※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-08 10:23:14
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 禪師拒絕籃網的總教練職務
時間 Wed May 8 09:40:29 2013
Source: Phil Jackson turns down Nets
Phil Jackson has rejected the Brooklyn Nets' overtures to take over as coach, a
league source told Yahoo! Sports.
根據一則來自聯盟透露給Yahoo!的消息,禪師 Phil Jackson 已經拒絕了籃網主動找上門
Nets general manager Billy King talked with Jackson on Tuesday, and Jackson,
the 11-time champion coach, reaffirmed his desire to pursue a broader
front-office role over coaching in his return to the NBA.
消息內表示,籃網總管 Billy King 與禪師兩人再美國時間星期二時會面,而這位手上
Mikhail Prokhorov, the Nets' billionaire owner, was believed to be prepared to
make Jackson the highest-paid coach in team history.
而 Mikhail Prokhorov ,這位來自俄羅斯的億萬富翁老闆,也一致把被外界認為會將
報價拉到到隊史上 前所未有的薪資水準,以提供給 Jackson。
Jackson is consulting with the Detroit Pistons on their coaching search, and
could ultimatel receive an offer from the Toronto Raptors to run that
Jackson 目前正在為底特律活塞尋找總教練職缺顧問,最終也可能收到來自一份從多倫多
The Nets had waited for a response from Jackson before embarking on their
coaching search, and now will soon start reaching out to candidates.
籃網方面已經在等待 Jackson 的正式回覆,等到回覆之後,他們才會開始尋找其他
The Nets lost in seven games to the Chicago Bulls in an Eastern Conference
first-round series.
The New York Post first reported Jackson's decision with the Nets.
Source: Phil Jackson turns down Nets - Yahoo! Sports
Brooklyn waited for a response from Jackson before embarking on its coaching search, and now will soon start reaching out to candidates. ...
Coach Team Salary
No.10 Scott Skiles Milwaukee Bucks $4.5 million
No.9 Stan Van Gundy Orlando Magic $4.5 million
No.8 Mike Brown Los Angeles Lakers $4.5 million
No.7 Rick Carlisle Dallas Mavericks $4.5 million
No.6 Flip Saunders Washington Wizards $4.8 million
No.5 Rick Adelman Minnesota Timberwolves $5 million
No.4 Nate McMillan Portland Trail Blazers $5.5 million
No.3 Gregg Popovich San Antonio Spurs $6 million
No.2 Mike D’Antoni New York Knicks $6 million
No.1 Doc Rivers Boston Celtics $7 million
The Highest Paid Coaches in NBA
In the National Basketball Association (NBA), head coaches rank as the highest position in the coaching staff. Head coaches in the NBA are also the highest paid coaches in amateur and professional sports in North America. Coaches with higher … ...
In the National Basketball Association (NBA), head coaches rank as the highest position in the coaching staff. Head coaches in the NBA are also the highest paid coaches in amateur and professional sports in North America. Coaches with higher … ...
Dwight Howard: "My soul, everything I have is in Orlando. I just can't leave it
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※ 編輯: taylorliao 來自: (05/08 09:41)
推 :讒師認證的陣容太差1F 05/08 09:41
※ 編輯: taylorliao 來自: (05/08 09:42)推 :認證無冠軍相2F 05/08 09:41
推 :No.2薪水小愉3F 05/08 09:41
推 :籃網:巨頭不夠巨? 薪水花不少餒...4F 05/08 09:41
推 :這排名有年份嗎5F 05/08 09:42
推 :禪師認證 籃網老板你安心去結婚吧6F 05/08 09:42
噓 :Deron很乖很聽教練的話的7F 05/08 09:42
→ :隨便一個門外都會決的籃網沒機會奪冠8F 05/08 09:43
推 :籃網願意開出讓禪師客場不用出賽?不然怎麼敢找他9F 05/08 09:43
推 :Phil想要Jerry West那種工作 但大家都只想找他做教練10F 05/08 09:44
推 :推簽名檔 FCK D1211F 05/08 09:45
推 :果然禪師要跟羅素拼戒指數 看誰是真正的戒指王12F 05/08 09:45
推 :讒濕只想帶一級強隊13F 05/08 09:45
推 :排名少了離開NBA的Larry Brown,他才是第一名14F 05/08 09:46
→ :禪師跟羅素現在誰多啊 好像都是11?15F 05/08 09:46
→ :當初和尼克簽了5年50M,教沒幾年就被火掉了16F 05/08 09:46
噓 :禪師在湖人就領過破千萬了 怎麼會沒排第一17F 05/08 09:48
→ :簡單說ZZZ現在對外都表示教練別找我制服組再說18F 05/08 09:49
→ :另外我確實也記得禪師領過千萬了?
※ 編輯: taylorliao 來自: (05/08 09:50)→ :另外我確實也記得禪師領過千萬了?
推 :陣容太差不爽帶20F 05/08 09:50
→ :禪師:只有我看的出來你們的巨頭都是假貨21F 05/08 09:51
→ :禪師:有肥龍?謝謝再連絡......22F 05/08 09:51
→ :回monmo大大,我也記得禪師有領過年均千萬,若我有查23F 05/08 09:52
→ :到在更新
→ :到在更新
推 :禪師戒指13枚喔..............史上最多25F 05/08 09:54
推 :Phil Jackson不要的 如果Sloan去拿 會很糗26F 05/08 09:54
推 :帶湖人最後的3年 平均千萬27F 05/08 09:55
→ :當初湖人就是用這種價碼請回不想繼續執教的禪師
→ :當初湖人就是用這種價碼請回不想繼續執教的禪師
推 :他應該是希望直接進入管理層或者可以教練當完進入管29F 05/08 09:56
推 :原文應該是指"現役" 所以禪師才沒在榜上吧?30F 05/08 09:56
推 :Jackson的搭檔Winter去不去?31F 05/08 09:56
→ :理層 (像油頭一樣) 他也不缺戒指32F 05/08 09:56
→ :其實很多總教練的班底才是關鍵吧33F 05/08 09:57
→ :Winter不是已經退出了?34F 05/08 09:57
掏金教練排行榜 @ Johnny's NBA World :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
富士比(Forbes)最新一期的最會騙...賺錢教練名單 1. 禪師(Phil Jackson) 所屬球隊: 洛杉磯湖人 聯盟: NBA 年薪: 1,030萬美元 教練生涯紀錄: 1,041勝-435 ...
推 :禪師只想帶超強隊啦!! 有冠軍相的隊!!36F 05/08 09:58
推 :這隊應該星度不夠37F 05/08 09:59
推 :禪師奧義:季後賽贏第一場 系列賽48-038F 05/08 09:59
→ :這應該不是"史上"吧~應該是現任前10~39F 05/08 10:02
噓 :那他去帶美國夢幻隊就好了,沒本事帶好爛隊的假貨40F 05/08 10:04
推 :[請問] Larry Brown帶過幾支NBA球隊進入季後賽?41F 05/08 10:06
→ :簽名檔頗靠杯xd42F 05/08 10:10
推 :不是說想要管理職?43F 05/08 10:11
推 :布朗爺就04年活塞,還有01年跟05年東冠3次44F 05/08 10:13
推 :挑陣容阿哈哈45F 05/08 10:13
推 :原來05~06年的湖人不算爛隊46F 05/08 10:14
※ 編輯: taylorliao 來自: (05/08 10:21)--
※ 看板: sayumiQ 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 82