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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-01 10:56:40
看板 movie
作者 beckseaton (沒有運動會死)
標題 [討論] 蜜拉喬娃薇琪可能加入浴血任務3
時間 Fri May 31 23:43:07 2013

Lionsgate的 CEO談論浴血任務3演員陣容的最新消息 他證實了電影會在八月開拍

還有衛斯里史奈普 尼可拉斯凱吉 成龍  以及蜜拉喬娃薇琪正進一步協商加入演出行列

之前史特龍暗示衛斯里史奈普已經加入這老英雄團  尚未確認凱吉跟成龍已經簽約



浴血任務3已經請到月正當中導演Patrick Hughes執導  尚未確定電影上映日期

This morning, Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer offered an update on the third
film in The Expendables series (via Deadline). He confirmed that filming will
begin in August, and he also said that Wesley Snipes, Nicolas Cage, Jackie
Chan and Milla Jovovich are all in "advanced negotiations" to join the
star-studded ensemble. We previously heard Sylvester Stallone hint that
Snipes was on board/in talks, and it was previously rumored (though not
confirmed) that Chan and Cage were officially signed on. Plus, Stallone said
that he wanted a "young Sigourney Weaver"-type character for the threequel.
Could this be who Jovovich is in talks to play?

Patrick Hughes (Red Hill) recently signed on to direct The Expendables 3. In
addition to the franchise regulars (Stallone, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren,
etc.), the action threequel will also see the return of Mickey Rourke (who
appeared in the first movie but not the second). No release date has been set
yet, but a 2014 debut is likely if production goes according to plan. Stay
tuned to CBM for more news on The Expendables 3 as we have it.

Update On THE EXPENDABLES 3 Casting; Milla Jovovich Negotiating For Role
Wesley Snipes (Blade), Nic Cage (Ghost Rider) and Jackie Chan (The Karate Kid) are all confirmed to be in "advanced negotiations" for the next Expendables movie. Additionally, Resident Evil's Milla Jovovich is also in talks to join. ...

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◆ From:
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