※ 本文為 ott 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-04-01 04:08:50
看板 Gossiping
作者 Pony5566 (Luna Akbar)
標題 [新聞] 中國表示不歡迎台灣加入亞投行
時間 Wed Apr  1 01:30:39 2015

※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞

※ 標題沒有寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章
China says Taiwan not welcome in new infrastructure bank

※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者劣退,貼廣告會被劣喔!
BEIJING — China today (March 31) said that it is not interested in having
Taiwan as a founding member of its new Asia-oriented infrastructure bank.

“We want to avoid (creating the perception) of two Chinas, or one China, one
Taiwan,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said during a regular
press briefing.

With the deadline to join looming, Taipei announced earlier today that it
would apply for membership in the bank’s founding class.

The decision comes on the heels of a rush of last-minute applications by
several European countries, as well as Australia, to join the organisation,
conceived by China as a vehicle for increasing investment in the region.

The United States has strongly discouraged participation in the bank, citing
concerns about transparency in lending.

China regards Taiwan as a renegade province awaiting reunification, by force
if necessary, and has consistently discouraged international organisations
from accepting the neighbouring democracy as a member.

Taiwan and China have been governed separately since they split amid a civil
war in 1949, and the two countries have no formal diplomatic relations.

Currently, Taiwan is only recognised by a handful of countries around the
world, mostly small nations in Central America and the South Pacific. KYODO

簡單來講 台灣在本日(31號)稍早提出申請加入亞投行 不過中國認為亞投行是國際組織

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China says Taiwan not welcome in new infrastructure bank | TODAYonline
BEIJING — China today (March 31) said that it is not interested in having Taiwan as a founding member of its new Asia-oriented infrastructure bank.
“We want to avoid (creating the perception) of two Chinas, or one China, one Taiwan,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said during a regular pr ...

※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者劣文,請注意
這篇文章最早的出處是日本的共同通訊社 不過那邊的文章要有訂閱他們才能看


warlordean:白樂崎的言論當笑話看看就好,白任職AIT時就是近乎04/10 23:06
 時間  Sun Apr 10 23:13:43 2011  文章代碼(AID): #1DeSafFp (Gossiping)
白樂崎 Natale H. Bellocchi  (任期: 1990 - 1995)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1L6jd9f9 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1427823049.A.A49.html
IDaHoo: 党工哭哭1F 04/01 01:31
aynmeow: ヽ( ・∀・)ノ中國越不要我們做什麼我們就偏要做!2F 04/01 01:31
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 04/01/2015 01:33:13
windy619: op3F 04/01 01:31
jay991122: 哈哈哈哈馬囧你看看你4F 04/01 01:31
Lans1002: 面試失敗5F 04/01 01:31
Benbenyale: 爽 馬狗只能走狗門還被趕走6F 04/01 01:31
skyp: 意外嗎wwwww7F 04/01 01:31
Depersonaliz: UCCU8F 04/01 01:31
Formosan: 自動獻身還被退貨9F 04/01 01:31
vlkppa: 好消息....等等今天是愚人節10F 04/01 01:32
minaminojill: 馬就愛舔……11F 04/01 01:32
lmf770410: 滾12F 04/01 01:32
s72005ming: 呵呵13F 04/01 01:32
Lans1002: 喔!不 是寄履歷就被打槍了 科科~14F 04/01 01:32
agwolf11: 一直發英文新聞 怕別人看懂嗎?15F 04/01 01:32
s72005ming: 你想加入……16F 04/01 01:32
lmf770410: 還不確定是真假17F 04/01 01:32
JointBank: 不意外不是?18F 04/01 01:33
qnemail5566: 本來就是啊  一堆小台獨自以為大陸人要跟你們!19F 04/01 01:33
mdffc: 諤諤額20F 04/01 01:33
vn509942: 匪:不符一中原則 不給舔 謝謝指教21F 04/01 01:33
alumeya: 有沒有自己抬屁股還要付錢的八卦...22F 04/01 01:33
kevingold: Page not found23F 04/01 01:34
pp520: 日本本身沒加入,當然希望台灣也不要加入24F 04/01 01:34
yellowones: 所以中國連一中一台都不要是想怎樣~一中給他們啊馬的25F 04/01 01:35
jackhg: 英九為了加入 直接宣布賣台26F 04/01 01:35
ahlolha: 日本屌妳台灣? XD27F 04/01 01:35
pp520: 這種事要看中國訊息才準28F 04/01 01:35
uujidggl: 如果真的不給家也不錯.不要到時候又是用中國ㄧ區..29F 04/01 01:35
flyindeepsky: qne 中國不跟就不跟阿,拜託快放手。30F 04/01 01:35
fricca: 這到底是真的還假的?31F 04/01 01:36
uujidggl: 不過也要看官方稿才行32F 04/01 01:36
alttwin: 英文不錯給推,連今天啥日子都不知道的鄉民真好騙33F 04/01 01:36
goddarn: 真新聞假新聞?34F 04/01 01:37
洋新聞 其他洋媒也有類似報導 我正在找哪邊是最原始的出處或官方搞(畢竟洋媒也是常常
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 04/01/2015 01:40:58
Ives20130: 好可憐喔,想舔人家還不理你35F 04/01 01:37
jun1981: 最好會拒絕36F 04/01 01:38
s1135187: 所以說加入就等於中國承認台獨!?37F 04/01 01:38
s1135187: 靠北沒仔細看被耍了QQ
yinaser: 亂翻~明明說不確定39F 04/01 01:39

※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 04/01/2015 01:45:39
funbook: 那3月31日台灣開記者會開到晚上23:30是在開假的呀?40F 04/01 01:45
GSHARP: Page not found41F 04/01 01:47
TwiEnable: 噢小馬56要去總統府么?42F 04/01 01:48
wsx26997785: ====== 讚啦 躲過馬黑箱+馬被打臉+激起台獨 ========43F 04/01 01:49
TwiEnable: 順便騎車來載我44F 04/01 01:49
upbed: 如果是真的我就放心了XD45F 04/01 01:54
zhouyancen:轉錄至看板 Stock                                     04/01 02:07
zhouyancen:轉錄至看板 ForeignEX                                 04/01 02:09
peoplefu5566: 這篇文章應該是洋記者腦補 你去查華春瑩今天講了46F 04/01 02:11
peoplefu5566: 什麼 在去各大媒體看
QK199: 很正常啊,畢竟中國不承認台灣是一個國家48F 04/01 02:12
OLM: #1L6jk4sD (Gossiping)  不會看回文?49F 04/01 02:13
kandylll: 笑你連用中華台北加入都沒資格XD50F 04/01 02:13
OLM: 這篇記者標題亂下 你要不要刪文?51F 04/01 02:13
不要 :^)
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 04/01/2015 02:18:18
liaon98: 香港不是有報名嗎52F 04/01 02:18
OLM: 明明就還沒確定 是記者腦補亂下標題53F 04/01 02:19
誰知道記者是不是有啥神奇的消息來源 畢竟官方正式發言要顧慮的地方很多有些話不能講

※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 04/01/2015 02:21:59
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 04/01/2015 02:22:34
OLM: 好吧 再觀望看看54F 04/01 02:28
whaleegg: 都知道綠營會反了...好康分給台灣幹嘛55F 04/01 02:58
acergame5: UCCU 想舔共人家還不讓你舔呢56F 04/01 03:11
jardon: 要舔屌結果被屌打57F 04/01 03:19

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