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作者 標題 [翻譯] 奧利佛教你如何輕鬆切洋蔥!
時間 Sun Apr 26 23:52:01 2015
[翻譯] 奧利佛教你如何輕鬆切洋蔥!
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推 : XD1F 04/26 23:57
推 : 要切好不難,但是那根香蕉真的好大啊2F 04/27 00:10
推 : 喔~~我會了3F 04/27 00:13
推 : 靠北 害我很認真看... 所以是從哪個影片剪接的?真好奇4F 04/27 00:15
推 :5F 04/27 00:16
How To - chop an onion with Jamie Oliver - YouTube
Chopping an onion. Video taken from Jamie's app www.jamieshomecookingskills.com
Chopping an onion. Video taken from Jamie's app www.jamieshomecookingskills.com

→ : 這是原版影片7F 04/27 00:16
推 : ............8F 04/27 00:24
推 : 原來那不是Oliver的手XD 第一次看真的會被唬到9F 04/27 00:26
推 : 某次看TLC 他切洋蔥邊切邊哭 根本超萌10F 04/27 00:28
推 : !?!?竟然渾然天成到看不出來發生什麼事11F 04/27 00:29
推 : what happened @@?12F 04/27 00:36
推 : 這是剪接的????13F 04/27 00:39
→ : 是的,我推文有附原版。剪得超順暢......14F 04/27 00:43
Indian man cuts onion faster than a blender - YouTube
Indian man cuts onion faster than a blender ....
Indian man cuts onion faster than a blender ....

推 : 剪接的也太剛好 想說他怎麼崩壞了XDDD16F 04/27 00:56
→ : ...17F 04/27 01:08
推 :
推 :
Gordon Ramsay's Crispy Pancake Recipe - YouTube
Celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay, demonstrates his ultimate pancake day recipe. Whilst cooking his pancake batter mix, the Michelin Starred chef can't help but ...
Celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay, demonstrates his ultimate pancake day recipe. Whilst cooking his pancake batter mix, the Michelin Starred chef can't help but ...

→ : 推喔21F 04/27 01:21
推 : 靠北 我前面看的超認真XDDD22F 04/27 01:28
推 : 到底在銃三小XDD23F 04/27 01:30
推 : 水晶你阿罵!24F 04/27 01:38
推 : XDDDDDDDDDD 看原版再看第二遍笑死25F 04/27 01:43
推 : 還我一分半...26F 04/27 01:45
推 : 推文那個更智障XDDDDDDDD27F 04/27 01:49
推 : 我覺得很棒28F 04/27 02:07
推 : 想說這什麼鬼東西30F 04/27 02:10
推 : 先看原版在看真的屌阿31F 04/27 02:14
推 : 我真的想問你平常花多少時間看影片啊?32F 04/27 02:16
Jamie Oliver's Incredible Christmas Turkey Recipe - YouTube
Follow Jamie Oliver's tips on how to cook a perfect Christmas Turkey. Watch Jamie Oliver's ultimate turkey fail in this funny parody. If you liked the video,...
Follow Jamie Oliver's tips on how to cook a perfect Christmas Turkey. Watch Jamie Oliver's ultimate turkey fail in this funny parody. If you liked the video,...

推 : 借文順便問一下龍大 最近有一個非常病態的MV34F 04/27 02:48
→ : 叫“Walls Fall Out” 歌手叫Cheryl Merkowski
推 : (也是虛構人物) 我猜龍大應有看過 那到底是什麼鬼呀?
→ : 叫“Walls Fall Out” 歌手叫Cheryl Merkowski
推 : (也是虛構人物) 我猜龍大應有看過 那到底是什麼鬼呀?
推 : 太好笑了xddd37F 04/27 03:16
推 : 看了兩遍終於看懂了 XDDD38F 04/27 07:49
→ : 第一刀就切錯了 所以馬上知道後面都在唬爛XD39F 04/27 08:46
推 : 看第二遍恍然大悟 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD40F 04/27 09:27
Gordon Ramsay's Crispy Pancake Recipe - YouTube
Celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay, demonstrates his ultimate pancake day recipe. Whilst cooking his pancake batter mix, the Michelin Starred chef can't help but ...
Celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay, demonstrates his ultimate pancake day recipe. Whilst cooking his pancake batter mix, the Michelin Starred chef can't help but ...

推 : 衣服不一樣42F 04/27 09:32
推 :43F 04/27 10:10
推 : 高登那個也有夠靠北的XDDD44F 04/27 11:24
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