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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-21 08:36:20
看板 WoT
作者 hipponi (熊吉)
標題 [情報] 11/19 Q&A
時間 Wed Nov 20 08:30:04 2013

- matchmaker does not take into account whether a vehicle is stock or elite
(SS: apart from the “first few battles you get better MM” rule)

- according to developers, there has been some mistake earlier in explaining
the viewrange, so – this is how it is: a damaged viewport (yellow) still gives
you 100 percent viewrange, red viewport gives you 50 percent viewrange

- the difference between a yellow and white (undamaged) viewport is only the
number of its hitpoint remaining and – indirectly – its vulnerability,
since next hit might knock it out completely

- the museums supported by Wargaming are the Stalin Line complex (WG apparently
restored their StuG and T-34), Kubinka and Bovington
WG有支援的博物館有Stalin Lin complex(WG幫助他們修復了StuG跟T-34),Kubinka跟

Stalin Line complex http://0rz.tw/hiQ2T  http://0rz.tw/gR98u
Stalin Line Military Complex, Belarus | The Velvet Rocket
The original Stalin Line was a line of fortifications along the western border of the Soviet Union. Work began on the system in the 1920s to protect the USSR against "western aggression." The line was made up of fortified bunkers and gun emplacements, similar but less elaborate than the Maginot Line ...
Kubinka  http://0rz.tw/8ylcX
Bovington http://0rz.tw/wQDXd
Welcome to the Tank Museum - Home of the Tank - Welcome to the Tank Museum - Home of the Tank At The Tank Museum we bring the history of tanks and tank crew to life; Supported by the world's best collection of tanks and action packed live displays. The Tank Museum is the museum of the Royal Tank Regiment and Royal Armoured Corps. ...

- press accounts don’t stay activated for long

- LL Valentine (Soviet prem tank) is fine according to SerB
Serb表示Valentine II(蘇聯四階輕坦金幣車)表現良好

- it’s possible to implement concrete-breaking shells (anti-bunker), but
(apart from different penetration) there will be no mechanism difference when
compared to AP shells

- SerB, regarding destructable terrain: “The problem is not the fact you
change the terrain, the problem is its synchronization between client and
server, plus for example changing the optimization of the elements of
visibility checks accordingly” (SS: as in, you destroy ground, you hide in a
crater and the enemy won’t see you)
Serb對於可破壞地表表示: 問題不在於你改變的地表,問題在他得同步客戶端跟伺服端,

- the Ki-33 plane in WoWp is not normally available in the game, a player saw
it yesterday – SerB answers that it was either a tester, someone who got it
during some event or a press account

- SerB states that WG is using outsourcing when it comes to WoT, but they
outsource entire offices, not individual people, as it was proven that the
individuals cannot work with required speed and quality

- it’s possible that the following feature will be implemented: when a heavy
HE shell lands next to a tank, the tank is moved (swayed) or even thrown into
the air by the blast wave

ELC表示 : 看到KV-2要小心

- client physics (Havok) will be implemented into WoWp

- while some houses in the future will be destructible, some houses
(SS: for example the Himmelsdorf streets) will stay indestructible

- despite what was said in some news, World of Tanks: Blitz server part will
work on a slightly re-worked Bigworld, not Unity engine (so there will be no
cheaters, hackers etc.), SerB doesn’t know what exactly the client engine is,
but he states there will be no cheating
儘管之前新聞說了什麼,World of Tanks: Blitz(即行動版)伺服端會使用稍微重製的

Some additional answers from Storm’s developer blog:

- there will be no separate “HD client”, everything will be done within one

- the minimal terrain settings in WoT apparently strongly add performance on
really bad computers

- it’s possible minimal terrain settings will have a big red letters warning
that when it is enabled, it’s possible the visual terrain won’t correspond to
the real terrain model (SS: the issue is that on minimal settings, the engine
doesn’t render some of the smaller hills on the ground, which improves
performance, but it can cause you to shoot into small hills you don’t see)

- the Object 140 turret armor in 8.10 will be more like the one of T-62A
Obj 140的砲塔裝甲在8.10時會更像T-62A

- there will definitely be no changes in WoT in 8.10 when it comes to Nvidia 3D
(SS: no idea what the issue is)
在8.10裡戰車世界在Nvidia 3D上不會有改動(SS:對這方面問題沒概念)

- tank tipping over (on their roof) will come in near-to-medium future

- there will be new achievements for random battles

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
victor0lynn :推1F 11/20 08:45
colin1120   :...輕坦每次都修觀測裝置的我 真是個笨蛋...2F 11/20 08:48
Pegasus99   :好險我玩LT很少有機會修東西=w=3F 11/20 08:50
uc1080      :無線電也一樣嗎?4F 11/20 10:07
quite       :翻車功能  真想試看看5F 11/20 10:36
damnedfish  :震波實裝+翻車實裝=?6F 11/20 11:57
wingmouse   :翻車跟被擊殺一樣吧 除非隊友能協助翻回來?!7F 11/20 12:03
mouse468    :其實即將開啟隱藏模式~ 戰鬥工程車!!專門把隊友翻回8F 11/20 14:15
fransice7   :幹,害我輕坦也在用維修包修觀測裝置 囧9F 11/20 17:53
iohan       :老鼠打B1三突10F 11/20 19:07
udm         :所以野生的亞歷斯塔要出現了嗎?專門擊飛+位移+撞擊11F 11/20 23:33

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 134 
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