就會熱血了130F 02/05 09:31
bobju:東京熱131F 02/05 09:35
lwsun:sweet child o mine的前奏也很好聽132F 02/05 09:53
strike5566:…133F 02/05 10:03
KingInTea:歌劇魅影134F 02/05 10:13
ManCity5566:少年仔的氣味阿135F 02/05 10:26
punzz:看成前妻136F 02/05 10:58
punzz:認真回 you give love a bad name
ARodGodlike:我艱過138F 02/05 11:00
mirrortear:原po專業 愛情的盡頭和挪威的森林前奏都很經典139F 02/05 11:00
pp3435:開不了口、退後、園遊會、暗號140F 02/05 11:03
cheko:直到世界的盡頭141F 02/05 11:13
gundan:靠夭 看成前妻一下就讓人高潮 ...142F 02/05 11:18
kaojet:Aerosmith - pink143F 02/05 11:21
zackal:knocking on heaven door144F 02/05 11:24
mrwater:當然必推GReeeeN的Kiseki,每次開頭音樂一下來,渾身發抖!145F 02/05 11:32
Sukien:http://ppt.cc/dY1o DickDale-Miserlou Taxi跟黑色追緝令裡147F 02/05 11:32
Guitar Center Sessions: Dick Dale - Miserlou - YouTube
The King of Surf Guitar himself joins us for an evening of insight, dialogue and music. Be sure to check out all of our Guitar Center Sessions videos!

Sukien:都有用它做插曲148F 02/05 11:33
taxisy:sweet child o'mine149F 02/05 11:52
holybless:挪威的森林150F 02/05 11:54
周杰倫【反方向的鐘 官方完整MV】Jay Chou "Counter-clockwise Clock" MV - YouTube 周杰倫官方版MV_ JAY CHOU OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO 周杰倫 反方向的鐘 曲: 周杰倫 / 詞: 方文山 收錄於2000年11月發行的『周杰倫同名專輯』 Jay Chou "Counter-clockwise Clock" (Fan Fong Xiang De Chong) Song: ...

keroro0929:半獸人152F 02/05 12:16

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