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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-27 22:57:49
看板 WoT
作者 hipponi (熊吉)
標題 [情報] 11/26 Q&A
時間 Wed Nov 27 08:33:48 2013

- mods such as XVM or noobmeter have no influence on tank MM
(SS: yes, someone really asked that)

- a player asked whether it was possible to make a U-turn with a tank (like
drifting) – SerB said sure, to try it with MT-25
有玩家問到能否用坦克做出U-turn(像是甩尾) - Serb說當然,用MT-25試試

- Russian wikipedia mentions a plan to install a 152mm BR-2 gun on SMK chassis
under the name of IS 1940, SerB states that this is why he doesn’t like
wikipedia, the tank is clearly a fake and the gun is way too big and its recoil
too strong for such a chassis
毛子Wiki提到有一個將152 BR-2炮裝在SMK底盤上的以IS 1940為名的計畫,Serb表示這就

- SerB states he doesn’t know of any more German tanks with 300mm+ armor, that
could be introduced in WoT

- the optional hulls will not only reworked visual models, but also different
properties, for example the 100mm armor T-54 hull had better lower front plate
armor, there apparently will also be the IS-2 hull with “straight” frontal

- the calculation of tank mobility and acceleration properties is quite
complicated according to SerB, the exact formula won’t be published

- wounded gunner influencing the aim circle incorrectly? “How terrible”
(SS: a Russian player presented some sort of idiotic theory how to improve it
–nothing important, basically it works just fine)
受傷的炮手不正確的影響瞄準圈? "HOW TERRIBLE"
(SS:有一個毛子玩家用一些蠢爆的理論提出怎麼改善 - 沒什麼重要的,基本上目前就運作
- turret rotation will make a sound in the future, “it’s done when it’s done”
轉動砲塔在未來會發出聲音 "WIDID"

- bots are not tracked based on the Hall of Fame data
依照Hall of Fame的資料bot沒有被追蹤

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
victor0lynn :BOT問題真的要好好的正視一下1F 11/27 08:54
bill50514   :感覺明年是因為可變車體才只加4條線2F 11/27 08:56
neverlight  :luchs速度到50以上轉彎確實能漂 要是下坡轉太大還會3F 11/27 09:08
neverlight  :斷履帶...
streitleak  :甩尾可以用T21 T71辦到 T20也可以 不過那要下坡5F 11/27 10:06
bill50514   :高速行駛中斷履帶就甩尾了啊6F 11/27 10:20
fantasy15   :T-50改版前可以甩,而且很好甩,改版後還沒開過7F 11/27 10:39
fantasy15   :地獄貓下坡也能甩,我有在對方的lowe面前甩過剛好
fantasy15   :繞過他騙了他一砲繞到他菊花...當然最後還是被他打死
kaoyutai    :T-50 當年可以原地甩尾 現在行進中被斷一邊履帶會甩10F 11/27 11:14
CGtheGREAT  :Type64試試 上次在60+以上甩過11F 11/27 13:52
damnedfish  :ELC絕對能甩12F 11/27 18:23
fransice7   :世界大廠認證的毛子意淫wiki                     XD13F 11/27 18:26
ccc73123    :地獄貓甩很容易斷履帶14F 11/27 19:12

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 165 
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