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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-10-02 20:50:34
看板 WoT
作者 lwo005 (Erich von Manstein)
標題 [情報] 09/30 Q&A
時間 Wed Oct  2 11:23:52 2013

譯註: 這一篇並沒有被 SS 歸類到 Q&A 的分類,我也不知道是甚麼原因

- FV300 is planned to be introduced as British light tank, but SerB states
  that other than that (it’s a tier 6 probably), the British have no hightier
  LT candidates, unless WG digs something up at Bovington
  FV300 (T6) 計畫作為英國輕坦推出,不過 SerB 表示除非 WG 從 Bovington 博物館

- SerB considers the 8.8 German rebalance “fair”
  SerB 認為德國 8.8 版本的重新平衡 "正義與善良都回來了" (原文"公平")

- the Lowe side armor is historical, it belongs to one of the models
  mentioned in Panzer Tracts (SS: Lowe is a mashup of two models in game, I
  think there’s an article on that in old FTR)
  Lowe 側面裝甲符合史實,是 Panzer Tracts 中提到的的一個型號
  (SS: 遊戲中的 Lowe 是兩種型號的混合體,舊FTR中有文章討論過)

- there might be a “shockwave” graphic effect (from tank shooting)
  implemented, but if it makes it to WoT, it will be active only when the tank
  is spotted

- tank throwing out dirt (or “shaking it off” when it stops) will be
  implemented only if in the limits of client computer possibilities

- WG won’t make a MMORPG game apparently
  WG 不會製作 MMORPG 遊戲

- official concept of historical battles is ready and confirmed, “wait for
  official announcement”

- players having strange ratings? SerB: “As I wrote before, I don’t care
  about any ratings.”
  玩家發明奇怪的戰績計算分數? Serb: "我之前表示過,我對甚麼積分都不在乎"

- WoT having bot-detecting algorithms? “We won’t comment on bot-detecting
  algorithms in game”
  WoT 有偵測 bot 的演算法? "我們對於遊戲的 bot 偵測演算法無可奉告"

- Lowe doesn’t have 150mm L/40, because it would be terribly OP with it
  Lowe 沒有 150mm L/40 ,因為如果獅子拿到這門炮貼蘿蔔的OP

- apparently, Leopard 1 has the best camo factor of all hightier meds
  顯然,Leopard 1 在高階中坦中的隱蔽係數最好

- there might be an invisibility (“show I am online only to friends/clanmates
  ”) mode implemented, not soon tho

- SerB states that there was no Maus I tank (contrary to Maus II, that was
  historical), Maus I was simply called “Maus”
  SerB 表示沒有 Maus I 戰車(相較於史實的Maus II), Maus I 就是 Maus

- SerB says that if you see tank corpses rotate like 10-15 degrees after
  their destruction, it’s probably desynchronisation of client
  SerB 表示如果你發現坦克殘骸在被摧毀後瞬轉 10~15 度

- SerB also confirms that last month’s massive events (like the possibility
  to get a lot of gold per day) did have an effect on WG economy – if good or
  bad remains to be seen
  SerB 證實上個月的大型活動(例如一天可以打到不少金幣之類的)
  對 WG 的經濟確實有影響 - 不過是好是壞有待商榷

- “Jagdchieftain” (CTR) in WoT? “No comment”
  "Jagdchieftain" 會引進 Wot? "無可奉告"

- blindshots (you accidentally hit someone who was not spotted in the bushes
  for example) count as if the shooter spotted the enemy himself, you get full
  XP/credit for it

- the Japanese tree got reworked: Type 97 Te-Ke got thrown out and the Chi-Ri
  lost the 88mm gun (SS: just like Daigensui predicted)
  日本線做了修改: Type 97 Te-Ke 移出遊戲、Chi-Ri 移除 88mm 主砲
  (SS: 就像 Daigensu 預測的一樣)

- SerB confirms that the Chinese tree is generally not very popular
  SerB 證實中國線並不是很熱門

- SerB thinks that 20 percent of all players will hide their statistics –
  they will be spread roughly equally when it comes to skill with a bit more
  good players hiding their stats, because they read the news and forums
  SerB 認為 20% 的玩家會隱藏戰績資料 -

- it’s possible that the E-50 will move to tier 10 and will be replaced by a
  “Turbopanther” with two optional hulls (SS: a GT101 gas turbine Panther
  (SS: 可能是 GT101 開發的燃氣渦輪豹式)

- both the regular movement stopping (you move forward and press the S key)
  and the stop-to-shoot (spacebar) stop the vehicle with the same speed
  前進時按 S 和按空白鍵的煞車速度其實是一樣的

- new city maps will be smaller than 1x1km
  新的城市地圖會小於 1*1 公里

- Americans will get a second medium branch (SS: not counting the T57 one).
  It might start from the Chaffee, but that is not guaranteed. It has undergone
  changes in the past, but according to SerB, players will like it.
  美國會有第二條中坦線 (SS: 不算 T57 的話)
  可能會從 Chaffee 開始分出去,不過還不確定

  這條線之前有修改過,不過根據 Serb 的說法玩家會喜歡

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
ccc73123    :我記得之前有人測過隱蔽最好的T10中坦是T-62A和BC25t1F 10/02 11:27
hemisofia   :坦克揚起塵土現在就有了不是嘛?10階中坦我也記得是樓2F 10/02 11:44
hemisofia   :上那兩輛最好啊 PT1印象中拍馬都趕不上...
hemisofia   :http://www.autonomaus.com/wot/tonks8.6camo.html
hemisofia   :翻出了8.6的隱蔽表 不過隔了兩版估計又有改動5F 10/02 11:47
p4585424    :應該有更新啦,看到表上有E-256F 10/02 11:49
bear753951  :絕對有更新,連mt25都有7F 10/02 12:05
batterykugua:已經在Chaffee上存好經驗了!8F 10/02 12:15
wuchianlin  :.....啊不是說不做渦輪豹式嗎9F 10/02 12:16
victor0lynn :見證吃書 與打臉的一刻10F 10/02 12:18
r0930       : 滑膛砲啥時會出現呢11F 10/02 12:39
jimcheer    :之前Q&A說過滑膛砲不會出現,因為穿深400起碼起跳12F 10/02 12:41
jimcheer    :*起碼400起跳
r0930       :Q&A也說過渦輪引擎不會出現阿 借我說一下嘛XD14F 10/02 12:42
melzard     :穿深400那也不用瞄弱點了 爽穿~15F 10/02 12:43
iamstudent  :為什麼Bot偵測法,不在開場倒數放個認證碼就好呢?16F 10/02 12:57
wzmildf     :這樣的話loading慢的人會哭給你看17F 10/02 13:00
colin1120   :樓上別啊! 我會在倒數的時候去網站晃一下18F 10/02 13:01
colin1120   :剩五秒再回來唉QAQ
iamstudent  :50秒不夠的話,設定成開場三分鐘內有完成認證就好20F 10/02 13:10
colin1120   :對於一天會打超過60場的人 一天要輸入60次認證碼21F 10/02 13:17
colin1120   :我不覺得這會變成一個好主意
lwo005      :關於高階中坦隱蔽能力部分我只是翻譯23F 10/02 13:22
lwo005      :資訊是否正確我無法保證
colin1120   :有翻譯就很感激了 謝謝你!25F 10/02 13:23
hemisofia   :不不不 那不是針對翻譯的質疑啊XD26F 10/02 13:26
forever9801 :輸入認證碼還不簡單=_= 那種bot一堆吧27F 10/02 13:35
hemisofia   :9階場SU-152輸出第一 8階場隊友IS-6均傷800 今天的隊28F 10/02 13:53
hemisofia   :友都這種.....每日P帳好難賺啊...
hemisofia   :想噓在置底閒聊錯篇了...補推...
ykes60513   :那種高階金幣車要看人品了...猴子會特別多= =31F 10/02 13:56
josephHPSH  :希望不要出隱藏戰績lol32F 10/02 14:12
zczc        :只要打正面會壞引擎就別說符合史實33F 10/02 14:36
zczc        :起火就德車看8.8有動手腳
qoopichu    :以前覺得虎式是世上最會燒的車,直到我玩了豹式...35F 10/02 14:41
liebeTaiwan :黑豹算甚麼,四驅車更會燒36F 10/02 14:46
wuchianlin  :三突也非常會燒 只是血太少燒了就是死了37F 10/02 16:07
Skx         :三突只有直接卡碰..很少看到燒的 XD38F 10/02 16:59
ykes60513   :三突不常燒 三突是連看都不能被看到的 這是前提啊www39F 10/02 17:26
qoopichu    :三突不被打到首下其實很彈,最近豹子打400m+的三突常40F 10/02 17:58
qoopichu    :被他跳掉
Pegasus99   :三突上半身彈120左右的很輕鬆 碰到新手可以欺負一下42F 10/02 18:26
colin1120   :但是下半身隨便被踹一腳都要升天43F 10/02 18:29
hemisofia   :曾經三突去跟IS頂牛 它被我滿血打剩下48%都打不死我44F 10/02 18:30
hemisofia   :至於既然打不死我為何我只能打它到48%呢?要問我方SPG
donkilu     :三突是神車46F 10/02 18:40
yeangigi    :驗證碼這種東西,只要降低回報bot的懲罰標準(例如只47F 10/02 18:40
yeangigi    :要兩人在同場report,就跳出驗證碼要求驗證,三次沒過
yeangigi    :就鎖一天帳號,這樣就可以避免一般人也要輸入驗證碼
YukiPhoenix :WG有沒有考慮過提升玩家素質  白痴多到遊戲很不好玩50F 10/02 18:53
iamstudent  :我是覺得驗證只能在排match之前,或是開場倒數51F 10/02 19:02
iamstudent  :因為AFK可以檢舉敵隊,玩到一半跳認證碼可以用來整人
iamstudent  :如果認證碼在激戰中跳出來,這樣設計一定被罵翻
colin1120   :...不要把XX谷的設計拿來做想像 那該死的不是常態54F 10/02 19:20
colin1120   :一般來說沒有腦袋正常營運方會那樣設計 不用擔心
damnedfish  :在"即時pvp"遊戲中搞驗證碼,誰受得了= =56F 10/02 19:35
colin1120   :即時PvE也別想 腦袋正常就不會這樣搞57F 10/02 19:40

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