※ 本文為 ott 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-21 07:59:07
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] INFOGRAPHIC圖解反黑箱FB橫幅
時間 Fri Mar 21 05:10:36 2014
收到很多英文的修正建議 真是太糗ler 回家做了更正版 配合太陽花色
我好多同學都還在立法院 好想去好想去好想去啊啊
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :推1F 03/21 05:11
推 :精美用心推!!!2F 03/21 05:12
推 :推!!3F 03/21 05:12
推 :設計感推!!4F 03/21 05:13
推 :雖然少了一堆學校的校徽 還是給推好了5F 03/21 05:13
推 :設計的超漂亮,會很吸引目光!!6F 03/21 05:15
推 :謝謝分享!7F 03/21 05:16
推 :推8F 03/21 05:17
推 :GJ!!!!!!!9F 03/21 05:18
推 :讚啦!!!!10F 03/21 05:18
推 :不錯欸 有底子11F 03/21 05:19
推 :12F 03/21 05:20
推 :好看!!但是banner頭骨跟天平下面的字會被大頭貼蓋住13F 03/21 05:21
推 :好看有質感14F 03/21 05:22
Facebook Cover Maker | Custom & Unique! Facebook Cover photo - timelinecoverbanner.com
Using this online cover editor, you can create a beautiful and unique facebook timeline cover with ease. the final image will not added any watermark! because we understand that your profile page is not our advertisement banner. To begin you can add background by clicking add background button on th ...
推 :推 借放FB!16F 03/21 05:36
推 :好看 請問我可以自己改顏色嗎XDD17F 03/21 05:53
推 :說真的沒有什麼說服力 INFO可以更多 讓不懂的人略懂18F 03/21 05:55
Dropbox - inf0_embed.ai
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...
→ :長的是盡量把我消化的資訊呈現~橫的放不下所以挑局部XDD20F 03/21 05:59
推 :謝謝真的很有SENSE喔 我也是設計相關課系的 你實在太21F 03/21 06:00
→ :有心了
→ :有心了
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1樓 時間: 2014-03-21 08:50:25 (德國)
(編輯過) DE
程序正義英文是due Process喔正當法律程序是due Process of law ...我在歐洲喊(DispBBS)台北(PTT)大概聽不到