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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 捕蠅草和眼鏡蛇瓶子草 誰演化地比較徹底
時間 Thu Nov 30 22:24:55 2017
捕蠅草像髮夾般的葉子 血盆大口內側的觸毛被觸動 就會把小蟲夾住 因為這樣的動作 被
VENUS FLYTRAP JAWS OF DOOM!! 2016 compilation - YouTube
MUSIC: Inner Flow By LittleLight ( feat. Martin Siuda ) is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Release: Licen...
MUSIC: Inner Flow By LittleLight ( feat. Martin Siuda ) is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Release: Licen...

眼鏡蛇瓶子草的頂部有許多沒有色素的窗口 瓶口還有宛如蛇吐信的舌頭 小蟲一旦被吸引
到瓶口被驚擾飛起 就會將透光但過不去的窗口當成逃生出口 最後力竭墮入瓶底 最後被
消化吸收 從走莖蔓延 往往長成九頭蛇 十分獵奇
到瓶口被驚擾飛起 就會將透光但過不去的窗口當成逃生出口 最後力竭墮入瓶底 最後被
消化吸收 從走莖蔓延 往往長成九頭蛇 十分獵奇
Predatory Plants: Lure of the Cobra Lily - YouTube
Discover one of the most unique hunters of the plant kingdom, and witness how the cobra lily (Darlingtonia californica) uses deception and patience to trick ...
Discover one of the most unique hunters of the plant kingdom, and witness how the cobra lily (Darlingtonia californica) uses deception and patience to trick ...

究竟 美東的捕蠅草和美西的眼鏡蛇瓶子草 何者演化地比較徹底呢?
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