※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-02 21:11:05
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] Intel傳聞要買AMD AMD股價大漲14%
時間 Thu May 2 19:49:38 2013
AMD Spikes 14%: Rumors of Intel Buy, Acer Laptops, Xbox - Tech Trader Daily - Barrons.com Shares of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) just had a big pop in heavy volume, lifting off of earlier gains and rising 40 cents, or over 14%, to $3.22, and as high as $3.28 just before that. Shares are experiencing cumulative volume today of 73.7 million shares, versus a 30-day average of 16.74 million. ...
AMD Spikes 14%: Rumors of Intel Buy, Acer Laptops, Xbox
Shares of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) just had a big pop in heavy volume,
lifting off of earlier gains and rising 40 cents, or over 14%, to $3.22, and
as high as $3.28 just before that.
Shares are experiencing cumulative volume today of 73.7 million shares,
versus a 30-day average of 16.74 million.
There’s not a lot of news flow today to which to peg the sudden rise.
Wells Fargo’s David Wong, who has an Outperform rating on the shares, and a
$5 to $7 “valuation range,” wrote this morning that the company today
debuted two new microprocessors in its “FX” series, the “FX-6350〃 and the
“FX-4350,” two 4.2-gigahertz processors selling for $132 and $122,
Update: Calls in to sell-side folks have at this point turned up a couple of
rumors. One is a persistent rumor that Intel (INTC) will buy AMD, which,
according to one source who could not be quoted by name, might suddenly bepossible because the field of computing is now being defined more broadly
than just the PC, which means “there aren’t as many anti-trust isues,”
perhaps. Although the rumor is not a new one, “It’s in circulation again
Another item is leaked word this morning, before market open, that Taiwan’s
Acer (2353TW) is going to use AMD’s ”Temash” chip in forthcoming laptops.
However, a source said that given Acer is already a customer, it would seem
hard to imagine that bit could contribute such a jump in the shares.
Then, of course, there is the impending arrival of Sony‘s (SNE) PlayStation
4, which has been confirmed to use AMD’s part. Microsoft‘s (MSFT) next Xbox
game console, which will be unveiled on May 21st, is also expected to use AMD
’s chip, although that has not been confirmed formally at this time.
The fact that short interest is about 20% of AMD’s common is certainly a
factor that could affect today’s move.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ AboveTheRim:轉錄至看板 Stock 05/02 19:50
→ :反壟斷1F 05/02 19:50
推 :喔喔 瓜瓜 才不會買2F 05/02 19:50
→ :漲完又說不買了 投資人哭哭3F 05/02 19:50
推 :威腎很便宜,快來買4F 05/02 19:50
推 :這樣不就壟斷?可以嗎?5F 05/02 19:50
推 :托拉斯法6F 05/02 19:50
推 :不可能麥拉7F 05/02 19:50
推 :所以現在是intel跟nv對決的時代了嗎?8F 05/02 19:50
→ :不太可能吧 英特爾這麼想被拆部門嗎9F 05/02 19:50
→ :美國會罰到他們脫庫10F 05/02 19:50
推 :想太多= =11F 05/02 19:50
推 :obov: 我又要__拉12F 05/02 19:51
→ :intel為什麼想買AMD?13F 05/02 19:51
推 :樓下身寸惹☆哥14F 05/02 19:51
→ :台灣一堆快倒快倒的 來買一買啦 保證好用15F 05/02 19:51
→ : 準備回台灣領22K吧 吞併後一定資遣一堆人16F 05/02 19:51
→ :不可能17F 05/02 19:51
推 :ATI要飛天啦18F 05/02 19:52
推 :威盛表示:19F 05/02 19:52
→ :買了不就違反反托辣斯法20F 05/02 19:53
→ :比較可能的是有人要故意做高股價 之後再猛然放空 大撈一筆21F 05/02 19:53
推 :絕對是拔剌消息啦=_=22F 05/02 19:53
推 :買來研究失敗的設計嗎XD23F 05/02 19:53
推 :不可能買啦 洗洗睡了啦24F 05/02 19:53
→ :可怕25F 05/02 19:54
推 :不會有壟斷問題嘛?26F 05/02 19:55
推 :就算某平行世界真的發生,obov應該也不用擔心 XD27F 05/02 19:55
推 :不可能 買了幾乎絕對壟斷 這鐵定違法28F 05/02 19:57
→ :obov大大要升級了嗎??29F 05/02 19:57
推 :他要是敢放這種消息 就表示絕對不可能被罰的拉30F 05/02 19:59
→ :不可能的啦 當反托拉斯是假的喔31F 05/02 19:59
推 :不對吧,ob是要擔心被裁員吧32F 05/02 20:00
推 :不可能~33F 05/02 20:01
→ :XD 這是壟斷市場阿34F 05/02 20:01
→ :不可能,反托拉斯35F 05/02 20:03
→ :不是早就有股權了嗎~ 重點就是不能讓AMD倒 不然INTEL36F 05/02 20:04
推 :不可能啦 白癡 歐盟就不會過37F 05/02 20:06
→ :不就早就已經是... 買了不會被反壟斷嗎?38F 05/02 20:07
推 :給AMD錢 不讓你倒 超爽賺39F 05/02 20:08
推 :對阿 記得AMD就是INTEL刻意放任甚至扶植的40F 05/02 20:08
→ :如果INTEL想要稱霸 AMD應該早就被玩死了吧
→ :如果INTEL想要稱霸 AMD應該早就被玩死了吧
推 :haha42F 05/02 20:11
推 :不可能賣啦,INTEL還要金援AMD 不能讓他倒咧43F 05/02 20:12
推 :不可能買啦,AMD倒了Intel反托拉斯會罰到脫褲,為此還金援44F 05/02 20:18
→ :AMD拜託他別倒,nv有在做電腦cpu嗎?
→ :AMD拜託他別倒,nv有在做電腦cpu嗎?
→ :科科 哪天蘋果買了三爽46F 05/02 20:22
推 :這種傳聞不是第一次了吧47F 05/02 20:22
推 :x86專利到2017年到期 nv有在準備48F 05/02 20:24
推 :炒股手法吧49F 05/02 20:24
→ :不管怎樣 拜託AMD強一點50F 05/02 20:26
推 :買了還要付反托拉斯罰款~ 哪裡有賺阿!!!51F 05/02 20:36
推 :身寸惹ㄦ大大呢52F 05/02 20:45
推 :沒有便宜的CPU可以用了, 哭哭。53F 05/02 20:49
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