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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-13 11:06:46
看板 Gossiping
作者 Queenslander (黑暗騎士之阿蝙再起)
標題 Re: [問卦] 史氏工業買下奧迪集團了嗎?
時間 Sat Apr 13 11:01:46 2013

※ 引述《Queenslander (黑暗騎士之阿蝙再起)》之銘言:
: 奧迪與鋼鐵人3全球入口網站:超級英雄。超級跑車。
: http://www.audi.com/ironman3
: 有沒有奧迪其實已經被史氏工業收購的八卦?


2013 Audi Iron Man 3 Commercial -"Workday" 工作日
2013 Audi Iron Man 3 Commercial - "Workday" - YouTube
The Audi R8 is performance-inspired engineering in its purest form, just like Iron Man's suit of armor. And that's why Audi has once again joined forces for ...


Steer the Story with Audi and Decide Iron Man's Fate 線上互動漫畫
Steer the Story with Audi and Decide Iron Man's Fate - YouTube Audi has teamed up with Marvel Comics to give fans a chance to make comic book history! You can drive the story and become co-creator of a Marvel comic book ...


2014 Audi R8: Iron Man "Canvas" 鋼鐵人畫布
2014 Audi R8: Iron Man "Canvas" - YouTube
The new 2014 Audi R8 is Iron Man Approved. The R8 is Audi race-inspired engineering in its purest form. Built for performance, the new 2014 R8 is built with ...



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