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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-30 15:10:04
看板 Salary
作者 nightplume (鴉)
標題 [請益] 請問台灣萊雅風氣及內鬥狀況?
時間 Fri Nov 29 00:17:55 2013





candidate for the position for Sr. Ecommerce Manager for Loreal(萊雅集團).
The package is up to NT$2.5M

Key job accountability
*To increase the brand's online (or multi-channel) turnover,
set out the distance-selling strategy for a given clientele and ensure
brand growth in the e-business market in line with its corporate identity.

* To support the brand's CRM strategy with respect to both customer
recruitment and loyalty (marketing plan,etc.)

* Identify opportunities to increase the online turnover of the brand

* Identify and monitor projects to develop new loyalty/canvassing strategies
for the entity/BU with a view to increasing sales and maximizing
the customer portfolio (listing strategy, partnerships, etc.)

* Coordinate e-business operations with the entity/BU support services:
product marketing, data mining, customer service, etc.

* Draw up the annual business plan

* Oversee the website technical improvement actions

* Ensure any actions taken are in line with the Group's e-business strategy
(technical aspects/internal network/use of digital resources/digital media

* Monitor the budget and e-business/multi-channel P&L

* Recruit, build and manage his/her team. Ensure the development of expertise
and know-how and implement organizational changes

* To manage E-Retailer relationship, trade marketing and negotiations

在人生的旅途之中    人總是尋尋覓覓他那另一瓣貝殼
有人很幸運一找就找著了   有人終其一生就是尋找不到
因為再怎麼相似還是會有縫隙   總不似原來的那樣契合 

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
devilstick:待過的朋友全走了...不過你這算電商高管,狀況就不知了1F 11/29 08:24
cleopatrac:推樓上 流動率高.不過不知道manager開得出2.5M的pay2F 11/29 08:29
clintt:薪水不錯。。快去!3F 11/29 09:28
QBby:聽說每個都在比打扮的 內鬥好像還蠻兇4F 11/29 11:02
Lovelycat11:恕我愚笨,請問2.5M到底是多少錢?5F 11/29 11:20
TllDA:上看250萬6F 11/29 11:32
raxway:也要待的住這薪水才有意義啊...7F 11/29 11:36
charment3:比打扮倒是真的8F 11/29 12:26
espanol:比打扮是真的,流動率高也是真的,過過水下一份更好,why9F 11/29 12:40
espanol: not?
fir761218:優:薪水高於一班公司 缺:流動率高、內鬥兇、狂加班11F 11/29 13:22
fir761218:大學同學待了兩年 身體不適離開了
nightplume:XD...看樣子統一的論調是流動率高,是為什麼啊13F 11/29 13:32
nightplume:外商薪水都這樣吧? 之前LG跟Samsung找PM也是200up~
ema:薪水不錯 員工旅遊好像都是去歐美15F 11/29 14:31
devilstick:我朋友是作實體通路,電商真不知,不過版友說的有道理16F 11/29 16:19
creole:過水一年出來水漲船高去吧。也帶我去18F 11/29 19:09
potatofat:內鬥非常誇張 薪水高 至少有蜜月期可以享受一下19F 11/30 10:13

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