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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-16 16:32:33
看板 Gossiping
作者 painvano (河蟹になりたい)
標題 Re: [新聞] PSY「江南Style」YouTube點擊破4億
時間 Tue Oct 16 10:55:35 2012

※ 引述《yoyocapri (爬牆飯)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/8bgec5j
: 韓國男歌星PSY的歌曲《江南Style》的MV在You Tube的點擊數突破了4億次。日前在
: Billboard HOT100拿下第二位紀錄的Psy《江南Style》於今日(10月8日)上午6點40分達
: 到點擊數4億45萬次,突破了4億次。這是MV公開之後短短86天內獲得的成績。
Charts - Music - YouTube
Check out YouTube Charts to watch the most popular videos on YouTube and on the Web. ...

不只以點擊數做統計 而是把「收看時間」考慮進去


2012/8/28(TOP1) http://www.youtube.com/charts/videos_views/music?d=20120830
Charts - Music - YouTube
Check out YouTube Charts to watch the most popular videos on YouTube and on the Web. ...
2012/9/04(TOP1) http://www.youtube.com/charts/videos_views/music?d=20120907
Charts - Music - YouTube
Check out YouTube Charts to watch the most popular videos on YouTube and on the Web. ...
2012/9/11(TOP1) http://www.youtube.com/charts/videos_views/music?d=20120913
Charts - Music - YouTube
Check out YouTube Charts to watch the most popular videos on YouTube and on the Web. ...
2012/9/18(TOP1) http://www.youtube.com/charts/videos_views/music?d=20120920
Charts - Music - YouTube
Check out YouTube Charts to watch the most popular videos on YouTube and on the Web. ...
2012/9/25(TOP1) http://www.youtube.com/charts/videos_views/music?d=20120927
Charts - Music - YouTube
Check out YouTube Charts to watch the most popular videos on YouTube and on the Web. ...
2012/10/02(TOP1) http://www.youtube.com/charts/videos_views/music?d=20121003
Charts - Music - YouTube
Check out YouTube Charts to watch the most popular videos on YouTube and on the Web. ...
2012/10/09(TOP1) http://www.youtube.com/charts/videos_views/music?d=20121011
Charts - Music - YouTube
Check out YouTube Charts to watch the most popular videos on YouTube and on the Web. ...

2012/10/16(圏外) http://www.youtube.com/charts/videos_views/music?d=20121018
Charts - Music - YouTube
Check out YouTube Charts to watch the most popular videos on YouTube and on the Web. ...

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◆ From:
opthr1215:作弊被抓到1F 10/16 11:01
losterchen:收看時間 FF跟chrome的外掛一樣可以改阿 再重新掛機灌2F 10/16 11:05
TSbb:1樓別亂講喔,等等TsukimiyaAyu把你ID抓來鞭唷3F 10/16 11:05
losterchen:【教學】如何在YouTube上幫SHINee MV 衝點閱率4F 10/16 11:06
TSbb:2F講的早知道了,台灣人還帶頭挺真是有X。5F 10/16 11:06
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blackk:以前YouTube還能看點擊率集中在哪些地區,現在怎不行了?10F 10/16 11:10
demitri:不就一首歌而已 也要搞種族主義11F 10/16 11:15
wanghong:第一名怎麼是沒聽過的團体..這也太扯了吧12F 10/16 11:19
seaEPC:民國幾年了還在洗次數...之前新聞就有講是美國點擊次數最多13F 10/16 11:20
calciumless:新鮮感到頭了  鄉民說psy會有別的作品紅起來嗎 不會嘛15F 10/16 11:34
a58429723:1D在奧運閉幕式表演過  說沒聽過  你比較扯16F 10/16 11:58
cherman:儒家教育下大家表面都彬彬有禮,私底下都內鬥搞小動作最行17F 10/16 12:11
canonring151:OneD超紅吼18F 10/16 12:58

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