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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-06 21:29:13
看板 WoT
作者 sisko196 (晨)
標題 [情報] 8/6 Q&A
時間 Tue Aug  6 18:49:29 2013




So, it looks like the Stalin issue is the Rage of the Week on EU forums. Hmm…
 there should be an official announcement in the afternoon on WG EU portal.
The feedback on RU server on this decision is overwhelmingly positive, with
RU players mostly going like “hahaha suck that Europe” – plus making a lot
of anti-Polish jokes

- tanks with ATGM’s? “I’ll say it like this, if this comes, it will be in
another game”
- 裝備反戰車飛彈的戰車??

- AA tanks with machineguns are not planned for now, SerB actually states the
amount of shells from them might crash the servers
- 裝備機槍的防空戰車目前沒有計畫,SerB表示彈藥搭載量會壓垮伺服器

- the T-34-3 is armed with a 122mm gun – for now (SS: there have been
several reports of this gun being changed, presumably to some D-10T clone)
- T-34-3目前預定裝備122mm主炮
  (SS: 有些資料指出這管炮有被換過,目前推定是D-10T的仿製品)

- SerB states that the newest tank from the game is approximately from 1965
(AMX-13/90 and some late WZ-132 version) (SS: Leopard 1 is from the same year
I think, or one year earlier)
- SerB表示最新的戰車大約是在1965年左右(AMX-13/90跟WZ-132晚期型)
  (SS: Leopard 1應該是同一年開發的,不然就是早一年)

- it’s possible that in the future, the tank terrain resistance won’t be
calculated by the middle of the tank anymore, but under each track, this has
minimal priority however
- 未來戰車在地形上的阻力可能不會以戰車中線的地形來計算,會改成兩邊履帶的阻力來

- the tier 10 Japanese arty will have shorter range than the other arties
- 日本10階自走炮的射程將會比其他自走炮短

- bigger maps? “Tests will show”
- 更大的地圖??

- very slow tanks, such as T95, will suffer on big maps? “Let them suffer”
- 超慢的戰車例如T95在大地圖上很慘??

- other WG projects coming? “Well, we for example bought Total Annihilation
and Master of Orion”
- 其他的WG要推出的計畫??
  例如我們買的橫掃千軍跟Master of Orion

- Storm doesn’t respond to the developer questions anymore, because he’s
tired of player BS
- Storm不會再回應開發組相關問題了,因為他受夠玩家的鬼話了

- penetrable objects (thin fences etc.) are planned
- 有計畫作可以擊穿的物體(薄圍牆等)

- M12 arty being too inaccurate? “You can sell it”
- M12自走炮超歪的??
 賣掉她 (AKA:不爽不要玩)

- SerB states that it’s not possible to simply keep basic radio and scout
using the “radio chain” effect, he states that there are efforts from time
to time to somehow change the way the radio works in game, but bigger maps
will change everything
- SerB表示不可能用白板無線電去偵查然後以無線電層層傳遞的方式把情報送過去

- SerB states that he’s not afraid of the mass invasion of RU players on EU
servers using roaming
- SerB表示他不擔心RU玩家利用漫遊功能大舉入侵EU

- SerB plays WoWp more than WoT, because the battles in it are more intensive
and he can
- SerB玩WoWp的時間比WoT多,因為WoWp的戰鬥更緊湊還有他想這麼做

- details abour roaming will be disclosed later, restrictions for it are
still being developed, it’s not yet decided, whether roaming will be paid or
not (“there arguments for and against”)
- 漫遊功能之後會公布,限制等也還在開發,是否要付費也在討論(有兩正反兩派意見)

- it’s technically possible to make the ammorack explosion damage tanks in
the vincinity, but this won’t be implemented
- 技術上來說,彈藥架爆炸是有可能傷到附近的戰車,但是這不會實裝

- the fact subcaliber shells have the same damage as AP shells for the same
gun is okay according to SerB, as damage is balanced around a gun, not
individual shells
- SerB表示次口徑彈的傷害跟AP一樣沒問題,傷害平衡性是根據主炮而非單一彈種

- developers are not doing anything specifically for the old render anymore,
the new maps are adapted for new render
- 開發組不會再特別去用舊方法,新地圖都是以新方法完成

- both the tier 7 T-44 with 85mm gun and tier 7 T-44-122 with 122mm gun will
be implemented into the game
- 裝備85mm主炮的7階T-44跟裝備122mm主炮的7階T-44-122將會實裝

T-44 with 85mm (first version)

T-44 with 122mm (first version)

- developers don’t plan to change the ingame fiscal policy
- 開發組目前不打算改變遊戲內的經濟

- AMX-13/105 in WoT? “Not for now” (SS: speculation – a very similiar
vehicle might appear in the EU tree as the SK-105 Kürrasier)
- AMX-13/105??
 (SS的推測:相似的車輛可能會以SK-105 Kürrasier在EU科技樹中出現)

- rocket and flamethrower tanks will be implemented (SS: this overrides the
FAQ denial, I will fix it), they won’t have specific branches apparently,
but will be distributed within current branches
- 火箭跟火焰發射器戰車未來會實裝 (SS:這推翻先前的FAQ,我會去修正),也不會有特

- midtier platoon MM mechanism has not been changed recently
- 中階戰車排的分房最近沒改變

- the mechanism, that prevents you from being on the bottom of teams all the
time doesn’t work 100 percent (SS: it can be for example overridden)
- 防止你在隊伍中永遠墊底的機制不保證100%有效(SS:可以說是推翻先前的Q&A的例子)

- Q: “Do you plan to allow people make their tank models more unique?” A: “
Yes, for a hundred thousand dollars, it will be possible to switch the model
of the tank to a model of a pony”
- Q:有沒有計畫讓玩家的戰車更特別??

- generally, there is a tier 7 candidate for a Chinese premium vehicle, “you
will hear about it in corresponding patchnote”
- 中國7階加值戰車有候選車,「你會在patchnote發現相對應的車輛」

- SerB states that the person, who actually personally spoke against the
removing of Staling decals was the Wargaming CFO.
- SerB表示反對移除史達林標語的人是WG的財務長

- numbers on the side of the tank are planned, players will not be able to
select the number themselves (SS: heaven forbid someone chose 88 over the “
Stalin” inscription…)
- 戰車側面的數字有在計畫中,不過玩家沒辦法自己選擇數字

- server in Africa is not planned for near future
- 非洲服沒有在近期計畫中(這會有人嗎…)

- SerB and his personal opinion on e-sports: “I consider e-sport not to be
the best use of our resources. But since the e-sport policy has been chosen
as a result of discussions – I wish the e-sport good luck. We will develop
it up to and beyond the currently announced plans.”
- SerB對電競的個人意見:我認為電競不是利用公司資源最有好的方式。但因為這是公司

- if rockets are implemented as an additional module, they will affect the
tank performance, as modules have weight and weight influences mobility
- 如果火箭發射器以額外模組的方式實裝,它們會影響到戰車的性能表現─因為模組有重

- the first version of the Japanese tree won’t have the amphibious tanks,
such as Ka-Mi, Ka-Chi, To-Ku. SerB states that the Japanese tree is a bit
lacking, but generally normal – there are enough top tier vehicles
- 第一版的日本科技樹不會有有爭議的戰車,例如カーミ、カーチ、トーク

- Japanese tree won’t come anytime soon, it’s speciality will be the fact
the tanks will be driven by the “Samurai and schoolgirls” (text
strikethrough by SerB)
- 日本線近期不會推出,有一項特色是這些戰車會是由武士高校女生駕駛

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: sisko196        來自:       (08/06 18:50)
tomwei34    :AA TANK應該是指它的射速跟發射量會讓伺服器超載1F 08/06 18:57
DogEggz     :應該也沒有其他遊戲有非洲服吧...2F 08/06 19:19
tomwei34    :分房機制那邊SS應該是說該狀況確實可能發生3F 08/06 19:19
tomwei34    :例如被其他優先規則覆蓋。
pilkk       :火焰發射器要來燒誰...5F 08/06 19:21
DogEggz     :火焰發射器對無加裝風扇的車輛+10%傷害(誤6F 08/06 19:25
abc12812    :wowp我賺到金幣後就解安裝了kuku~~7F 08/06 19:25
hemisofia   :ELC:塊陶啊 是火焰放射~8F 08/06 19:26
batterykugua:old/new render好像指的是渲染系統9F 08/06 19:49
shaunten    :七階T-44/T-44-122是什麼意思? 某種幽默嗎?11F 08/06 19:51
yayaha      :戰車被打到高校女生的衣服會一直脫落嗎XD?12F 08/06 19:51
CaffeinePT  :又沒飛機可以打,用AA有什麼用阿?13F 08/06 19:52
tomwei34    :T-44-85跟T-44-122應該是新金幣車跟二線MT14F 08/06 20:15
ken80117    :最新的說法是兩台都是金幣,反正出來就知道15F 08/06 20:37
shaunten    :可是...現在的T-44就有85砲跟122砲啊 差在哪...?16F 08/06 20:52
tomwei34    :詳情要看前幾天QA或FAQ,可能我記錯~17F 08/06 20:58
tomwei34    :真的想知道差別找找看吧
ken80117    :之前公佈的T-44-122車體是早期T-44,較軟19F 08/06 21:00

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