※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-05 06:45:16
看板 WoT
作者 標題 [情報] Storm回答KTTS/ASAP
時間 Sat Jan 4 18:30:11 2014
- the turrets will fly (after ammo rack explosion) off even for those with
Havoc disabled, as it is calculated server-side
- the issue whether it will be possible to shoot a house and bury someone in
the rubble is still being investigated, but this will most likely not come
- behavior of the tank will not change by the introduction of the independent
suspension, the independent suspension is only client-side visual, the
movement pattern will be the same for all the models, because the server doesn
’t have the capacity to calculate every roadwheel movement independently
- in historical battles, the amount of ammo carried will be similiar to the
real values (SS: limited amount of gold ammo)
- currently, Wargaming is planning to increase crit chances by HE shells (!),
it’s possible they will be also further rebalanced otherwise
- the situation where you wait for the MM for (let’s say) 30 seconds to put
your vehicle into battle even if there are tons of vehicles of your tier in
queue is due to the fact one of the main MM rules is the even spread between
battle tiers (SS: as in, the MM is waiting to put your tier 6 tank into tier
8 battle even though there are plenty of other tier 6 tanks in the queue)
- developers haven’t decided yet, whether the HD client will be a special
client (as in, two clients – one for HD, one regular) or whether there will
be simply one client and HD textures will come in a separate (optional)
texture pack
- Storm states that the option with two client sucks, because there would
have to be double testing, double client build assembly etc.
- the autodetection of settings mechanism will be reworked
- there will definitely be two renders (improved and old) and two sets of
content (regular and HD textures)
- developers haven’t decided yet whether debris from buildings will be able
to damage your vehicle
- the heavier the flying turret (after ammo rack explosion) will be, the more
damage will it do to you if it lands on you
- Storm states that the fact Maus turret would fly off (if only a bit) after
ammo rack explosion is realistic.
- tier 10 TD nerf (SS: reduced alpha) will come in 8.11, some TD’s will not
keep their DPM (SS: that means some TD’s will have their DPM nerfed too by
not only reducing the alpha, but also by not compensating the reduction by
ROF buff)
- apparently, 9.0 will also bring new sounds for the vehicles (for movement
and engine, not guns), such as the realistic “clanking” of tracks (Storm: “
Something like that”), there will also be (“when it’s done it’s done”)
turret rotation sound
- it’s not yet clear when will new reworked chat system come (resp. it’s
not clear whether it will be in 9.0 or not)
- new tier 8 premium vehicle will not come anytime soon – in one of the
recent streams, some community guy (Evilly?) mentioned something about a new
tier 8 premium coming soon, but Storm categorically states that it is him,
who decides what tank gets released when and that tier 8 premium is not
planned for near future
- there are no plans apparently for PhysX introduction
- armor of turrets flying off will not be considered apparently (Storm states
that the ripped off turret will act “just like a destroyed vehicle –
impenetrable”), but it will be possible to tip them over on their roof
- “T95 will be a special tank, not regular” (SS: according to this, it’s
possible the second American medium branch might not get the T95 as a top
tank at all – who knows?)
- there are no plans for 2014 to introduce the possibility to penetrate dead
tanks (wrecks) – Storm: “And do we need it? It could change the gamplay
strongly at some points” – later, he adds: “We discussed the option of
having penetrable wrecks – it wouldn’t stress the server much. The real
question is – why the hell would we do it?”
- there are no plans to introduce visual “aging” of the vehicle (SS: as in,
a vehicle used a lot would look worn out), the only thing that is planned is
the tank getting dirty in battle
- the damage and penetration of shells in historical battles will not differ
from those in random battles, apart from the amount of ammo carried, which
will be set in advance (apparently a T-34/76 will carry half of the shells as
AP, half as HE and several pieces of gold ammo)
- it’s not yet known, what kind of computer will be required to run the HD
- KV-5 will most likely not be buffed or nerfed anytime soon, Storm states
that its stats and profitability are fine
- the first part of the HD graphics will come in 9.0
- Q: “How will the historical battle interface look?” A: “You’ll see on
the common test :))”
- Storm “wants to level the profitability of all tier 8 premium tanks to the
current Jagdtiger 88 level” (SS: this most likely means an improvement to
the majority of tier 8 prems, as Jagdtiger 88 is currently third from above
in profitability, according to Storm)
- ammo rack explosion will apparently not damage nearby tanks (Storm states
that the explosion is generally contained within the tank), it will not also
be possible to make the ammo rack detonate after the tank is dead
- large buildings will not be completely destroyable, they will crumble, but
their “skeleton” (framework) will remain
- when demolishing a building (second floor), this will affect most likely
the artillery shell trajectory (SS: as in, if you demolish the second floor,
it will stop being an obstacle for artillery shell flight)
- the optimization for weak computers and the new graphics are both developed
at the same time
- 8.11 will not bring much in the way of optimization: WoT will start running
on new BigWorld version (2.4.1) and there will be some small memory and
processing optimizations
- more graphic optimization will appear in 9.0: “New graphic features will
eat FPS and in order not to fall out of the set boundaries, we’ll have to
- apparently, Wargaming managed to find the RU251 prototype and the owner
(not specified who) sent them some photos of it, they are waiting for further
- maps bigger than 1,5× 1,5km will not come soon
- Q: “When will there be a revamp of light tanks” A: “Hell if I know”
- Storm confirms: Americans will get the Chaffee LT branch prolonged to tier 8
(有很多作法,例如M24 > T37 > M41 Walker Bulldog > T49)
- first tanks to be reworked to HD will be mass-produced (Panzer IV, T-34/76)
and legendary (Tiger, Maus)
- apparently the 8.11 will bring the features announced earlier (SS: like
switching off the battle chat) “if we manage to fit it in”
飛的不提,把F7的help改成什麼"I desperately need help at XX, anyone cares?"並不
- developers tried to disable the possibility to shoot at allies, but they
decided not to do it, as it sometimes interferes badly with the gameplay
Team damage有考慮過廢止,不過開發組後來想想算了,某些情況下會破壞遊戲進行。
- there will be no Havoc “cheats”, because Havoc doesn’t influence
anything gameplay-wise, only visuals
- map Kharkov will not come in 8.11
- houses and flora in game will have their polygons increased as well
- 8.11 will most likely come in February according to the regular schedule
- turning the tanks on the roof (tipping over) will be implemented BEFORE all
the tanks are remodelled, as WG discovered almost all the models are in good
enough quality to have this implemented
- building destruction will be introduced in batches throughout the year, not
all at once
- developers are still deciding, whether to introduce new maps to Team Battles
- the new formula for Personal Rating published? “Not yet”
- it will be possible to see in advance, what map you will be getting in Team
Battles and to adjust your team’s tank setup accordingly
- SU-26 getting it’s 122mm gun back? “Hell if I know” (SS: in this case,
the meaning is unclear – Russian phrase “Chuj znaet” can also mean a
dismissal, like “fuck off”)
- there will be “a few event vehicles” in 8.11 (SS: in this case “event”
means any type of tank that is not regular, eg. premium, special, promo
etc.), there will be a “very cool” new map in 8.11 too
(題外:這幾天打了兩百多場只打到一場隱谷,MM WHY?)
- there are plans to rework even new maps like Pearl River
- there will be no “return previously sold crew” function in client, it’s
possible to ask for this return via a support ticket though
- regarding low tier TD rebalance, Storm states that some TD’s might get a
camo nerf
- Storm confirms that there is a new motion model in works, that will include
for example shifting gears, he states that the difference between gearboxes
will be in the amount of gears the vehicles have (SS: sort of important,
because on tracked vehicles in real life, switching gears produces a “jerk”
, that could theoretically screw up aiming), it will however not be possible
to shift manually
- the amount of transferred info from client to server (in order to make the
game run better on bad connections) will not be reduced
- for now, gold ammo will not be rebalanced (including the idea to reduce the
damage done by HEAT shells)
- visual changes in barracks, shop etc. are not planned for anytime soon
- new Soviet voiceover will come “it’s done when it’s done”
- for now, Storm doesn’t want to buff the Super Pershing
- E-25 will not get to carry more ammo
- it’s not yet decided whether the Italians will get a full tree or will be
in the EU tree
(頂階車大概會是Oto Melala的M-47M,天啊又要研發一根L7....)
- apart from disabling the battle chat, there will apparently be an option to
see chat history
- it’s possible that during HD rework, other tanks will have their models
completely reworked like the IS-4 (SS: missing MG etc.)
- Storm states that in order for a nation to be implemented as a separate
tree, it HAS to have all the class branches up to tier 10
- there are no plans to introduce the Mag’Ach, Tiran and other Israeli tanks
– for now
- Storm’s three favourite games are Fallout (Fallout 2 and New Vegas),
Heroes of Might and Magic and Gothic
- Havoc will run in parallel on all the processor cores
- it’s possible WoT will support multiple videocards running at once
- Storm stated he will not yet disclose, how exactly will the HD client track
model work, but he added that it will be something optimized, like the way
War Thunder has it
- specifically adding more viewrange to vehicles that are open-topped but
suck (SU-85B) is not planned
- E-25 is not better than other tanks of its tier according to Storm
- Storm on BigWorld and whether he likes it: “Hard to say. It has its
advantages and disadvantages. I would have chosen it anyway, because the
networking part of it is really good.”
- Havoc was selected over PhysX, because it has “good support for both
- Storm admits that War Thunder tanks did influence WG in making some plan
- WG started to plan the DX11 support for the future
- for now there are no plans to introduce the T88 (105mm Hellcat) US premium
TD (SS: that is also because it might not appear as a TD at all. In real life
it was actually an artillery vehicle and that’s how the US office wants it
- MTLS will definitely not appear on RU server
- Storm states that all the mods for remodelling will stop working in 8.11
Bohan:來,兩手放旁邊,キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━ !!!!!
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◆ From:
推 :說好的M-551...1F 01/04 18:39
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→ :還有SU-85B還好阿 我的史詩TD戰鬥章就靠他拿的
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推 :救世英豪無誤 哥薩克是Cossacks 也是一款很不錯遊戲8F 01/04 19:40
→ :gnomefather咕狗了一下 發現有裝過不過配上真實砲聲
→ :整個遊戲變超吵的www 就把引擎聲模組砍掉了
裝了之後我把遊戲整體音量降到40%,否則語音交談完全被蓋過去...→ :gnomefather咕狗了一下 發現有裝過不過配上真實砲聲
→ :整個遊戲變超吵的www 就把引擎聲模組砍掉了
推 :並不打算特別幫開頂但是"視野"很爛的車 ←小漏個字11F 01/04 19:46
推 :SU-85B潮強der,只是仰角好像全遊戲最爛XD?12F 01/04 19:51
→ :T49特殊的淺線膛炮可能還要官方討論能不能放14F 01/04 20:01
裝90mm M41就解決了。而且數值還是現成的,M48A1的白板砲就是。推 :抱歉我收回上述的改字 翻譯沒錯_(:3 」∠)_15F 01/04 20:09
推 :襪靠 被砲塔砸到還會受損 超酷16F 01/04 20:25
推 :Fallout 是《異塵餘生》啦XD17F 01/04 20:47
翻掉出去比較好,畢竟就是個主角從vault掉出去的故事。推 :T10TD終於要nerf了嗎 WTF應該不會一起nerf吧?18F 01/04 20:48
推 :所以又不做獨立懸吊啦?19F 01/04 20:49
推 :獨立懸吊的視覺效果會有,但不是由伺服器運算20F 01/04 20:53
→ :也不會影響現行的移動模式
※ 編輯: hsinhanchu 來自: (01/04 21:01)→ :也不會影響現行的移動模式
→ :就是個看爽的特效22F 01/04 21:11
推 :MM那條:『…如果已經在T6帶頭很多場…』原文沒這個23F 01/04 21:12
→ :意思
推 :換檔音效說不定會跟『改良移動系統』一起出
→ :意思
推 :換檔音效說不定會跟『改良移動系統』一起出
推 :前陣子看-G-的成員實況送金幣帳號就有開MTLS-1G1426F 01/04 23:37
→ :還有Pz2J 開這種車基本上就是殺翻天下 不過別說他
→ :根本不想送金幣 他也有開了一場滿技能的小鴨子XDDD
→ :還有Pz2J 開這種車基本上就是殺翻天下 不過別說他
→ :根本不想送金幣 他也有開了一場滿技能的小鴨子XDDD
推 :105mm的地獄貓....幾階啊? 同是六階就太OP了29F 01/05 00:02
推 :是榴彈砲喔~ 不會OP吧30F 01/05 00:06
→ :M7P有一管 105 mm Howitzer M2A1 不知是不是
→ :M7P有一管 105 mm Howitzer M2A1 不知是不是
推 :說好久的社交系統希望趕快出 不然每天就好像在練功一32F 01/05 00:45
推 :在wt影片釋出事件之後 我覺定兩邊都支持 有同業競爭
推 :wot才不會常常放serb戳 這幾天放出來的大餅比以前
→ :豐盛許多 只希望不要再吃書 快點實現
推 :在wt影片釋出事件之後 我覺定兩邊都支持 有同業競爭
推 :wot才不會常常放serb戳 這幾天放出來的大餅比以前
→ :豐盛許多 只希望不要再吃書 快點實現
※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 87
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