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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-10-02 22:42:53
看板 MobileComm
作者 chrisorange (orange)
標題 [討論] 三星 NOTE 3 造假? 看看外媒怎麼說
時間 Wed Oct  2 17:55:32 2013

關於三星N3的跑分事件, 小弟看了一些外媒資料, 與大家分享:

-The Verge

Samsung again caught rigging benchmark scores on Galaxy Note 3
"The questionable tactics don't directly affect customers per se, but
unfortunately it seems the press will need to pay a much closer eye to
Samsung's benchmark scores from now on."
又被抓到了: 三星N3操縱跑分結果
這些小步數並不會影響消費者本身, 但從現在開始, 媒體們似乎必須開始嚴格監督三星的


Samsung reportedly boosting Galaxy Note 3 benchmark performance by
20 percent
Whether or not the company responds, we don't envy its position -- it's hard
to form an alliance devoted to accurate mobile benchmarking when you're
accused of doctoring results.
不管三星是否回應, 我們並不稱讚這種作法 – 當你被控訴有這種為自己開藥單的行為時
, 會很難去組織一個跑分公平化的聯盟 (指的是MobileBench)


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is also using benchmark boosting software to inflate
“While not completely deceptive, it was a little misleading and we had
little reason to believe this would change in the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
Looks like we were right.”
“No gallery, no video player, no browser. Whether or not Samsung is being
shady in providing users with the highest possible performance of their
hardware — despite not being available in normal use –  is up to you.”
雖然這並非完全欺騙, 但卻有誤導之嫌, 我們也不太相信這能夠對N3做出任何改變.
使用相簿, 播放影片, 或瀏覽器時cpu並不會高效率運轉. 三星是否在展現效能方面有動
黑手, 我們交給你決定.


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 artificially boosts chipsets for select benchmarks by
While it’s not 100% clear what the boosting involves, by the looks of it
Samsung targets benchmarks specifically – if Samsung had included some
games, we might take this as a special optimization, but with just benchmarks
it seems like trying to cheat.
哪些app使用時效率會被提高, 我們無法百分之百確定, 但看起來只有針對跑分軟體. 如
果三星有讓跑遊戲時也效率提升, 我們會把這看成優化. 但如果只有跑分軟體, 這似乎就


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Specs: Benchmark Scores Inflated Artificially, Apple
SVP Calls ‘Shenanigans
What’s strange is that even without the artificial benchmark boost, the
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 specs still performed well, and even better than the LG
G2. In other words, the artificial boost was not only devious on Samsung’s
part, but also totally unnecessary. After all, who purchases a smartphone
solely off benchmark scores?
奇怪的是, 就算沒有人為增分, N3還是表現得比G2好, 換言之, 對三星而言, 人為增分不
只是個奧步, 還是沒必要的奧步. 總而言之, 誰只看跑分來買手機的?


Not Again: Samsung caught cheating at benchmarks with the Galaxy Note 3
“Still, I can’t help but be angry. The Note 3 is stupid fast as is, why
tarnish it like this?”
“I just remembered that several days ago Samsung announced that they started
a consortium dedicated to mobile benchmarking so that the industry can be
fairer. The irony is thick.”
又來了: 三星N3跑分被抓到作弊
我無法不生氣, N3已經很快了, 為什麼還要搞這些.
我想起之前三星說要組一個聯盟來讓跑分公平化, 這真是諷刺!


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 apparently using "benchmark booster" to fix results
Basically, it looks like more evidence that we should put less stock in
benchmark numbers and more in real-world performance.
基本上, 我們應該多重視真實使用上的效能而非跑分的數字


New Report Catches Samsung Manipulating Galaxy Note 3 Benchmark Scores
“In response to previous accusations, Samsung unsurprisingly said it wasn’t
up to any shenanigans; this new report suggests Samsung knows exactly what it
’s doing.”
“ In today’s quad-core world, benchmarking scores mean about as much as
giving water to a fish, but folks still take them seriously. Samsung, it
seems, takes them a little too seriously, even when the inflated scores don’
t contribute to the real-world experience.”
對於上一次被指控(此指S4事件), 三星說他們並非要詐欺; 然而這次報告指出他們知道他
在今天一片手機四核海中, 跑分已經沒那麼重要, 但有些人還是把跑分當成重要依據, 三
星好像對這方面太認真, 就算這些跑分並不影響真實使用

-Android Authority

Galaxy Note 3 benchmark performance artificially boosted by Samsung, new
report proves
With all that in mind, we can only wonder why a mobile player like Samsung
still feels the need to employ such tactics – whether there’s a different
reason this kind of performance boost happens during benchmark tests, Samsung
should at least have explained it beforehand.
At the end of the day, benchmarks alone will not help sell handsets – and in
Samsung’s case that shouldn’t even be a problem considering that some of
its flagship handsets sell themselves.
我們只能猜測為什麼像三星這樣的公司要使用這些步數, 是否有其他原因為什麼只有跑分
時效能全開, 三星應該至少在事前給個解釋.
跑分終究不會幫你多賣手機, 且對三星來說也不是問題, 他們有些旗艦機本來就很賣了

-Talk Android

Samsung caught juicing benchmarks again, this time with the Galaxy Note 3
In the end, it really doesn’t matter to me, and it shouldn’t matter to you.
Benchmarks are useless in the real world, but the fact that Samsung is
cheating at something isn’t going to bode well. It will be interesting to
see how they respond to this.
這不會影響我, 也不應該影響你. 跑分在真實世界中是沒用的, 但三星卻在這東西上作弊
, 我們想知道你怎麼看待.

-Tech Hive

Samsung ramps up processor speed on Note 3 to score better in benchmarks
Samsung already has a smeared recording for flubbing its processor
performance benchmarks on the international variant of the Galaxy S4 back in
July, so this isn't exactly good news for its performance reputation. Even if
it doesn't do too much to hurt Samsung's image, it still gives some credence
to the idea that benchmarks aren't really a good measure of what matters to
consumers these days.
三星上次S4已經有一次不好的紀錄, 所以這次對他們的聲譽來說這絕不是好消息, 就算這
不會影響他們的形象, 這會讓大家認為跑分不是最好的評斷工具.



1. 多數媒體有提到三星並非第一次這樣搞, 上次是S4
2. 有些媒體有提到這樣的公司到底要怎麼去組一個跑分公平化的聯盟 (球員兼裁判?)
3. 有些媒體認為這是大是大非, 甚至用了cheating 等負面字眼
3. 有些媒體認為現在趨勢跑分已經不是重點, 甚至不會影響消費者 (這我不認為)
4. 有些媒體想不透為什麼三星要做這種沒有幫助的事情
5. 個人認為這對三星形象又再一次創傷

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◆ From:
ILOVEWADE   :晚餐又要點雞排了嗎((菸1F 10/02 17:56
OscarShih   :三星已死,有事燒紙2F 10/02 18:04
isoxxxxx    :三星有形象可以創傷? 我對這點持質疑態度3F 10/02 18:05
coon182     :蘋果VS三星,第幾回合了啊?姑且算Round 5好了4F 10/02 18:07
coon182     :不對...這跟蘋果無關,我先收回
coon182     :雖然之後可想會扯到別家就是(默)
ILOVEWADE   :樓上要不要順便訂個雞排先XD7F 10/02 18:09
coon182     :可是等等要出門吃飯了耶0.08F 10/02 18:10
chrisorange :雞排+19F 10/02 18:10
raygod      :居然沒有外媒稱讚這是"更好的平衡" (驚)10F 10/02 18:13
johnny790218:科科,鄉民會跟你說這不是作弊啦這叫發揮權利11F 10/02 18:16
moris       :一定又會有爽迷拿市占率護航 XDDDD12F 10/02 18:19
Skyblade    :三星粉絲會說這些都是惡意抹黑的媒體:)13F 10/02 18:19
eterbless   :三星的形象? 靠廣告就對了14F 10/02 18:19
jeano       :不要誤會天下第一大三星好嗎?這怎麼會是作弊呢?這15F 10/02 18:20
jeano       :些網站根本不專業嘛
Skyblade    :有人水球拜託我  希望刪掉上面那篇文章耶怎麼辦XD?17F 10/02 18:21
Skyblade    :是怕被人肉出轉彎ID嗎 XDD?
chrisorange :對不起小弟錯了... 小弟已經盡量客觀了.....19F 10/02 18:21
jeano       :那有人寫信嗎?20F 10/02 18:22
Skyblade    :既求之則刪之吧 可是用分身水球好沒誠意的感覺QAQ...21F 10/02 18:23
NickLi03    :S大 那把水球PO出來好了 這樣就知道誰的話不能信了22F 10/02 18:23
OscarShih   :我一直覺得鏡子是人類偉大的發明23F 10/02 18:23
ILOVEWADE   :PO水球內容會觸碰板規唷24F 10/02 18:25
QQ5566      :XDDDDDD 爽25F 10/02 18:25
notmuchmoney:shame on you26F 10/02 18:26
alcard22    :我認為跑分結果的影響有限27F 10/02 18:28
TheoEpstein :(叉燒便當好吃)28F 10/02 18:29
OscarShih   :估計這個消息會有1000萬台左右的訂單流失29F 10/02 18:30
drraujn     :同意 跑分結果有限.......以後看到三爽跑分先打七折30F 10/02 18:30
TheoEpstein :如果依台灣人口看,應該是2300萬台吧?31F 10/02 18:30
OscarShih   :小朋友又不能拿手機, 所以1000萬台是精準估算32F 10/02 18:31
OscarShih   :再算到美國,中國,歐洲,日本等,大概有5000萬以上流失
NickLi03    :PO水球有觸犯嗎??怎麼沒看到這條34F 10/02 18:32
TheoEpstein :我自己是有點受夠三星手機了,AMOLED烙印隱憂、行動35F 10/02 18:34
TheoEpstein :上網中華卡3G、今年又多了S-HEAT跟S-LAG。
Skyblade    :但是三星有S-FANS  無敵37F 10/02 18:35
chrisorange :Oscar,怎麼可能影響這麼大.不過,你到底想表達什麼@@38F 10/02 18:35
TheoEpstein :其實我很少遇到言必稱三星的星粉。39F 10/02 18:35
TheoEpstein :但不知道為什麼他們嘴巴上不講,結帳都挑三星....
WFXX        :大眾哪會在意這,潮最重要41F 10/02 18:37
banbanzon   :呿 不過是發揮s800真正實力而已 要是還在隱藏實力4核42F 10/02 18:38
banbanzon   :不同時全速跑 是要拿什麼成績和a7比??
Skyblade    :其實S-HOT/S-LAG/S-CHEAT都很遜阿  都打不過S-FANS..44F 10/02 18:38
Skyblade    :這幾家媒體在S-FANS眼裡  我相信一定是惡意抹黑媒體
※ 編輯: chrisorange     來自:        (10/02 18:40)
cowranch    :那有果粉威猛 整天戰人又講別人很會戰46F 10/02 18:43
OscarShih   :我想表達的就是三星已死, 那麼大的洞被發現47F 10/02 18:47
OscarShih   :老天有眼, 法網灰灰
moris       :有人提出一堆數據說沒"cheating",看來好像打臉了XDD49F 10/02 18:48
drymartini  :看過板上討論後,我相信這些外媒都是理盲跳針兼文組50F 10/02 18:50
drymartini  :並且明顯有特定立場,其心可議!
OscarShih   :三星行銷花了40多億耶, 一間發1億就得啦52F 10/02 18:56
flightleaf  :文組怎樣,要開戰嗎(雞排)53F 10/02 18:57
flightleaf  :ヽ(‵Д)ノ
OscarShih   :還好我是理系畢業的 (漠不關心)55F 10/02 18:58
farnorth    :在ptt上文組超常被酸。56F 10/02 18:58
shaoyuh     :40e才20萬隻note3   ok啦57F 10/02 18:59
jeano       :要改戰分組? XD58F 10/02 19:00
h760108     :明顯跑分不影響銷售量,那在跑分作弊影響了什麼?59F 10/02 19:00
revorea     :這些外霉都不懂什麼叫作隱藏實力60F 10/02 19:00
h760108     :換心事件、降頻換續航、跑分作弊,手機好擬人61F 10/02 19:04
ChaosK      :跑分再高也是會頓的話,那跑分就當作是一個打發時間的62F 10/02 19:05
ChaosK      :小遊戲吧
OK8066889   :行銷費40億"美金"64F 10/02 19:14
wi          :恩.. 這次考試不影響考大學結果  所以我可以作弊65F 10/02 19:14
h760108     :三星跑分作弊也要負責,只是…要怎麼表示負責?66F 10/02 19:19
ProE        :受愴?韓國耶… 作弊耶… (很正常不是嗎?)挖鼻孔67F 10/02 19:22
zitting     :   會關心跑分的消費者絕對是少數好嗎68F 10/02 19:27
ChaosK      :大陸人和山寨廠都滿在意的XD69F 10/02 19:32
zitting     :     大陸人和山寨廠.......XD70F 10/02 19:32
ChaosK      :常看到手機山寨廠都直接拿跑分跑幾分來當宣傳...71F 10/02 20:11
aal         :GSMArena講得很好72F 10/02 20:31
u3ker7f6    :意外嗎??73F 10/02 20:31
jay484848200:三星他會顧自己的名聲?他有好名聲??我先做個筆記先74F 10/02 20:50
xz0225      :三星還是一如往常的沒商業道德科科   這也是一種滿強75F 10/02 21:37
xz0225      :悍的天賦呢~
Inzaghi0227 :簡單來講三星的手機我感覺是用來賣 用來炫耀的,而不77F 10/02 21:40
Inzaghi0227 :是真的站在消費者使用體驗上思考...
parkpre     :三星這種公司一點都不意外,標準的韓國人79F 10/02 21:56
ikimonokiyoe:反正賣得好 是財團最重視的80F 10/02 22:06
linyue      :其實這是逆向宣傳,你看各媒體跟鄉民多麼熱烈討論 XD81F 10/02 22:21
linyue      :反正罵一罵,免費宣傳後手機還是賣得嚇嚇叫
robertchun  :三星不意外啊83F 10/02 22:24
yaiwuyi     :雖然也想反三星 但這次Z1實在不太給力...只好84F 10/02 22:28

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