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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 有沒有前奏一下就讓人高潮的歌?
時間 Wed Feb 5 03:07:21 2014
一首歌曲 節奏 旋律 歌詞 在搭上歌手本身特有的詮釋 必須每方面都俱道才能造就一首完美歌曲的誕生
更甚者 是謂神曲
還有如LIVE之王 伍佰 老大
挪威的森林 牽掛 白鴿 等等…
posted from android bbs reader on my Sony ST27i
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◆ From:
推 :我難過1F 02/05 03:07
推 :國旗歌2F 02/05 03:08
推 :羅百吉的幹X娘3F 02/05 03:08
→ :黑色星期五 保證讓您爽到上天堂4F 02/05 03:08
推 :HOTEL California5F 02/05 03:09
推 :你濕了嗎? 濕了再說!6F 02/05 03:09
→ :玩 具 手 槍7F 02/05 03:09
推 :白鴿8F 02/05 03:09
→ :玩具手槍XDD 濁水溪公社 好懷念9F 02/05 03:10
→ :黎明的High歌 一開始就高潮了10F 02/05 03:10
→ :可是我只能躲在角落裡尻秋琴 哦哦~~哦 哦~~哦哦11F 02/05 03:10
推 :五六年前國中屁孩網誌會放的有一首充滿淫叫的歌是啥13F 02/05 03:11
推 :貝多分命運交響曲14F 02/05 03:11
推 :Billie Jean16F 02/05 03:12
推 :一年多前我因為MC Hot Dog的離開,認識了PTT17F 02/05 03:12
推 :閃電霹靂車啊18F 02/05 03:14
推 :sod片頭曲19F 02/05 03:14
推 :大學指考考試前五分鐘預備鈴聲23F 02/05 03:18
→ ://youtu.be/wt0RKW3aC8424F 02/05 03:19
Brokeback Mountain- The Wings (Soundtrack) - YouTube
I love this movie and this song.. I love Jack & Ennis *-* Text: You give me the wings to fly You are the clear blue sky I'm floating so free, so high Falling...
I love this movie and this song.. I love Jack & Ennis *-* Text: You give me the wings to fly You are the clear blue sky I'm floating so free, so high Falling...

推 :樓上放連結好方便26F 02/05 03:20
推 :Europe的the final countdown還有KO大推的,雞皮疙瘩掉滿地27F 02/05 03:20
推 :起床歌 歐伊呀喔嗨壓28F 02/05 03:25
推 :小刀會組曲 超有氣勢30F 02/05 03:26
[MV] 미쓰 에이 Miss A | Bad Girl Good Girl (中文版) 繁中字幕 - YouTube fr:《A Class》亞洲豪華獨佔精選盤 字幕後製為原創作品 歡迎轉載 Please take out with credits, do NOT re-upload to other account. Thanks!

Chinese Music - Dagger Group Suite 小刀会组曲 - Prelude 序曲 - YouTube Performed by : Members from Shanghai Philharmonic 上海乐团 Shanghai Symphony Orchestra 上海交响乐团 Shanghai Ballet 上海芭蕾舞团 Shanghai Conservatory of Music 上海音乐学院 Shangh...

Air Original Motion Picture Score for The virgin Suicides [ FULL ALBUM ] - YouTube The Virgin Suicides is a score by French electronic music duo Air for the film of the same name by Sofia Coppola. The album was released in February 2000. Th...

→ :每天多愛你一點34F 02/05 03:27
→ :紅的明顯35F 02/05 03:27
推 :GNR的Sweet child o my36F 02/05 03:27
推 :宇多田ヒカル - Stay Gold37F 02/05 03:29
Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) - YouTube
Music video by Journey performing Separate Ways (Worlds Apart). YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,169,357 (C) 1983 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT
Music video by Journey performing Separate Ways (Worlds Apart). YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,169,357 (C) 1983 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT

Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky - YouTube
Occhio Nel Cielo - Non pensare che scusa sia detto facilmente non provare a cambiare le carte hai avuto numerose possibilità prima ma non ne avrai altre non ...
Occhio Nel Cielo - Non pensare che scusa sia detto facilmente non provare a cambiare le carte hai avuto numerose possibilità prima ma non ne avrai altre non ...

Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing You Give Love A Bad Name. (C) 1986 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing You Give Love A Bad Name. (C) 1986 The Island Def Jam Music Group

→ :K哥之王43F 02/05 03:32
推 :太七的片翼天使45F 02/05 03:33
In the Air tonight LIVE- phil collins - YouTube
this is a video of phil collins in his farewell tour. song- In the Air Tonight
this is a video of phil collins in his farewell tour. song- In the Air Tonight

All Good Things (Come To An End) (US Version) - YouTube
Music video by Nelly Furtado performing All Good Things (Come To An End). (C) 2007 Geffen Records
Music video by Nelly Furtado performing All Good Things (Come To An End). (C) 2007 Geffen Records

推 :灌籃高手啊48F 02/05 03:36
Scorpions-Rock You Like A Hurricane - YouTube
'Lewis Tocker 2008' classic scorpions song from 1984- lyrics- It's early morning The sun comes out Last night was shaking And pretty loud My cat is purring A...
'Lewis Tocker 2008' classic scorpions song from 1984- lyrics- It's early morning The sun comes out Last night was shaking And pretty loud My cat is purring A...

Secret Garden- Song from a Secret Garden - YouTube
This is the third song from Secret Gardens album Songs From a Secret Garden, from 1995. "The idea of Secret Garden is one that everyone can relate to. We all...
This is the third song from Secret Gardens album Songs From a Secret Garden, from 1995. "The idea of Secret Garden is one that everyone can relate to. We all...

金曲之聲--010 Emotion 情 感 Samantha Sang...中英文字幕 - YouTube Emotion由澳洲歌手Samantha Sang(莎曼莎姍)所演唱 曾獲得1978年全美排行的亞軍 個人覺得bee gees的誇刀合音相襯,副歌是這首歌曲最好聽的部分 。 bee gees (比吉斯合唱團)除了作詞 作曲的才華令人激賞外 製作專輯的功力也不凡 可惜的是Samantha Sang 也只是一片歌手 ...

Abba - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) - YouTube
Music video by Abba performing Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight). (C) 1979 Polar Music International AB
Music video by Abba performing Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight). (C) 1979 Polar Music International AB

推 :英文老歌一堆啊54F 02/05 03:43
Bon Jovi - All About Lovin' You - YouTube
Music video by Bon Jovi performing All About Lovin' You. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by Bon Jovi performing All About Lovin' You. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group

Taio Cruz - Higher ft. Kylie Minogue - YouTube
UK Taio Fans -- Vote for 'Dynamite' for Best Single at the BRITS 2011 here: Music video by Taio Cruz performing Higher. (C) 201...
UK Taio Fans -- Vote for 'Dynamite' for Best Single at the BRITS 2011 here: Music video by Taio Cruz performing Higher. (C) 201...

Taio Cruz - Higher - YouTube
Now I know how to get down on the floor Experienced in moves you can't ignore There's something bout this beat that's got me hooked Come over here and take a...
Now I know how to get down on the floor Experienced in moves you can't ignore There's something bout this beat that's got me hooked Come over here and take a...

Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull - YouTube
Music video by Jennifer Lopez performing On The Floor feat. Pitbull. © 2011 Island Records #VEVOCertified on April 15, 2012. ht...
Music video by Jennifer Lopez performing On The Floor feat. Pitbull. © 2011 Island Records #VEVOCertified on April 15, 2012. ht...

推 :Dan Dan60F 02/05 03:51
推 :以父之名 編的超好61F 02/05 03:54
Wham! - Last Christmas - YouTube
Music video by Wham! performing Last Christmas. (c) 1984 Sony BMG Music Entertainment (UK) Limited
Music video by Wham! performing Last Christmas. (c) 1984 Sony BMG Music Entertainment (UK) Limited

George Michael - Careless Whisper - YouTube
Music video by George Michael performing Careless Whisper. (c) 1984 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
Music video by George Michael performing Careless Whisper. (c) 1984 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

The Cranberries - Linger - YouTube
Music video by The Cranberries performing Linger. (C) 1993 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by The Cranberries performing Linger. (C) 1993 The Island Def Jam Music Group

推 :Bon Jovi-Social Disease66F 02/05 04:00
→ :媽的 小紅莓的神曲一拿出來 我就不想繼續反串我難過惹67F 02/05 04:01
→ :我難過超難聽 呵呵
→ :我難過超難聽 呵呵
推 :Don't look back in anger69F 02/05 04:04
推 :自已在那邊推自己在那邊爽 頗呵70F 02/05 04:07
推 :唉唷 前幾天被我電到沒話說就氣到現在唷71F 02/05 04:07
推 :蛤有這回事 什麼東西可以指點一下嗎72F 02/05 04:10
→ :喔喔喔原來是你喔 你整個輸阿還電勒 哈哈75F 02/05 04:12
→ :哈哈 對於說女生只要露兩點 男人習慣了就不會有興趣的76F 02/05 04:12
→ :不過我跟你說 我推這篇根本不記得你是那篇的什麼東西77F 02/05 04:13
→ :我拿腿出來講就贏了 台灣夏天露腿一堆 男人還是愛看78F 02/05 04:13
→ :不要誤會惹 蟹蟹79F 02/05 04:13
Will And Elizabeth - POTC Theme (Klaus Badelt) - YouTube
The theme "Will And Elizabeth" for Gore Verbinski's "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (2003). The song is composed by Klaus Badelt.
The theme "Will And Elizabeth" for Gore Verbinski's "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (2003). The song is composed by Klaus Badelt.

→ :這種等級也敢出來說自己贏了 真是可悲81F 02/05 04:14
→ :不要再不甘心的歪別人樓了啦 乖喔82F 02/05 04:14
推 :是阿 沒論點就乖乖縮回去吧 血比較厚的那個都被腿打敗了83F 02/05 04:16
→ :弱的就更別講了 小菜一碟
→ :弱的就更別講了 小菜一碟
→ :不要再拿腿歪人家樓還自婊了啦 同情Q.Q 回去推前奏文好嗎85F 02/05 04:18
→ :我推10多首就夠啦 不然總共4百多首要推到幾時阿86F 02/05 04:19
→ :哪有人推一堆連結不附歌名的啦87F 02/05 04:21
→ :講到同情 我是蠻同情那個主攻的 副手根本一點忙都幫不上88F 02/05 04:22
→ :唉 這人就是不甘心到堅持要歪樓 原PO我救不了你惹89F 02/05 04:23
→ :原PO你就慢慢一個一個點那些沒歌名的連結拔
→ :原PO你就慢慢一個一個點那些沒歌名的連結拔
→ :點了就知道歌名啦 不爽別點阿 上面好幾個沒附歌名 就我中槍91F 02/05 04:23
→ :挖操 嘴砲也不是這樣的吧
→ :挖操 嘴砲也不是這樣的吧
→ :你整片的占大多數怪我囉 再說我上面那句也沒專指你辣93F 02/05 04:24
→ :不要那麼敏感 累了嗎 聽首歌好嗎
→ :不要那麼敏感 累了嗎 聽首歌好嗎
→ :我占整遍又如何 有人規定不能貼10多首喔 更別說大家大多95F 02/05 04:25
→ :發現中間有插個homerunball清流 謝謝尼homerunball96F 02/05 04:26
→ :都沒附歌名 原PO也沒嫌 就你在那邊挑骨頭97F 02/05 04:26
→ :尼慢慢悲憤 我閃惹 8898F 02/05 04:26
→ :沒事找碴 真是無聊99F 02/05 04:26
→ :悲憤的是看不到歌名就崩潰的那個吧
→ :悲憤的是看不到歌名就崩潰的那個吧
→ :對惹 這樣你可以再做一次勝利宣告如果你想的話 哈哈101F 02/05 04:27
推 :歷蘇表示:102F 02/05 04:27
→ :全部人都沒在計較歌名 就一個拿著歌名哭哭 真是趣味103F 02/05 04:27
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine - YouTube
Music video by Guns N' Roses performing Sweet Child O' Mine. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 2,418,311. (C) 1987 Guns N' Roses under exclusive license to Geffe...
Music video by Guns N' Roses performing Sweet Child O' Mine. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 2,418,311. (C) 1987 Guns N' Roses under exclusive license to Geffe...

→ :槍花 我的甜小孩105F 02/05 04:41
推 :Tokio Hotel-dogs unleashed106F 02/05 04:43
推 :Eric Clapton107F 02/05 04:54
推 :七里香108F 02/05 04:59
推 :The final countdown. 也算是神曲了吧.109F 02/05 05:02
推 :數碼寶貝的進化歌啊 還有爆走兄弟的110F 02/05 05:12
Initial D - Mega Mix (HD) - YouTube
Use the link below to get download software because someone reported my other download link:
Use the link below to get download software because someone reported my other download link:

→ :Live Forever114F 02/05 05:48
推 :那個el4推一堆歌又自爽 點開來也沒幾首好聽 根本自嗨115F 02/05 06:22
推 :放年假就總是有人會跑出來討戰討噓加自HIGH116F 02/05 06:39
推 :一絲不掛117F 02/05 06:54
推 :Welcome to the Jungle118F 02/05 07:01
推 :Song 2-Blur119F 02/05 07:22
噓 :el洗版面啊120F 02/05 07:29
3秒聽出這個旋律的男人一定邪惡了! - YouTube
我FB的粉絲以及YOUTUBE上的觀眾客群 女生佔了六成 男生只有四成(圖在我FB牆上: ) 很顯然的我的曲目並不符合男性同胞的胃口... 我深深地檢討自己 並接受我朋友的提議 錄這首專門討好男生的曲子: 他說這首女生聽過會很奇怪 但男性朋...
我FB的粉絲以及YOUTUBE上的觀眾客群 女生佔了六成 男生只有四成(圖在我FB牆上: ) 很顯然的我的曲目並不符合男性同胞的胃口... 我深深地檢討自己 並接受我朋友的提議 錄這首專門討好男生的曲子: 他說這首女生聽過會很奇怪 但男性朋...

推 :Pacific Rim theme song122F 02/05 07:43
→ :我確定The pacific的Theme會立刻讓人低潮123F 02/05 07:49
推 :e大的歌還不錯聽阿XD124F 02/05 08:07
→ :看成前妻…125F 02/05 08:13
推 :Linkin Park - new divide126F 02/05 08:22
推 :也看成前妻127F 02/05 08:41
推 :我難過128F 02/05 09:06
推 :我難過129F 02/05 09:11
推 :跟動畫OP一樣副歌擺最前面就會熱血了130F 02/05 09:31
推 :東京熱131F 02/05 09:35
推 :sweet child o mine的前奏也很好聽132F 02/05 09:53
→ :…133F 02/05 10:03
推 :歌劇魅影134F 02/05 10:13
推 :少年仔的氣味阿135F 02/05 10:26
→ :看成前妻136F 02/05 10:58
→ :認真回 you give love a bad name
→ :認真回 you give love a bad name
推 :我艱過138F 02/05 11:00
推 :原po專業 愛情的盡頭和挪威的森林前奏都很經典139F 02/05 11:00
推 :開不了口、退後、園遊會、暗號140F 02/05 11:03
推 :直到世界的盡頭141F 02/05 11:13
推 :靠夭 看成前妻一下就讓人高潮 ...142F 02/05 11:18
→ :Aerosmith - pink143F 02/05 11:21
推 :knocking on heaven door144F 02/05 11:24
推 :當然必推GReeeeN的Kiseki,每次開頭音樂一下來,渾身發抖!145F 02/05 11:32
→ :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF4APWXM8Mw
→ :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF4APWXM8Mw
Guitar Center Sessions: Dick Dale - Miserlou - YouTube
The King of Surf Guitar himself joins us for an evening of insight, dialogue and music. Be sure to check out all of our Guitar Center Sessions videos!
The King of Surf Guitar himself joins us for an evening of insight, dialogue and music. Be sure to check out all of our Guitar Center Sessions videos!

→ :都有用它做插曲148F 02/05 11:33
→ :sweet child o'mine149F 02/05 11:52
推 :挪威的森林150F 02/05 11:54
周杰倫【反方向的鐘 官方完整MV】Jay Chou "Counter-clockwise Clock" MV - YouTube 周杰倫官方版MV_ JAY CHOU OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO 周杰倫 反方向的鐘 曲: 周杰倫 / 詞: 方文山 收錄於2000年11月發行的『周杰倫同名專輯』 Jay Chou "Counter-clockwise Clock" (Fan Fong Xiang De Chong) Song: ...

推 :半獸人152F 02/05 12:16