※ 本文為 zbali.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-05-27 14:35:15
看板 Gossiping
作者 i329 (殺刀豬)
標題 [新聞] ISIS在攻擊以色列後向其道歉
時間 Thu May  4 23:23:40 2017

Isis fighters ‘attacked Israel Defense Forces unit, then apologised' claims
former commander
Moshe Ya’alon reportedly referred to a clash with Isis-linked group last
Moshe Ya’alon(以色列前國防部長)去年11月提到與isis的相關衝突
Chloe Farand Tuesday 25 April 2017 09:35 BST

Isis-affiliated fighters “apologised” after launching an attack on Israeli
soldiers, the country’s former defence minister has claimed.

Moshe Ya’alon was reportedly referring to an incident when a group linked to
Isis in the Syrian Golan Heights exchanged fire with Israeli forces last
Moshe Ya'alon指的是一個去年11月在敘利亞戈蘭高地以色列部隊與Isis有關的團體交火的

The area is a rocky plateau in southwestern Syria, which was partly seized by
Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967 and later annexed in a move never
recognised by the international community.

“There was one case recently where Daesh [Isis] opened fire and apologised,”
 Mr Ya’alon said speaking at an event in the northern city of Alufa, during
which he was was being interviewed about Israel’s policy on Syria.

After a short gun battle, the Israeli military attacked Syrian jihadist group
Khalid ibn al-Walid with airstrikes and tank fire, killing four of them, The
Times of Israel reports.
ibn al-Walid後,以色列軍方擊斃其中四名。

This was the first direct clash between Israeli forces and Isis militants
after the terror group opened fire on a military patrol on the Israeli side,
a military spokesman said at the time.

Khalid ibn al-Walid, which affiliated itself with Isis in May 2016, seized
territory including a large town and several villages on the Syrian border
with Israel in a surprise attack on moderate rebel forces in February this
2016五月開始依附於ISIS的Khalid ibn al-Walid,今年二月,在敘利亞與以色列邊界的一

A spokesperson for Mr Ya’alon refused to elaborate on how Isis expressed its
apology to Israel after the attack and the Israel Defense Forces also refused
to comment.

According to the first Western journalists, who have entered Isis'
territories and survived, Israel is the only country in the world the Islamic
group fears because it believes its army is too strong to face.

Under Israeli law, communication with the group is illegal because it
constitutes contact with an enemy agent.

Mr Ya’alon is the former chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces and
served as Defence Minister from 2013 until his resignation in May 2016.

During the interview, he said Israel carried out strikes against Syrian

President Bashar al-Assad’s forces in retaliation when the Golan Heights was
他在接受采訪時表示,當戈蘭高地遭到襲擊時,以色列對敘利亞總統Bashar al-Assad的部

Israel has adopted a largely non-interventionist position regarding the
complicated conflict on its doorstep, although it has retaliated on occasions
when conflict has spilled over into territory it controls.

Isis fighters ‘attacked Israel Defense Forces unit, then apologised' claims former commander | The Independent
Isis-affiliated fighters “apologised” after launching an attack on Israeli soldiers, the country’s former defence minister has claimed.  Moshe Ya’alon ...


Khalid ibn al-Walid就是個屁孩吧

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1493911423.A.B13.html
abram:  怕被全滅1F 05/04 23:24
kutkin: ISIS只是聯合次要敵人2F 05/04 23:24
DASHOCK: 果然都是一掛的3F 05/04 23:24
buke: 以色列看他們在中東亂咬很爽吧4F 05/04 23:24
a56r3203: 怕猶太人齁5F 05/04 23:24
qsgjnmvb: 怕中東戰神以色列全滅IS6F 05/04 23:24
Newtype: 小孬孬7F 05/04 23:24
bonfferoni: 道歉只是道歉,人還是照殺8F 05/04 23:24
crazysinger: 不敢惹猶太人9F 05/04 23:25
bill0205: 打到大魔王當然要道歉 不然死的更慘10F 05/04 23:25
watashiD: WTF...11F 05/04 23:25
GonVolcano: 鼠辣,遇到正牌流氓了齁12F 05/04 23:26
zzro: 怕被丟燒夷彈是吧13F 05/04 23:26
willy61615: 向以色列道歉 這不清真14F 05/04 23:27
bill6613: 打到魔王嚇死了齁15F 05/04 23:27
birdy590: 對付這種俗辣就是要比他更凶 就會縮了16F 05/04 23:29
birdy590: 以色列從來沒在怕的 偷打完躲回鄰國邊境裡照打不誤
Bastain: 這種新聞的目的  多半是要把伊斯蘭國打成美國及以色列支18F 05/04 23:30
ev331: 以色列超大牌的19F 05/04 23:30
Wilkie: 以色列硬插進來  而ISIS為此道歉20F 05/04 23:30
Bastain: 持的恐怖組織  從而強化敘利亞阿薩德政府的正當性21F 05/04 23:30
darkbrigher: 笑死 道歉你就孬了啊22F 05/04 23:30
xian: 會怕就好23F 05/04 23:31
edward13: 以色列:誰想打我 我就打誰24F 05/04 23:32
seabox: 以色列應該丟核武反擊25F 05/04 23:33
lili300: 超俗辣XDDDDDD26F 05/04 23:33
pinhanpaul: 連美國人都不怕的IS  居然會怕以色列  0.027F 05/04 23:33
ksxo: 不小心跳關了 就像在十里坡打到拜月教主一樣28F 05/04 23:34
windalso: 打到美國的爸爸了QQ29F 05/04 23:34
lulocke: ........... 會怕 ?30F 05/04 23:35
※ 編輯: i329 (, 05/04/2017 23:35:44
birdy590: 以色列的一貫政策沒變過啊 抹不了它吧?31F 05/04 23:36
birdy590: 要在我家門口打來打去也隨便, 但是打到我就保證被修理
Tchachavsky: 怕.jpg33F 05/04 23:39
l5161216: 2016 五月離34F 05/04 23:40
rainbow321: 以色列果然猛35F 05/04 23:42
K951753: 美國那麼遠 IS當然不怕 但是以色列就在隔壁哪敢36F 05/04 23:42
ABJones: 以色列真的邱37F 05/04 23:44
shonbig: ISIS跟以色列某方面來說算是同陣線38F 05/04 23:46
mayuyuki: XDDDDDDDDD39F 05/04 23:47
birdy590: 誰跟它同陣線 只是狗咬狗沒必要出來管40F 05/04 23:48
meimei2016: 廢物真的很沒用欸,這樣就縮了。41F 05/04 23:50
r30385: 怕?42F 05/04 23:52
sevenny: 不是異教徒去死嗎?43F 05/04 23:54
WeGoYuSheng: DON'T FUCK WITH ISRAEL44F 05/04 23:55
shrines: 會怕就好45F 05/04 23:56
homerunball: 以色列94狂46F 05/04 23:58
panda816: 遇到真的恐怖分子了47F 05/05 00:04
DaDamaster: 為什麼不乾脆點,給IS給朵香菇算了48F 05/05 00:12
leoloveivy: 幹以色列國防科技大概比中東其他強10幾倍吧49F 05/05 00:14
DKUnick: 怕.jpg50F 05/05 00:16
Moratti: 會怕就好51F 05/05 00:36
shiyo729: ...知道怕就好52F 05/05 00:39
getfull: 就要這樣滅殺十億支那共匪賤畜舔共賣台廢物勢在必行53F 05/05 00:43
inspire0201: 真的是欺善怕惡耶54F 05/05 00:44
MasCat: 打到8+9 怕55F 05/05 00:47
opfish: 四項就好56F 05/05 00:52
t81511270: 惹到 隔壁會發瘋的8+9  而且全民都是軍人57F 05/05 00:56
kmtlikeslave: 臭乳俗辣58F 05/05 01:06
ggttoo: 好廢...還會道歉XDD59F 05/05 01:17
funk0420: 說不定寫這文章的是以色列人勒60F 05/05 01:46
gotohikaru: 真正的恐怖組織建國始祖61F 05/05 01:52
fransice7: 會怕就好62F 05/05 04:28
eterbless: 惹到中東地區最大尾的恐怖分子當然要道歉63F 05/05 11:29
cwuwang: 怕。64F 05/05 15:25
cwuwang: [url]http://i.imgur.com/U9ogL2b.jpg[/url]
farnorth: ISIS不是聽說就是以色列削弱對手有私下支持的嗎66F 05/10 00:18

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