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看板 rikaka
作者 rikaka (rikaka)
標題 google quiz(?)
時間 2012年03月23日 Fri. PM 06:28:14


1. Write an algorithm for integer multiplication
2. Merge two sorted linked lists
3. Given a set of intervals (time in seconds) find the set of intervals that overlap

4. If we had a list of n nodes, what are the maximum number of edges there can be for a directed acyclic graph?

5. What's the difference between finally, final and finalize in Java?

6. Remove duplicate lines from a large text

7. Given a string, find the minimum window containing a given set of characters

8. Write a program to compute if one string is a rotation of another

9. How many balloons fit inside of San Francisco?

10. What is the sticky bit and why is it used?

11. Given a list of integers that fall within a known short but unknown range of values, how to find the median value?

12. Given a set of intervals, find the interval which has the maximum number of intersections.

13. Array of 100 integers from 1 to 100, shuffled. One integer is taken out, find that integer.

14. Judge if a Sudoku solution is right

15. Given the daily values of a stock, find how you can lose the most with one buy-sell trading.

※ 作者: rikaka 時間: 2012-03-23 18:28:14
※ 看板: rikaka 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 121 
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