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※ 本文為 ryanlei 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-09-11 10:30:39
看板 iPhone
作者 siderealunar (siderealunar)
標題 [情報] ios板Google Drive支援文件編輯!
時間 Tue Sep 11 09:56:32 2012

今天早上看到google drive更新檔
App Store - Google Drive
在 App Store 閱讀評論、取得客戶評分、查看螢幕快照,和瞭解更多關於 Google Drive 的資訊。 下載 Google Drive 並在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上享受其功能。
1.1.0 版本的新內容
- Edit Google documents with formatting and collaboration
- Edits to your Google documents appear to collaborators in seconds
- Richer Google presentations with animations and speaker notes
- Create a new folder or Google document
- Upload photos and videos from your device or a photo directly from your camera
- Move an item to a folder in your Drive
- Delete and remove files from your Drive
- Drive is now available in over 30 languages

不過現在只能編輯文件檔,而且功能很陽春 囧

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◆ From:
SicInfit:應該會慢慢加吧,Google終於開始用心了嗎...XD1F 09/11 09:57
diabloevagto:在手機編輯,眼睛都拖窗了2F 09/11 10:08

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