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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-15 11:00:09
看板 WoT
作者 WillieHuang (Willie)
標題 [情報] 11/9 Q&A
時間 Sun Nov 10 04:28:12 2013

- SerB states that (regarding the WT Panzer IV) the Panzer IV chassis could
carry a 128mm gun – he recommends to go and have a look at Waffenträger on
38(t) chassis in Kubinka, it also could hold the 128mm and 150mm gun

 SerB 表示(關於對 Waffenträger auf Pz. IV 的質疑)四號的車體可以搭載 12.8cm
砲——他建議去 Kubinka 看看用 Pz.Kpfw.38 (t) 底盤改裝的 Waffenträger);它有能
力裝 12.8cm 或 15cm 砲。[更新]

- angle of impact has no effect on track armor thickness (SS: in case you didn
’t know, tracks do have an armor value, usually around 20mm)

 入射角不會影響履帶模組的裝甲厚度。(SS: 怕你不知道,履帶也是有裝甲值的,通常

- T14 appearing as the only tier 5 tank in tier 6 battles despite being too
weak fort that? “How terrible…”


- SerB states that situation, where all crewmembers and modules are intanct
but a tank “dies” anyway is realistic (SS: as in, in real life it would be
breaking apart in seems from damage for example)

 SerB 表示,所有組員和部件都無傷的情況下爆車是符合現實的。

- when optional hulls become available, you won’t have to destroy both hulls
to get the expert medal


- when multi-gun mechanism is implemented and Maus gets its 75mm gun, SerB
states its game impact will be negligible

 多砲塔機制實裝後,Maus 會有 7.5cm同軸砲,SerB 表示這對遊戲影響微不足道。(譯
註:十階場 75砲連牙籤都不如吧…)

- Object 268 (heavy tank), Object 267 and Object 770 are not planned

 沒打算要做 Object 268,Object 267 和 Object 770。

- it’s possible second Soviet TD branch (with SU-152P and SU-152G) will

 可能會有蘇系第二條TD線(會有 SU-152P 和 SU-152G)。

- initially, historical battles will most likely work as random battles,
historical company battles might appear as second step


- the IS-3 in game doesn’t represent one exact version, various options are
possible (including with IS-3M elements)

 遊戲中 IS-3 不會出一台新車,但是會有很多選擇(包括 IS-3M 的改裝)。

- IS-3 with various hulls will most likely appear. Optional hulls will start
with the most obvious choices (such as various frontal armor on IS/IS-2
tanks), after that other optional hulls will be slowly added, but SerB adds
that there won’t be ALL the hull variants of all the tanks in game (for
example hulls where the only difference was an added towing cable)

 IS-3 很可能會有多種可選車體。從最明顯的種類開始(像是 IS/IS-2 上不同的前裝甲
版本),慢慢會加入其他可選車體。但 SerB 說不會把所有的變種車體加進遊戲中(例如

- apparently the tier 10 Japanese heavy will be along the same lines of
thought as Maus, but Maus will be heavier

 顯然日系十階重坦設計概念跟 Maus 一樣,但是 Maus 比較重。

- the reason there will be no tier 11 vehicles is: “We don’t want to make
levelling up longer. We get money from more options, not from long grinds.”



        In church, they say to forgive!

        Forgiveness is between them and God;

              it's my job to arrange the meeting.           《 Man on Fire 》

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
hitlerx     :ya! 首推~ 話說多砲塔的75砲可以上金彈嗎? XD1F 11/10 04:32
iohan       :十階場75牙籤才猛的咧  第一發128先斷履帶2F 11/10 04:54
iohan       :之後就75牙籤把整台車定在原地
iohan       :然後就等ARTY或彈莢車收屍 這樣根本沒人敢跟老鼠打
iohan       :伸縮
Pegasus99   :多炮塔喔 裝填手表示:.....我要加薪6F 11/10 08:43
Z1000       :阿鼠:猜看看剛才打歪的是哪門炮?7F 11/10 09:44
timo2013    :那M3 LEE咧 他也是雙砲塔阿8F 11/10 10:43

M3 Lee 頭上的那隻是二階 37 mm Gun M5 穿深48 也很悲劇啊

zoidsx      :武器搬運車就是把裝甲的重量拿去換砲管的重量囉,在9F 11/10 10:44
zoidsx      :戰時這可以說是絕望中的辦法吧?
melzard     :但是五階車裝十階砲根本是報復社會啊XDDDD11F 11/10 11:37
melzard     :真的裝下去到七階場就連T29遇到都要哭出來吧
tonykingtwo :裝下去以以後5~7階場可能只有M4這台車在跑13F 11/10 11:45
tonykingtwo :                          4號
abc12812    :Serb: 128是史實(ry15F 11/10 11:53
steve20024  :繼World of KV-1S後又一鉅獻—World of Pz.IV16F 11/10 11:55
GodOfGods   :新的WOP,world of Pz.IV17F 11/10 12:03
melzard     :還可以光明正大組troll排上十二階場!18F 11/10 12:18
melzard     :Pz.IV:我有T10砲我超強
jimmy8343   :那不就是的新的TD線?20F 11/10 12:20
neverlight  :反正四號有裝甲跟沒有也差不多21F 11/10 12:40
palsuet     :德國T5TD裝T8砲就算了,現在連T5MT裝T10砲就太扯了22F 11/10 12:56
Pegasus99   :想也知道會悲劇到不行 大家也太敏感了=w=23F 11/10 13:19
Pegasus99   :我覺得應該會是像Crusader 5.5-in. SP 這種 當做SPG
Pegasus99   :看待會比較有可能
paul1220    :有人說4號裝了128/150砲會是t5嗎?26F 11/10 13:40
lsslss      :可以去咕狗 Krupp Waffentrager 12.8cm PaK 4427F 11/10 13:49
lsslss      :用38t底盤改裝

抱歉是我的翻譯錯誤 >"<

漏看了 Serb 是在講 WT Pz4 ←是德系九階TD

※ 編輯: WillieHuang     來自:      (11/10 14:03)
donkilu     :顆顆怎麼可能會有World of PzIV,Serb是德粉嗎? 不是29F 11/10 14:47
cklppt      :難怪我看不懂原po跟推文在講甚麼 習慣翻譯怪怪的就30F 11/10 17:50
cklppt      :直接看英文...
jimmy8343   :呵32F 11/10 18:02

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