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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-07-08 19:33:54
看板 Gossiping
作者 chad79718 (親手畫下了休止符)
標題 [爆卦] 國際技藝競賽名單出爐
時間 Mon Jul  8 08:08:48 2013



Beauty Therapy:MEI-HUI FU 金牌

Sheet Metal Technology:Cheng-chia Kao 金牌

Plastic Die Engineering:Min-hsuan Hung 銅牌

Prototype Modelling:Shih-wei Chi 金牌

Mechatronics:Shiao-wei Peng & Kuan-fu Wang 銀牌

Electronics:Cong-yu Wang 金牌

Floristry:Chih-jui Shen 金牌

Fashion Technology:Ying-tzu Lin 銅牌

Graphic Design Technology:Chiao-ju Hsiao 銅牌

Autobody Repair:Kai-lun Ji 銀牌

Painting and Decorating:Ping-hao Shen 銅牌

Plastering and Drywall Systems:Wen-wei Lin 金牌

Joinery:Hao-jhe Li 銀牌

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:Yi-chan Hsieh 銅牌

IT Network Systems Administration:Hui-zhong Liu 銅牌

Confectioner/Pastry Cook:Yi-chun Liu 銅牌

Cooking:Sheng-nan Jian 銅牌

Restaurant Service:Ling-chuan Yen 銀牌

WorldSkills International - Media Home
WorldSkills International provides a unique means of exchange and comparison of world-class competency standards in the industrial trades and service sectors of the global economy. The continued growth of WorldSkills attests to the fact that traditional trade and craft skills along with the newer te ...

恭喜(* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"'*-.,_,.-*'"*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
hongtm:可以保送118吧1F 07/08 08:14
※ 編輯: chad79718       來自:       (07/08 08:30)
Howard61313:他的媽媽希望go to 台科大2F 07/08 08:33
ftyu:好棒 金牌的28K 銀牌26K 銅牌24K   都比22K強多了!3F 07/08 09:34
tcis:選上國手就可以上118了4F 07/08 09:56
StartFire:保送EMBA吧5F 07/08 10:24

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 150 
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