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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-25 20:06:29
看板 WoT
作者 hipponi (熊吉)
標題 [情報] 11/24 Q&A
時間 Mon Nov 25 00:58:43 2013


- there are apparently no systematic plans to increase the overall skill of
players in WoT

Q: “Why did Zlobny leave Wargaming?”
A (SerB): “To every thing there is a season… a time to be born, and a time to
die, a time to kill, and a time to heal, a time to break down, and a time to
build up, a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together, a
time to keep silence, and a time to speak, a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time of war, and a time of peace.” (King James Bible, Ecclesiastes 3,5,7)
Q: "為什麼Zlobny離開WG?"
A(Serb): "blablabla"

- machineguns on the top of the turret are not a part of the collision model,
they can’t be hit and they do not count towards tank height when it comes to
spotting (you can’t be spotted because a machinegun is sticking above the bush

- SerB doesn’t know of any tanks with turrets without crewmembers, that would
fit World of Tanks – there was the idea of Leopard prototype C (SS: Borgward),
but it won’t be implemented
Serb找不到任何能放進WoT的砲塔無人坦克 - 有一個Leopard prototype C的構想

- some dive bombers (their modifications) like Ju-87 and Pe-2 will appear in

- some vehicles have machineguns on the top of the turret in order to be easier
to recognize (at first glance)

- whether TD’s will or will not be nerfed is not connected to the fact whether
Zlobny is or is not working in WG

- in connection with Zlobny leaving WG, there will be some changes in tank
balance (SS: well, that didn’t take long)

- so far, WG has no candidate for a tier 8 premium British tank

- there will be no optional hulls for premium tanks

- SerB will not be rebalancing tanks personally “like in the old days”
(he adds he never actually did that even before)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
sizkacoder  :Serb 還引用聖經XDDD 簡單說就是 時候到了(隨緣)1F 11/25 01:22
tai33ru     :第四句我猜他的意思是:砲塔裡面沒有組員配置的坦克?2F 11/25 01:51
tai33ru     :(不負責任猜測
tai33ru     :因為我認為原PO翻的意思比較像是無人坦克(還是只有
tai33ru     :我這樣覺得 囧?
kill90206   :無人砲塔 通常是裂隙式砲塔(因為此種炮塔有些問題..6F 11/25 02:56
kill90206   :反而適合做成無人型式)
hipponi     :COMRES 75  http://0rz.tw/q63dj8F 11/25 08:08
hipponi     :可能是砲塔無人吧  但是我覺得是無人坦克9F 11/25 08:08
hipponi     :圖中是Comet車體搭配遙控砲塔
※ 編輯: hipponi         來自:       (11/25 08:12)
ccc73123    :那時候就有遙控技術了喔?11F 11/25 12:23
lsslss      :Leopard Prototype C  http://goo.gl/jp9YD612F 11/25 13:06
Proposal for a new prototype German medium tank in tier VIII or IX - Medium Tanks - World of Tanks official forum
Proposal for a new prototype German medium tank in tier VIII or IX - posted in Medium Tanks: (I used the search to find any topics with the word Borgward, but no matches. So I apologize if this has been discussed before.)
So. Almost every article about the development of the Leopard 1 MBT mentions t ...
lsslss      :IS-7頭上那個就已經是遙控機槍了13F 11/25 13:07

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