※ 本文為 ott 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-12-12 05:12:44
看板 Gossiping
作者 myfore1324 (阿雲)
標題 [問卦] Avirl哪首歌最有共鳴
時間 Thu Dec 11 22:07:14 2014

糟糕 每次小妹聽innocence都會很有感觸



你們呢 是Happy ending?



Sent from my Android

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1418306837.A.F00.html
DASHOCK: I am with you 冬天聽最棒1F 12/11 22:07
Alexqwe: why2F 12/11 22:08
headbreak: Happy ending+13F 12/11 22:08
nuclear: 最爛的一定是boyfriend4F 12/11 22:08
SVpoki: Why5F 12/11 22:09
skill8808: I'm not happy6F 12/11 22:09
DASHOCK:                     你把Hello kitty那首放哪7F 12/11 22:09
hiyuy: 我難過的士8F 12/11 22:12
emptie: 無口貓根本崩壞了我對Avril的認知9F 12/11 22:12
wuyuiwei: 當然是hello kitty10F 12/11 22:13
saidon: metal on metal                     阿不對那是anvil11F 12/11 22:13
alan7142005: why tomorrow12F 12/11 22:14
z123656363: 男朋友超爛13F 12/11 22:15
kee32: 當然是Someone like you14F 12/11 22:15
TheDark: Happy ending15F 12/11 22:16
lolislow: nobody's home16F 12/11 22:18
yhchen2: when you're gone17F 12/11 22:19
sunnypeng: 是girlfriend吧...哪來boyfriend這首歌18F 12/11 22:19
Clinkz: happy ending19F 12/11 22:20
galyuu: 黑批安頂20F 12/11 22:20
TKW5566: When you're gone…21F 12/11 22:20
YodaJedi: i will be22F 12/11 22:21
robotcl: 決對是因能散嘶23F 12/11 22:21
hardway: when you're gone!!24F 12/11 22:22
gene0930: When you're gone +125F 12/11 22:23
SHIU0315: I'm with you. 冬天真的很有感覺!!!!!+126F 12/11 22:23
newacc: nobody's home27F 12/11 22:24
hwaien: 一直結婚又離婚28F 12/11 22:26
Soaz: 小米介面29F 12/11 22:27
bug147123: how you remind me30F 12/11 22:27
a8785007: 聽一下 let me go 跟她老公合唱的~31F 12/11 22:27
aaa123867: 我難過32F 12/11 22:27
hwaien: 無口貓就是她老公寫的 被罵到翻掉33F 12/11 22:28
savge: rolling in the deep34F 12/11 22:28
hwaien: 他的前前任老公寫的還比較好....35F 12/11 22:29
swoh: My happy ending!!前兩張專輯每首都超經典的36F 12/11 22:31
dinex: I'm sad37F 12/11 22:34
z8512230: when you're gone38F 12/11 22:35
JerTsai: tomorrow39F 12/11 22:38
bsbya: anything but ordinary40F 12/11 22:38
hyperbolic: Complicated41F 12/11 22:40
handsomlaugh: 小米欸 另外我選I'm with you42F 12/11 22:42
Jeff0910: when you're gone+143F 12/11 22:43
a11131031: 我看到標題腦裡浮現的第一首歌就是Innocence44F 12/11 22:46
murderess: Naked45F 12/11 22:47
GARRETH: Avirl?46F 12/11 22:50
amy86422000: 可惜flop了47F 12/11 22:52
amy86422000: 不然前兩張專輯真的不錯
e761031: Happy Ending +149F 12/11 22:53
Nokogirigaru: Complicated50F 12/11 22:54
allenjeffery: INNOCENCE51F 12/11 22:57
free4u28: Don't tell me52F 12/11 23:03
kedkai: keep holding on53F 12/11 23:04
jayjan: why54F 12/11 23:06
jeff40108: sk8er boys55F 12/11 23:07
komifree: Hush hush56F 12/11 23:11
curtischang: 拼錯字了 加油57F 12/11 23:40
caeiu: Nobody's home!58F 12/11 23:41
mikeneko: 誰?59F 12/11 23:47
asd2: 4real也不錯60F 12/11 23:53
cate99140: Hello Kitty61F 12/12 00:08
eva00780: nobody's home62F 12/12 00:29
Godmyfriend: Let me go63F 12/12 00:56
ttt010233: Complicated64F 12/12 03:21

※ 看板: ott 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 219 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2014-12-12 11:33:37 (台灣)
  12-12 11:33 TW
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you
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