※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-27 01:39:33
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] 6/16-17 Q&A
時間 Tue Jun 18 11:09:16 2013
- additional info about the “Israeli” IS-3: it was used as tractor
basically, it had modified engine and transmission, using the parts from
T-54/55 and new cooling systems, apparently it used the original gun too,
therefore it is fit to be a premium vehicle
- the T-35 premium tank won’t have the historical crew (of 11 tankists),
SerB thinks it’s not necessery
- SerB states that the developers don’t deal with fixed battles and they don
’t care, how many “reputation” do such posts have (SS: to explain,
apparently there is a scandal on RU server, that the “random” competition
prizes were being split between prominent members of several clans, leading a
lot of people to the conclusion that these clanners fixed battles in order to
get their hands on the prizes. And yes, this happened on EU server too in the
past, I remember one case where such “teams” were stripped of their
winnings and banned)
- normalization doesn’t apply on track hits
- the shell trajectory after armor penetration is not influenced by
normalisation (SS: IIRC, normalisation is just a number, the actual shell
trajectory is not changed by it)
- normalisation is not applied twice, when the shell goes thru a spaced armor
and the main armor after that
- SerB regarding the chance of new maps to drop: “Usually the higher chance
for the new map to drop is turned on for one patch, because in the next patch
another new map is introduced.”
- engine can catch on fire even if it doesn’t turn “yellow”
- it’s theoretically possible for the IS-4 to have only the D-25 gun, that
would shoot the current gold ammo as silver shells, but so far it’s just SerB
’s personal wish, he’ll check the vehicle out
- King Tiger speed buff: “when it’s done it’s done”
- When asked about the historicity of T-50 speed, SerB states that the 64km/h
speed for the T-50 is possible, it was actually archieved during factory tests
- according to SerB, SU-100Y is doing fine on its tier
- in WoWp, training crewmembers to 100 percent costs 400 gold instead of WoT
200 gold. SerB states that there are no plans for now to rise the price for
WoT crew training also
- no special ingame report function for griefing by “covering the enemy from
allies” (SS: probably running into the line of fire of your teammates,
preventing them from shooting) is planned
- SerB like farming on KV-5
- generally (in connection with the announced “free-to-win” principle),
premium tanks won’t be buffed (premium tank players have the possibility to
play on regular tanks)
- regarding account hijack prevention: it is not possible to make “save
checkpoints” for accounts, SerB states that when the player account database
is simply copied from regular server to test server, it’s a lengthy process,
it’s impossible to make such copies every day, local copy of your account
data on client computers is not an option
- the bug with T29 antennae (SS: when zoomed to a certain extent towards the
top turret, the camera tends to jerk to a side) will be fixed with the
introduction of client physics
- the Ferdinand bolted 100mm armor plate doesn’t work as spaced armor,
because there is no space between the plate and the armor itself
- the possibility to add your own music to be played within the game is not
- linear crewmember skill training is also not planned for WoT
- T14 gun penetration apparently won’t be buffed, nor will the gun be
replaced with (unhistorical) 105mm howitzer: “If you don’t like it, don’t
play it”
- SerB believes the Maus is competitive in random battles
- no plans for close future to implement “code authenticator” á la
- the statistics “what tanks destroyed my tank” most likely won’t be
- along with the server-side replays, there will apparently be a possibility
to analyze, on which spots was your vehicle hit in the battle
- Sturer Emil was not considered for tier 7 premium TD
Sturer Emil不會作為T7金幣TD
(3001底盤+128mm L61,主砲左右各7度,俯仰角+10~-15,備彈18發)
- client physics will have very little influence on the game web traffic
- Superpershing will most likely be changed to the new model in 8.7
- the new improved spall liner bonus will affect the ramming damage also
- Q: “Are you afraid that we the people will get angry if our wishes to nerf
arty will not be heard?” A: “Megalomania is bad. Take care of yourself.”
- SerB on large caliber artillery shells ricocheting from thin surfaces: “
Yes well, 8 inch naval shells did ricochet from the 25mm thick cruiser armor
plates, so?” (SS: some players suspect Wargaming of somehow screwing with
ricochets for HEAT arty shells by disabling overmatch)
- HEAT ricochet angle is 80 degrees, regular ricochet is 70 degrees
- there are enough Soviet heavies for 7 whole branches, but there are no
plans to introduce that many
- while the accounts for WoT, WoWp and WoWs will be unified, this doesn’t
count for clans, clans won’t be unified
- in 0.8.6, the bush camo principle will remain the same, because “it was a
better solution” (SS: the new bush camo mechanism was bugged as hell)
- the camo system will be overhauled completely, but not soon
- Q: “In connection witht he premium ammo nerf, will the top 59-16 gun be
buffed?” A: “Don’t play with the 59-16 top gun”
- client physics demonstration: “when it’s done it’s done”
- the devs are trying not to implement skills/perks, that would work with the
same effect as the main skill (SS: for example a perk, that would decrease
reloading time, which is the effect of the main skill of the loader)
- nation-specific skills/perks might be implemented, but not at this moment
- Vickers MBT and Vijayanta (SS: improved Indian licensed Vickers MBT copy)?
“No comment”
- improved Chinese Type 59 with additional armor and new gun won’t be
implemented, current Type 59′s are enough
不打算再buff 59式,請勿妄想會有更好的裝甲或砲
- “modern” maps (SS: with modern architecture for example) are specifically
avoided by the developers
- SerB on “free to win” principle “In our game, gold doesn’t give any
advantage in battle. In levelling, it does. And it will continue to do so.
Nothing I can help with.” As for the difference between gold- and
silver-trained crews, SerB states: “You can always train your crew in
battle. If you are lazy, nothing I can help with.” He answers the same for
module unlocking – can be unlocked thru free or regular XP.
- water has no effect on shells whatsoever, some effect will be added but not
- you won’t lose by ramming a dead tank. If you feel like you lost some HP
by doing that, you probably rammed the tank while it was still alive and the
messages arrived in wrong order
- assist bonus for potential damage won’t be implemented (SerB: “I am
waiting for the time when players will ask for bonus just for downloading the
- no plans for 4 man platoons
- no mods as such will be implemented into the client. SerB states WG might “
borrow” some ideas however.
- Deadeye perk will affect engine fire chance, but only indirectly (by
increasing the chance to hit the engine), doesn’t increase the engine fire
chance itself.
- the rapid fire autocannons have decreased chance to cause engine fires to
compensate for the fact any hit can cause engine fire
SerB explains: “A shell hits the engine module, a “saving throw” is thrown
(without that the game would be unplayable, veterans remember the 0.4.0
patch) – eg. the damage is dealt to the engine with some amount of
probability. With each damage dealt to the engine above certain threshold,
the engine can catch on fire. The engine below 50 percent health will turn
yellow and on 0 it will turn red. This is the connection between crits and
engine fires – the module damage.”
- premium vehicles do not correspond to the stock vehicles of the same tier –
they are somewhat better than that, but elite vehicles of the same tier have
to be better
Q: "Dear developers, does WoT generate so little profit that you have to
reduce the profitability of the tanks?"
A: "Dear players, do you play so bad that you have to imagine the
profitability drops all the time?"
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :SB說話越來越想噓了1F 06/18 11:20
推 :口徑轉正 越來越覺得是唬爛的=_=
推 :口徑轉正 越來越覺得是唬爛的=_=
推 :難怪我KV2 一天到晚讓人家燒引擎3F 06/18 11:41
推 :發爐了發爐了4F 06/18 11:48
推 :我在等你們哪天問「下載遊戲會不會給bonus」 wwww5F 06/18 11:58
噓 :完改銀幣車>金幣車>白板銀幣車 [筆記6F 06/18 12:01
→ :注意那邊指的是overmatch不是normalization7F 06/18 12:06
→ :另外SerB一直都是這個調調,看他troll人也是樂趣之一
→ :另外SerB一直都是這個調調,看他troll人也是樂趣之一
推 :war thunder不是就每天登入有bouns嗎9F 06/18 12:33
→ :所以不會玩的開金幣車真的就是來坑隊友的10F 06/18 13:15
推 :那是因為人家還在beta11F 06/18 13:17
推 :wat thunder是還在BETA喔 我還以為空戰部分有營運了12F 06/18 14:17
→ :要等全部都做出來平衡完開始營運要過多久啊XD
→ :要等全部都做出來平衡完開始營運要過多久啊XD
推 :WT是正式版了...14F 06/18 14:23
→ :都可以包P了怎麼會還在BETA
→ :都可以包P了怎麼會還在BETA
→ :BEAT就開始收費不是已經是常識了嗎?XD16F 06/18 14:29
→ :樓樓上不知隔壁棚DXAXLX 3 還在Beta就收錢了嘛(戰17F 06/18 14:32
推 :D3躺著也中槍XD18F 06/18 14:34
推 :別提D3了 連數位板都搶得要死要活結果被拍賣場搞爛19F 06/18 14:36
→ :WOT BETA時期每天也有送金幣阿www20F 06/18 19:22
→ :而且不登入還會幫你累積起來 等你下次上線一次補給
→ :而且不登入還會幫你累積起來 等你下次上線一次補給
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 68
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