※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-09 18:30:21
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 敦奧中最尷尬的跳水一刻
時間 Tue Aug 7 23:56:27 2012
Stephan Feck and the most embarrassing dive of the London Games | Fourth-Place Medal - Yahoo! Sports
LONDON — Stephan Feck finished dead last (No. 29 overall) in the preliminary round of men's 3m springboard diving at the London Olympics and was eliminated from the competition on Monday. But he did earn a consolation prize: Internet infamy. … Continue reading → ...
更新 影片 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiWQPEOCLWs
跳水選手動作失敗 背部著水 評審給零分
內文就別看了 重點是畫面
LONDON — Stephan Feck finished dead last (No. 29 overall) in the preliminary
round of Men's 3m Springboard Diving at the London Olympics and was
eliminated from the competition on Monday.
But he did earn a consolation prize: Internet infamy.
Feck's second attempt at the Aquatics Centre saw the German land flat on his
back in the water, after losing his grip on his left leg during his rotation.
It was, shall we say, not a textbook dive.
The clip has gone viral as one of the Olympics' biggest bloopers (even as the
IOC cracks down on its uploading, hence why we can't embed video). But what
did the judges think?
>From Robert Dillon of The Sydney Morning Herald:
Instead of completing the maneuver and disappearing into the water with
barely a ripple, he landed flat on the middle of his back. The resounding
splat prompted a loud groan from the crowd, while each judge scored him zero.
The 22-year-old from Leipzig emerged from the pool in obvious distress. He
completed another dive but then withdrew, in too much pain to continue.
We thought this unorthodox attempt was a charming way to break the monotony
of seeing every dive performed to perfection. Alas, this whimsy was lost on
the judges, apparently:
Perhaps the worst part of this for Stephan Feck is ... that his name is
"Stephan Feck."
Naturally, the reactions to this diving blooper have ranged from "Oh, for
Feck's sake" to "Oh, Feck." But hey, in the end, the dude still made the
Olympics. He probably doesn't give a Feck ...
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◆ From:
推 :快推 別讓人以為看不懂英文1F 08/07 23:57
推 :這失誤有點誇張= = 是跌倒吧...2F 08/07 23:57
推 :HAHAHA3F 08/07 23:57
推 :嗯哼 這樣啊4F 08/07 23:57
→ :XDDD 腳沒抓好5F 08/07 23:57
推 :那一國的阿 那麼酷6F 08/07 23:57
推 :多年前台灣選手也有 好像是雪梨奧運有登上最糗畫面7F 08/07 23:57
推 :喔喔 原來是這樣喔8F 08/07 23:57
推 :喔喔原來這篇再說這個喔9F 08/07 23:57
推 :根據內文 我也會給予零分10F 08/07 23:57
推 :XDDDDDDDDDD 這樣鄉民應該都有出賽權11F 08/07 23:57
※ 編輯: pentoxide 來自: (08/07 23:58)推 :原來是這樣12F 08/07 23:58
推 :德國 下一次跳 全場拍手加油 跳成功13F 08/07 23:58
→ :喔喔喔喔喔 這樣當然零分啊14F 08/07 23:58
→ :今年的奧運真屌!15F 08/07 23:58
→ :滿可憐的 失誤一次被笑一輩子16F 08/07 23:58
推 :嗯嗯,我也這麼覺得。17F 08/07 23:58
→ :騙笑A 這明明就高難度 很難看到18F 08/07 23:58
推 :大字形入水19F 08/07 23:58
→ :技冠群雄 應該得滿分20F 08/07 23:58
推 :背部大字落水感覺難度很高耶...XD21F 08/07 23:59
推 :what the feck XDDDD22F 08/07 23:59
推 :我笑到抽筋23F 08/07 23:59
推 :超高難度XD24F 08/07 23:59
推 :害我噴笑 德國連搞笑也是頂尖的XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD25F 08/08 00:00
→ :劉翔:終於出現了超越我的存在26F 08/08 00:00
→ :手滑掉了,而且水花濺得超大...27F 08/08 00:00
推 :人家還有拿零分的資格 沒啥好笑的28F 08/08 00:00
推 :悲劇 正面大字入水才是王道29F 08/08 00:00
推 :台灣以前友直生機落水法30F 08/08 00:00
→ :用他的名字去估狗全部都是背部落水圖 真可憐 = =31F 08/08 00:00
推 :創意十足32F 08/08 00:00
推 :記者好酸33F 08/08 00:00
推 :還 挺 屌 的34F 08/08 00:00
推 :幹 今年奧運是怎樣啦XDDDDDDDD鳥事一大堆36F 08/08 00:01
→ :XDDDDDD37F 08/08 00:01
推 :評論員說是不想受傷只好趕快放手落水不繼續抱膝38F 08/08 00:01
→ :這應該很痛。39F 08/08 00:01
→ :影片被鎖了40F 08/08 00:01
→ :一定很痛- -41F 08/08 00:01
→ :4年的訓練都白費了42F 08/08 00:01
→ :看不到 被拿掉了43F 08/08 00:01
噓 :沒有啊幹45F 08/08 00:02
推 :劉翔:想跟我搏版面?46F 08/08 00:02
噓 :影片被刪了....47F 08/08 00:02
推 :好可憐喔 練這麼久 要等下次了48F 08/08 00:02
→ :what the feck XDDD49F 08/08 00:02
→ :我還是不知道跳水是算體操還是游泳阿 =.,=51F 08/08 00:02
推 :幹 樓上那連結是三小52F 08/08 00:02
→ :是樓樓上
→ :是樓樓上
推 :被刪了 有備份嗎54F 08/08 00:03
推 :426笑屁喔55F 08/08 00:03
→ :未看先猜跳水爆頭56F 08/08 00:03
推 :樓上的主播笑屁阿!57F 08/08 00:03
→ :猜錯58F 08/08 00:04
推 :那真的是台灣的運動員.....??59F 08/08 00:04
推 :news那影片真是醜斃了 426號像還一直笑60F 08/08 00:04
※ 編輯: pentoxide 來自: (08/08 00:05)→ :那很痛吧...背部61F 08/08 00:05
推 :我記得奧運也有一次62F 08/08 00:05
※ 編輯: pentoxide 來自: (08/08 00:06)推 :幹,女主撥真不專業 還狂笑勒64F 08/08 00:06
推 :Damn hurt...65F 08/08 00:06
推 :不過他為何失誤???66F 08/08 00:07
推 :那個台灣選手是誰阿 跳之前就快哭了 ?67F 08/08 00:08
→ :樓上的圖,好噁的臉68F 08/08 00:08
推 :dodosi那張看的到鳥毛耶69F 08/08 00:08
推 : 不次還有一個英國正面落水的71F 08/08 00:10
推 :04年中國男子雙人跳水也搞過72F 08/08 00:11
→ :這分明是幾霸昏! 太有笑點了!73F 08/08 00:13
→ :幹 這篇英文超好笑 值得一讀74F 08/08 00:15
→ :大腿沒抱緊 只抱到一腿導致身體失去平衡75F 08/08 00:17
推 :XDDDDDD76F 08/08 00:19
推 :我居然大笑XDDDDDDDD77F 08/08 00:21
推 :仔細看發現他落水後的水花很對稱漂亮耶~78F 08/08 00:25
推 :我比較好奇 關於跳水失敗的影片幾乎都因版權抓掉了79F 08/08 00:25
→ :而且有看到的都是正面落水後就停格 有發生什麼事情嗎?
→ :而且有看到的都是正面落水後就停格 有發生什麼事情嗎?
推 :失衡 可惜了81F 08/08 00:27
推 :神那為台灣正妹跳水選手83F 08/08 00:29
推 :oh feck84F 08/08 00:31
噓 :噓笑台灣的運動員85F 08/08 00:33
推 :失敗中的失敗 XD86F 08/08 00:35
推 :德國選手:怎樣,我新創的大字落水法,很帥吧!87F 08/08 00:41
推 :以前一個練跳水的同學跟我說 背部落水會吐血內傷...88F 08/08 00:43
推 :有夠杯具 XDDD google他的每一張圖都很爆笑89F 08/08 00:49
推 :看起來好痛90F 08/08 00:52
推 :失誤有什麼好笑的?看別人笑我們選手就笑不出來了吧91F 08/08 00:55
Stephan Feck And The Most Embarrassing Dive Of The London Games - YouTube Stephan Feck falls flat on his back Stephan Feck and the most embarrassing dive of the London Games Possibly the worst dive you'll ever see

世游赛、第14届国际泳联世界锦标赛 ...
世游赛、第14届国际泳联世界锦标赛 ...
噓 :臺灣丟臉丟到國外去!95F 08/08 03:48
噓 :噓樓上96F 08/08 09:39
推 :我笑了,對不起98F 08/08 16:09
推 :XDDDDDD100F 08/08 20:04
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 237