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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-21 23:09:15
看板 WindowsPhone
作者 islandqoo (You Don't Know Me )
標題 [App ] Instagram 上架 (Beta中)
時間 Thu Nov 21 02:46:43 2013

地區:台灣 (繁體中文)
App 名稱:Instagram BETA
系統需求: Windows Phone 8
Instagram BETA | Windows Phone Apps+Games Store (United States)
Browse or download Instagram BETA, certified for Windows Phone. ...
解析度:HD720P (720x1280) WVGA (480x800) WXGA (768x1280)

Over 150 million users love Instagram! It's a simple way to capture and share the world's moments on your Windows Phone.
Customize your photos with one of several gorgeous and custom built filter effects. Transform everyday moments into works of art you'll want to share with friends and family.
Share your photos in a simple photo stream with friends to see - and follow your friends' photos with the click of a single button. Every day you open up Instagram, you'll see new photos from your closest friends, and creative people from around the world.
   100% free custom designed filters: XPro-II, Earlybird, Rise, Amaro, Hudson, Lo-fi, Sutro, Toaster, Brannan, Inkwell, Walden, Hefe, Nashville, 1977, and others.
* Video recording with breathtaking cinematic stabilization
   Linear and Radial Tilt-Shift blur effects for extra depth of field.
   Instant sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Tumblr and Foursquare
   Unlimited uploads
   Interact with friends through giving & receiving likes and comments
   Full front & back camera support
   And much much more...




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◆ From:
※ 編輯: islandqoo       來自:         (11/21 02:56)
jasonlin1993:那我用6tag就好了...1F 11/21 03:00
busta51:可喜可樂 可喜可樂2F 11/21 03:29
phreniax:流淚中。3F 11/21 03:41
MarkNext:等有影片我在裝4F 11/21 04:01
poplin:目前6tag比較好用5F 11/21 04:14
Tabrith:Instagram:還不快謝恩吶~6F 11/21 04:20
w8071:6tag 比較好用7F 11/21 08:44
richardtsai:愛出不出的,還是好好支持6tag8F 11/21 08:54
callmelanpo:6tag才是本體吧. 我看根本6tag收費官方也可以抽銀根9F 11/21 09:05
StUtYao:6tag強大 offical ver算是順暢而已10F 11/21 09:52
gottsuan:官版還ok啦 雖然沒動畫 反正我動畫都用vine11F 11/21 10:05
snickernn:按下方camera會閃退,有人也遇到嗎12F 11/21 10:39
breadf:6tag繼續用13F 11/21 10:56
luckycute:等影片14F 11/21 10:57
tai0913:超棒的15F 11/21 11:23
pcjustin:其實還不錯用,不過6tag瀏覽圖片比較方便16F 11/21 11:35
gottsuan:功能來說6tag比較完整 但是官版介面設計還不錯17F 11/21 11:54
Lumia800:喔喔…19F 11/21 12:32
skylove21:7.8……………………20F 11/21 14:07
jay10902:似乎所謂官方版也是微軟自家做?21F 11/21 14:11
breadf:發行者是Instagram,應該是官方自己做22F 11/21 14:44
creny727:7.8怒噓23F 11/21 15:54
gottsuan:7.8應該是沒望了 7.8現在只有MassiveLove那個可用24F 11/21 16:01

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1樓 時間: 2013-11-23 00:35:42 (台灣)
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