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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-29 20:09:33
看板 Baseball
作者 jianoon (義大犀牛 紫耀高雄)
標題 [情報] Rommie Lewis heads to Taiwan
時間 Thu Aug 29 12:27:30 2013

Rommie Lewis heads to Taiwan

It’s been frustrating that Rommie Lewis hasn’t been given a Triple-A
contract by an MLB organization based on the way he’s pitched this season.

As a consolation though, his contract has been purchased by the Lamigo
Monkeys of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (Taiwan).

The league’s regular season lasts well into the fall, and the number of
foreign players is strictly limited.

The most eligible American-born players that get the chance to pitch over
there can make a nice salary, perhaps up to $10,000 a month in some cases.
(The terms of Lewis’s deal were not disclosed.)

So Rommie’s season will be extended, but unfortunately he will not close
games for the final three weeks of the Atlantic League campaign.

After Juan Rincon’s departure, Lewis had settled in nicely to the closer’s

He was also terrific as a seventh and eighth inning guy for York this year
and departs with a 1.51 ERA and 35 strikeouts, with just 12 walks  in 47
appearances and 41.2 innings pitched.

The lefty converted five save chances.

Despite the disappointment of not being picked up domestically, you’d have
to assume Lewis’s numbers this season will earn him a spot in somebody’s
big league camp in February as a non-roster invitee.

He logged 20 games out of the Toronto Blue Jays bullpen over the 2010 and
2011 seasons.

-Paul Braverman

Rommie Lewis heads to Taiwan | blogtoblogchamps
It's been frustrating that Rommie Lewis hasn't been given a Triple-A contract by an MLB organization based on the way he's pitched this season.  As a consolation though, his contract has been purchased by the Lamigo Monkeys of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (Taiwan).  The league's regular  ...

Rommie今年47場出賽 41.2局的投球
自責分率1.51 送出35K和12次保送 是一位左手牛

在2010~11年間 曾在藍鳥隊效力過20場球

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◆ From:
jianoon:只剩三天了 還有時間做測試嗎 看起來捍力士有可能被拉下來1F 08/29 12:27
erotica:路力士2F 08/29 12:28
duo0518:只剩三天了 來得及把悍力士操壞嗎?3F 08/29 12:29
lampardoRio:如果今天要打   悍力士150球起跳~越投越殆盡4F 08/29 12:29
sony1256:悍力士應該只是墊檔用的5F 08/29 12:29
ZenUp:現在才找 這麼急!!6F 08/29 12:29
davidrick:羅猛?7F 08/29 12:29
lrh18:悍力士:快下雨快下雨...8F 08/29 12:29
jenchieh5:搞不好洗雷力呢  誰知道XD9F 08/29 12:29
pig721:米糕缺的是洋先發吧?又找一隻RP來,是又要給人家亂操嗎10F 08/29 12:30
tina1007:開始替雷力抖了....11F 08/29 12:30
max52001:看來真的很急 買斷合約 不會很貴嗎12F 08/29 12:30
lrh18:尤猛也是買斷合約 要不是澇賽 不然真的挺猛的...13F 08/29 12:31
trylin:去年也是買斷雷力的樣子 @@14F 08/29 12:31
senglish86:兄弟哩15F 08/29 12:31
aninto:按照紅中思維 別人小孩死不完 操完就丟 前例是德本16F 08/29 12:32
SoloHomerun:犀牛快去搶條子那隻路易士(誤)17F 08/29 12:32
lampardoRio:                                          、河本18F 08/29 12:32
davidrick:如果他所屬的球隊戰績不好 可能要清倉買斷大概也沒多貴19F 08/29 12:33
aninto:所以今天捍力士操完明天就會叫他走人了20F 08/29 12:33
takuminauki:都快季末了 不貴拉21F 08/29 12:33
davidrick:河本的控球洗掉也是剛好而已.找日本獨聯本來就是碰運氣22F 08/29 12:34
alex55555:路克23F 08/29 12:34
icekimtommy:露個意思24F 08/29 12:36
live4132:外掛來了?25F 08/29 12:37
Richie1105:感覺比建仔還猛26F 08/29 12:38
forttryon:大西洋聯盟一個月薪水大約多少?27F 08/29 12:39
LoveMakeLove: 這個保證比建仔猛...28F 08/29 12:39
forttryon:他後援跟小王的先發不能相比29F 08/29 12:39
jianoon:上面有寫 上看一萬美金30F 08/29 12:41
forttryon:一萬是說台灣31F 08/29 12:41
jianoon:今年決勝的關鍵 大概洋投和牛棚吧 誰夠穩最後關頭就能勝出32F 08/29 12:45
jianoon:萬一洗到的是戰銳龍等級的 就哭哭了
BaRanKa:劉太子真威 找洋將沒有停的34F 08/29 12:58
HattoriHeiji:雷力士35F 08/29 13:02
tws80531:怎不叫雷歐力36F 08/29 13:10
tsairay:翻路易士剛好37F 08/29 13:13
jianoon:蘋果都翻成劉易士啦38F 08/29 13:16
tina1007:如果米糕的新聞要反著看....雷力很危險....39F 08/29 13:19
jianoon:雷力好歹也吃下不少局 如果真的被fire 紅中會被轟下台的40F 08/29 13:21
tina1007:拜託 連德本和波拉斯都敢洗了 紅中是有再怕甚麼?41F 08/29 13:25
albertlaw:是左手"牛"的話應該會洗悍力士 悍力士之前主要是先發42F 08/29 13:30
jianoon:來台灣前幾場也是先發 後來因為洗了德本才改成後援43F 08/29 13:33
a6214666:說不定洗洋砲44F 08/29 13:33
taisam23:沒下雨的話 可能雷力禮拜五先發然後禮拜六再中繼後援45F 08/29 13:34
g0428168:結果是洗猛德啦46F 08/29 13:34
taisam23:禮拜六比賽完馬上註銷雷力 登錄路易士47F 08/29 13:35
jianoon:這樣安排也不錯喔 剛好把雷力和波拉斯一起歡送 又省一筆48F 08/29 13:38
v67676:肯花錢還是找的到洋將 所以不要在講時間很趕49F 08/29 13:39
Allen524:猿隊球團很清楚沒有放一個洋投在牛棚不行吧51F 08/29 13:41
live4132:雷力掰....52F 08/29 13:41
a129517496:今天怎麼可能打= = 我猜會洗洋砲53F 08/29 13:46
Allen524:覺得會洗洋砲+154F 08/29 13:47
jshk:這...好像有點強55F 08/29 13:50
jianoon:猛的啦可以放心了 保證打到九月底啦56F 08/29 13:53
VVizZ:羅本57F 08/29 13:55
giunrz:買下合約? 不是免洗了58F 08/29 14:04
BeanSaber:千萬別去墳場59F 08/29 14:04
ohiyohuang:悍力士怒完投60F 08/29 14:08
budalearning:不是說猿隊名聲臭了  都找不到洋投?61F 08/29 14:10
tina1007:524開釋了 投手誰會被洗呢62F 08/29 14:11
tina1007:Money talks啊XD
Cowyau:羅路士64F 08/29 14:55
WASIJLA:買合約耶 @o@65F 08/29 14:58
VVizZ:球季中買斷合約很常見66F 08/29 15:09

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