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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-07-26 08:45:45
看板 WoT
作者 hsinhanchu (hsinhanchu)
標題 [情報] 7/25 Q&A
時間 Thu Jul 25 18:47:38 2013





- SerB states that “everything, that could be done to make the training room
battles easier for the players without risks to the game was already done.
Everything else is financially risky and won’t be implemented” (SS: in
other words – no free/cheaper shells/repairs in training rooms or anything
else, topic closed)

- SerB on Japanese tanks heavy branch (about where it will start from): “It’
s a mess. Tier 3 heavy exists. Tier 6 and higher do exist also. But there’s
a gaping hole on tier 4 and 5. So the heavy branch is not considered as done
and won’t be released for now.”

- Soviet medium branch: T6 – A-43, T7 – A-44, T8 – 416, T9 – unknown, T10
– Object 430 (SS: it has been confirmed by SerB that Object 140 will NOT be
a tier 9 vehicle. Other candidates? Hmmmm… hard to say, will have a look
actually, there are possibilities)

- second British medium line with Vijayanta s tier 9? “No comment for now”

- 120mm gun on British meds? “At this moment, no”

- the length of HEAT shell jet stream depends on the caliber of the shell

- currently, WG people are scouring the Kharkov Malyschev archives to find an
answer to one concrete question, possibly regarding Objects 416 and 430

- “outlandish” maps such as moon surface are not planned

- Q: “What’s the problem with introducing the Firefly?” A: “The fact we
say ‘no comment’ doesn’t mean there is a problem”

- developers are not allowed to accept gifts from players

- Pearl River, Sacred Valley and Severogorsk maps not being fun to play? “
How terrible x3〃
Pearl River,Sacred Valley和Severogorsk不好玩?

- maps are tested internally (usíng automated tools), then on supertest and
then on open test

- it’s possible the T-55 hull will be an optional hull for the T-54, but
they didn’t differ much (SS: they were practically identical with the late
T-54 model hulls)

- apparently, more improved modules/equipment for guns (like “improved
muzzle brake”) are not planned

- HESH shells will possibly get a new simple, yet realistic mechanism (“when
it’s done it’s done”)

- the split shells (separated into the shell and the charge) are modelled
within the game by the fact that the guns that use them have lower rate of

- the biggest non-mortar caliber for a tank the developers encountered in the
archives was 380mm

- T-55 Mod.1960 is too weak to be implemented as tier 10
T-55 Mod.1960以TX來說太弱了。

- Japanese tank destroyer branch also faces problems (like the heavies), but
there’s a chance to make it

- for now there are no suitable tier 10 light tank candidates (SerB states
that they look at a lot of designs already, so no need to propose any), but
if any are found, they might be implemented

- apparently, splash damage does count into the potential damage recieved

- there are no candidates for French medium premium tanks – what tanks there
are will be apparently used for the AMX-30 branch to fill the holes in it

- the T-54 shells that were forcibly sold from the depot in 8.7 were
apparently sold because they were scheduled to be sold in 8.6, but someone

- weather effects are planned, they implementation depends on how much they
will stress the game engine

- (additional) 45mm gun for KV-5 is not planned

- according to SerB, teaching materials (Youtube videos for example) on
various tanks have (only a) little impact on the statistical performance of
these vehicles

- starting branches of the Japanese tree will not contain the heavies

- Object 140 won’t be tier 9, because it’s an Omsk vehicle and SerB states
that if they put this tank in a Kharkov branch, they’d probably shoot each
other on the respawn point even without the players (SS: there was a rivalry
between Omsk and Kharkov teams)

- tier 9 Soviet medium will be some rear-turret Object 430 design variant,
that was rejected

- smokescreen generator/grenades? Same as weather: depends on the stress it
puts on the client, “when it’s done it’s done”

- SerB doesn’t like playing on TD’s apparently

- second British TD branch – “when it’s done it’s done”, FV4005 has a
chance of appearing in it
英國TD二線WIDID,可能會放FV4005 Conway

- SerB states he doesn’t remember whether the Lowe chassis was used for any
TD/SPG designs, he says one was possibly the Bär (SS: AFAIK, no – it was a
modified Tiger suspension)

- it’s possible that China will recieve a midtier premium light tank (SS:
Type 64 was mentioned – a Taiwanese Duster hull with a Hellcat turret)
(國造六四式,M42 Duster車體+M18 Hellcat砲塔+聯勤T32主砲)

- SerB states that he doesn’t know, whether the rise of the KV-5 winrate on
RU server was tied to the publication of one certain play guide on RU forums

Tier1 似乎很好玩的樣子...           Tier7  你能面對白板車嗎?
Tier2 新主砲真是太令人高興了      Tier8  把組員賣掉的我,真是個笨蛋
Tier3 已經沒什麼好研發的了     Tier9  那樣的前置變速箱,我絕不允許
Tier4 死組員、壞零件,都是存在的    Tier10 再也不依靠隊友
Tier5 怎麼可能會爆彈藥架            Tier11 最後留下的科技樹
Tier6 燒兩次車絕對很奇怪啊          Tier12 我最好的開發商(WG)

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◆ From:
Pegasus99   :380mm是什麼怪物(嚇哭)1F 07/25 18:51
ChangWufei  :全自動對轟是哪招? XDDDDDD2F 07/25 18:52
hemisofia   :po啦po啦 "戰"車世界怎會怕戰文XDD3F 07/25 18:52
CKlolita    :^SturmTiger4F 07/25 18:53
Pegasus99   :喔~就是突擊虎喔 可是看起來像迫炮耶5F 07/25 18:54
ccc73123    :FV4005 http://ppt.cc/lWCP6F 07/25 18:56
Pegasus99   :看起來好高喔 像傻丘GC7F 07/25 18:57
hsinhanchu  :啊我搞錯了,Conway是FV4004,120砲百夫長8F 07/25 18:58
condition0  :頭好大9F 07/25 18:58
CKlolita    :突擊虎那個其實是火箭管10F 07/25 19:01
korsg       :期待天氣系統跟日夜變換實裝11F 07/25 19:05
lsslss      :突擊虎是火箭彈 可是又想不到哪台武裝是380mm12F 07/25 19:05
twflanker   :380要上也一定是火箭彈或無後座力炮的形式....13F 07/25 19:16
twflanker   :不然後座力根本撐不住...Ratte也是雙連裝280而已(?)
lsslss      :找到的380砲幾乎是艦砲/海岸砲/鐵道砲15F 07/25 19:20
udm         :新阿姆斯特佛朗基式阿姆斯特佛朗基炮?16F 07/25 19:25
blackwoods  :好像KV-2放大版…17F 07/25 20:06
liebeTaiwan :突襲虎?魚雷發射器18F 07/25 20:23
gasbomb     :不知道以後SPG線會不會出卡秋莎或是T34多管火箭19F 07/25 20:27
r0930       :不會吧 我記得Q&A好像說過20F 07/25 20:28
p4585424    :蘇聯第二條中坦線大多是後置砲塔21F 07/25 20:32
p4585424    :感覺會悲劇
Pegasus99   :還好吧 法輕中坦都後置好像也沒太大差別23F 07/25 20:34
Pegasus99   :不要像英10階重坦這麼長的車身就好了
cklppt      :我想看Clan戰力文! 放心 又不是台灣clan戰不起來的25F 07/25 20:58
jerry78424  :公會連T8團都湊不出 看來是榜上無名了 哭哭XD26F 07/25 21:00
TrueTears   :183+自動裝填? 超期待 XD27F 07/25 23:20
shan512105  :全自動對轟XDD 開場死一票這樣XD?28F 07/25 23:40

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