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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-23 21:48:18
看板 Beauty
作者 BrightPeak (Peak)
標題 [討論] 大家會看lookbook的正妹嗎?
時間 Mon Dec 23 19:54:02 2013

在表特版 宅宅新聞之外

我第二個最常逛的就是lookbook (宅宅新聞是比較近期的,lookbook從2011年就看到現在)








http://ppt.cc/Rd-7 Jana Wind 德國
Carhartt Hat, Market Hq Top - Physical - Jana Wind | LOOKBOOK
Carhartt Hat, Market Hq Top styled by Jana Wind in Physical—see looks like this and more on LOOKBOOK. ...

http://ppt.cc/oVM6 Beatrice Gutu 摩爾多瓦
2hand Sweater, Zara Boots - Sweater Weather - Beatrice Gutu | LOOKBOOK
Sweater, Zara Boots styled by Beatrice Gutu in Sweater Weather—see looks like this and more on LOOKBOOK. ...

http://ppt.cc/L5Kh Margarita Lemeshko 俄羅斯
Asos Jacket, Zara Skirt - Anarchy in Petersburg - Margarita Lemeshko | LOOKBOOK
Asos Jacket, Zara Skirt styled by Margarita Lemeshko in Anarchy in Petersburg—see looks like this and more on LOOKBOOK. ...

http://ppt.cc/eZnt Rachel Marie Iwanyszyn 美國
Coach Coat, Coach Sweater, Coach Boots, Coach Trousers, Coach Bag - KEEP THE STREETS EMPTY FOR ME. - Rachel-Marie Iwanyszyn | LOOKBOOK
Coach Coat, Coach Sweater, Coach Boots, Coach Trousers, Coach Bag styled by Rachel-Marie Iwanyszyn in KEEP THE STREETS EMPTY FOR ME.—see looks like this and more on LOOKBOOK. ...


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