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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-01-22 14:22:19
看板 LoL
作者 a71085 (iii)
標題 [情報] 史瓦妮重製情報
時間 Mon Jan 21 21:32:03 2013

Examples of things that have already tested well and are likely to be part of
her rework (generally low risk quality of life improvements):

1. Changing the mark for Permafrost from a very weak slow to a non CC debuff.
This allows allows the mark's duration to be extended to a longer value than
would be appropriate for a slow and stops the mark from having a reduced
duration against targets with CC.


2. A clearer particle for that mark so it's really clear at any point which
enemies will be affected by Permafrost's activation.


3. Slightly increased responsiveness on Artic Assualt when it comes to
detecting collisions with enemies and calculating travel through terrain,
courtesy of some tech improvements since her development.


Examples of things still in testing (being experimented with to see if they
work, not guaranteed to happen):


1. Base stat tweaks


2. Adding a bit of tankiness somewhere on the kit to better match Sejuani's
thematics (tough warrior on a giant boar) and reduce the amount of damage she
takes early on.


3. Changes to Artic Assault's behaviour on hitting an enemy champion (e.g.
stronger CC than just a slow)


4. Whether Northern Winds should apply the mark for Permafrost and then have
its gameplay tweaked (since the current 'bonus damage against Frosted
targets' interaction would then be irrelevant)


5. Increasing risk of play slightly and in exchange increasing reward for
good play to match.


The next step design side is simply more testing and iteration, both on the
examples listed above and some other stuff. Then, once we've got a set of
changes we're happy with, we'll refine those, balance them and, where needed
then work with our art department on new visual/audio elements (e.g. the
clearer mark for Permafost as above). As previously mentioned there's also
some interest internally in tweaking Sejuani's appearance a bit. That's not
my area of expertise so I'll try and catch IronStylus at some point and see
if there's anything concrete about that can be passed on about that. As far
as timeframe for all of this goes there's still a fair while to go - I expect
we'll see at least one other rework out before Sejuani's. Stuff is
progressing though and I'll update again in a while once we've got things
more locked down design side.


Looking for Sejuani Feedback - League of Legends Community
Looking for Sejuani Feedback General Discussion ...


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◆ From:
gn02118620  :泡麵頭是打電腦拿首勝神器耶...1F 01/21 21:33
zzshaw      :我的泡麵頭.............2F 01/21 21:33
jacj888     :耶豬女超讚3F 01/21 21:33
maple0935   :SIVIR:山豬阿妮有了大面具之後還不差啊 先重製老娘吧4F 01/21 21:33
amALu       :變成雪球角有點gg的感覺...5F 01/21 21:33
linceass    :雪球角wwwwwwww Nunu表示:6F 01/21 21:34
VRadmanovic :可以再BUFF胸部嗎?7F 01/21 21:34
davy012345  :                        我才是正宗雪球角8F 01/21 21:34
hivgay      :哼 6300角要重製 當然可以插那兩位3150的隊9F 01/21 21:35
vergilmir   :我笑了 結果完全被重改 這隻角色這麼新耶..10F 01/21 21:36
o268453210  :永恆棟土改成丟雪球 (茶11F 01/21 21:36
kungen      :nunu:12F 01/21 21:36
an138       :模組已經夠精緻了還要改= =?13F 01/21 21:37
ty502502    :雪球角要會丟雪球14F 01/21 21:38
LoCKeR941010:Sivir........15F 01/21 21:38
TWemperor   :作很失敗才要被重製啊16F 01/21 21:38
shadwell    :...沒要推SKIN就別想重製的意思,舊英雄放著爛17F 01/21 21:39
Acer        :雪球角? 2級就衝刺+凍土+普攻+點燃收頭嗎?18F 01/21 21:39
TWemperor   :比不上主流坦克 更別提S3得坦克已經式微了19F 01/21 21:39
gekisen     :啥 意思是新技能跟那隻猩猩一樣是噴雪球嗎20F 01/21 21:40
TWemperor   :推SKIN又不代表會重製 蠻王NERF後很久也推出一個SKIN21F 01/21 21:41
TWemperor   :但是蠻王還是蠻王....
chunyulai   :nunu:.....23F 01/21 21:41
peacesb     :我還是要抱怨豬女那可悲的DPS...24F 01/21 21:41
polas       :Fiora:我也是6300怎麼沒人要幫幫我25F 01/21 21:42
polas       :今天Fiora又度過了勝率前十低的一日
wdcr        :\野豬妹/\野豬妹/\野豬妹/\野豬妹/\野豬妹/\野豬妹/27F 01/21 21:43
hahn        :無力熊勒?????????????????????????????28F 01/21 21:44
wdcr        :我的main之一 (期待)29F 01/21 21:44
pljck       :最近動作好大30F 01/21 21:44
pljck       :明天PBE該不會又要動了吧@@
punkdog     :泡麵 卡馬 烏爾加特32F 01/21 21:44
※ 編輯: a71085          來自:       (01/21 21:47)
vergilmir   :熊在s3還不錯阿33F 01/21 21:46
thisday     :volibear呢?34F 01/21 21:46
wulouise    :雪地來的雪球角不意外(35F 01/21 21:48
xzsa1471    :熊還滿強的吧@@ 我滿喜歡現在的熊36F 01/21 21:48
vergilmir   :S3就撐血就好 熊又適血 又一堆裝都帶血量 是少數S3坦37F 01/21 21:48
wulouise    :CC stronger than slow..好像就擊退吹高嘛38F 01/21 21:48
vergilmir   :的動的角色 只是之前太無力了英熊又多39F 01/21 21:49
wulouise    :熊不能打一波 傷害又不是很持久 贏不了Singed40F 01/21 21:49
hivgay      :什麼?! 那MasterYi其實是大Buff阿41F 01/21 21:49
zeldazefac  :蠻王是總裁都沒改了42F 01/21 21:49
leo255112   :讚喔,是時候入手山豬妹了43F 01/21 21:51
lpca        :索拉卡這最沒愛的都重做模型了 希維爾表示:44F 01/21 21:53
MotoDawn    :熊沒屁用 w長cd+爛觸發方式沒改之前只能是虐菜角45F 01/21 21:53
lpdpCossette:R改成丟雪球的意思嗎(拖走)46F 01/21 21:53
vergilmir   :不過熊的專武閃電弓被拔了 牠有點傷心47F 01/21 21:54
Gragas      :其實山豬妹一直都還滿正的阿... 只是體質悲劇48F 01/21 21:54
wulouise    :樓上不知道雪球分成雪球(骨) 雪球(肉) 雪球(碎)嗎49F 01/21 21:54
oliver32119 :http://0rz.tw/dEDHc 應該會變成這樣吧lol50F 01/21 21:54
Jarvan4     :雪球角!? 是技能丟雪球嗎?51F 01/21 21:54
wulouise    :R其實是雪球(碎)52F 01/21 21:55
lpdpCossette:stronger than slow, 可能加上減攻速吧53F 01/21 21:56
pljck       :嗯 從丟冰塊變丟雪球 那就是NERF了(被拖走54F 01/21 21:56
a71085      :照riot的說法是希望能讓AD易稍微強化一點才改的,不55F 01/21 21:56
a71085      :過這刀砍的AP易有點痛,從4變成1.2
joy159357   :SIVIR57F 01/21 21:57
capriole    :快重製吧  期待可以看到山豬+冰鳥+艾希+努努的組合58F 01/21 22:02
ilohoo      :說好的多元發展多元出裝呢?怎麼可以為了強化AD打死AP59F 01/21 22:04
wulouise    :等等 Yi W不是全面nerf?60F 01/21 22:04
kenshin333  :從5秒=>3秒感覺又是NERF啊 少兩秒 比較難等Q的CD了XD61F 01/21 22:04
wulouise    :喔喔 施法時間有變短喔62F 01/21 22:05
howar31     :高清無馬有豬 http://i.imgur.com/jkRm0.jpg63F 01/21 22:06
ohyeahbb    :進來先/一下希維爾  果然沒缺席64F 01/21 22:06
nanokdash   :豬女不錯玩阿無腦寶石腰帶就上手65F 01/21 22:07
sonofgod    :當初做那麼爛 現在才搞重製66F 01/21 22:15
hotahaha    :coming soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon67F 01/21 22:17
l037985589  :能不能變得工口一點68F 01/21 22:18
damnedfish  :史瓦尼這麼新的英雄竟然先重製69F 01/21 22:20
chou        :跟新不新無關吧 根本沒人用啊70F 01/21 22:22
julystar    :跟特朗德的出場率有得比71F 01/21 22:28
satousei    :\野豬妹/\野豬妹/\野豬妹/\野豬妹/\野豬妹/\野豬妹/72F 01/21 22:29
hoe1101     :努努的死對頭藥出現了嗎73F 01/21 22:31
myran       :所以重製後野豬妹要變坦,不過S3感覺坦不是太吃香74F 01/21 22:34
darkfantasy :沒啊.好戰聯盟升起坦怎麼會不吃香.問題只在技能搭配75F 01/21 22:37
forgetwind  :減5秒更慘阿-,-,w可以多稱點時間很重要的76F 01/21 22:37
hardyuse    :已收入情報區77F 01/21 22:38
darkfantasy :不過情報只講說讓她變硬一點 倒不見得就會變坦克角78F 01/21 22:39
leo255112   :有好戰,連carry都能坦79F 01/21 22:40
Acer        :S3稱血還蠻吃香的,看看Olaf80F 01/21 22:45
tyc1126     :野豬大改造81F 01/21 22:47
darkfantasy :Olaf是本來就適合撐血. 畢竟R加雙防, 雷電扣血82F 01/21 22:49
yachien04   :跟飛歐拉一樣爛的腳色83F 01/21 22:49
misy4ru3    :Sivir是招誰惹誰...84F 01/21 22:51
satousei    :SIVIR?S2世界冠軍昨天剛出的角色幹嘛重置85F 01/21 23:00
darkfantasy :臉.86F 01/21 23:02
L0v35       :sivir在等拉皮87F 01/21 23:03
jerrylin    :豬女超硬....88F 01/21 23:06
pdexter     :卡馬表示:89F 01/21 23:24
AriaYang    :變工口一點就會一堆人秒鎖了90F 01/21 23:25
BnLou       :野豬妹期實滿威猛的91F 01/21 23:28
yang790609  :要來一張史瓦妮表示你看看你的圖了嗎XDDD92F 01/21 23:42
blackteasart:\我的老婆豬妹/93F 01/21 23:45
z83420123   :該重製的不重製 這隻現在勝率很OK 結果重製= =94F 01/21 23:51
darkfantasy :史瓦妮重製消息明明也放很久了...95F 01/21 23:55
darkfantasy :其實也就只是新年假期過完 Riot把去年一些承諾趕上
darkfantasy :把一些積欠進度的工作開始清掉而已.
IzayoiHayate:如果拿著盾牌就可以當坦的話那斯巴達怎麼辦= =98F 01/22 00:07
RyomaTaco   :泡麵頭現在還不算爛阿...99F 01/22 00:08
yuhan828    :我愛豬妹!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!耶~~~~~~~100F 01/22 00:09
YomiIsayama :永恆動土修改的重點沒翻出來阿101F 01/22 00:28
YomiIsayama :目的是讓永恆動土不再被-CC的效果減免
YomiIsayama :所以看起來效果可能還是緩速 只是變成debuff的形式
YomiIsayama :不確定我有沒有理解錯
YomiIsayama :好長一串
Mystiera    :豬豬的模組已經很棒了耶o.o106F 01/22 02:11
wdcr        :豬妹的模組已經又正又胸了說107F 01/22 02:20
a71085      :那邊因為我也不大確定所以偷懶了  XD108F 01/22 05:08
lovefish26  :我愛泡麵,請重視糧食109F 01/22 07:53
alvis000    :\豬妹/110F 01/22 12:54

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