※ 本文為 zbali.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-02-29 09:42:15
看板 MobileComm
作者 kyle5241 (kyle)
標題 [新聞] iPhone 5s將打5折?
時間 Mon Feb 29 03:07:03 2016


4英寸新iPhone或配1200萬攝像頭 5s將降價

(中間略,在講iPhone SE除了3D touch外,價格與6s同)

郭明池還指出,iPhone SE(暫命名)的價格在400-500美元之間,蘋果將會提供
16GB和64GB兩個版本。而重新推出4英寸iPhone 將會幫助4英寸iPhone的出貨年

iPhone 5s可能降價一半出售,預計此舉會對iPhone SE的銷量造成一定影響,分析師

認為蘋果在2016年將會售出1200萬部iPhone SE。

New 4" iPhone With 12MP Camera Said to Cost $400-$500, iPhone 5s to Receive 50% Price Cut - New Day Post
Apple 4″ iPhone – KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has issued a research note to investors, a copy of which was obtained by MacRumors, in which he claims Apple’s next-generation 4-inch iPhone will feature a 12-megapixel rear-facing camera, as opposed to an 8-megapixel sensor as previously rumored ...

KGI Securities expects total 4-inch iPhone shipments to grow 131%
year-over-year to 37 million units in 2016, on the strength of the new
4-inch iPhone launch and a 50% price cut on the iPhone 5s. Apple currently
sells the iPhone 5s for $450 at full retail price, so the smartphone may
soon be discounted to $225.

The research firm has lowered its new 4-inch iPhone shipments forecast to
12 million units from 18-20 million units because it believes customers
that favor a small-size iPhone may purchase the cheaper iPhone 5s instead.
KGI expects iPhone 5s shipments to “surge” following the half-off discount.

全新iPhone 5s賣不到8000台幣?
蘋果預估降價後的iPhone 5s銷量會是iPhone SE的兩倍

5s是蘋果第一個64bit CPU的手機


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MqqLQHH (MobileComm)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1456686426.A.451.html
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ducamao     : 會降低格調
kamir       : 不錯12F 02/29 07:24
iwinlottery : 至少4s叭13F 02/29 07:58
signsu3184  : 打5折apple信仰就消失了14F 02/29 08:01
Mike9       : apple會自打嘴巴嗎15F 02/29 08:35

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