※ 本文為 ryanlei 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-09-17 21:27:06
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [越獄] 5/5c之前的裝置可能可以降級
時間 Wed Sep 17 08:31:18 2014
早上看到 iH8sn0w 的消息
反正先把 7.1.2 blob & ticket 存好就對了
@iH8sn0woh btw. Got another (pre-64bit iDevices) downgrade hack. Really complex. Hope to talk about it at the next @Jailbreakcon :)
oh btw. Got another (pre-64bit iDevices) downgrade hack. Really complex. Hope
to talk about it at the next @Jailbreakcon :)
@iH8sn0wThis is why you should always save your blobs+tickets. For unexpected future windows =)
This is why you should always save your blobs+tickets. For unexpected future
windows =)
@iH8sn0w64-bit iDevice downgrading might never be a thing without first pwning SEP or satisfying the SEP nonce on restore.
64-bit iDevice downgrading might never be a thing without first pwning SEP or
satisfying the SEP nonce on restore.
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推 : 已小雨傘1F 09/17 08:46
推 : 反正也不會降ios8那麼好用(?2F 09/17 08:52
推 : 有可能降到ios 6嗎XDD3F 09/17 09:53
※ 編輯: ccpz (, 09/17/2014 10:15:04推 : 爽拉!!!4F 09/17 12:44
※ 看板: ryanlei 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 50
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