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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-01-26 08:26:03
看板 WoT
作者 hsinhanchu (hsinhanchu)
標題 [情報] 1/24Q&A+WOWS國家特點介紹
時間 Sat Jan 25 20:20:02 2014

- SerB states that the teamkill/teamdamage punishment system principle is to
“not ban a player after shooting an ally by accident, but a player
systematically breaking rules gets banned” and adds that “a series of “
random” teamdamage shots is not considered random”

- developer Yurko2F states that class bonus for tank destroyers will not be
cancelled as a whole – it consists of several components and only some of
the components (SS: for example, camo bonus after shooting) will be reduced.
Premium tank destroyers will have no changes at all, or really small ones, so
it’s too early to worry

- for now there is no final decision on T-44-85′s fate, but in general,
developers don’t see removing it as a problem, because the tank was not
introduced, only tested

- the T110E3 and T110E4 changes are final according to Storm

- apparently, teamkill punishments on the test server were made much stricter
(a day of ban for a teamkill apparently), Storm confirms that – this change
will apparently appear on live server too (“it will be in the final


Author: Andrey Gashkov, Lead Producer World of Warships

Dear readers!

We are glad to present an interview with Andrey Gashkov, World of Warships
producer, where he reveals some details on different nations’ development,
tech trees and balancing basics, and shares his thoughts on American and
Japanese shipbuilding traditions.
這是和Andrey Gashkov─WOWS製作人的訪談。

It was already announced that the first nations to appear in World of
Warships will be the USA and Japan. Why were these nations chosen?

Well, there’s an easy explanation – only these two nations possessed the
most sophisticated and menacing fleets by the beginning of WWII. What’s
more, their rivalry was the most fierce and profound. Britain had lost its
authority since WWI. The Soviet, German and French navies were generally
inferior compared to the other two nations.

What are the subsequent nations that you plan to introduce further on?

Well, the majority of them have been announced already. We plan to add
Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union (including vessels from the time of the
Russian Empire) – possibly France and Italy will find a place as well. There
are also some ideas to have an “aggregate” team based on ships produced by
other European countries. Lots of countries had their own unusual and
interesting ship projects, namely Holland, Spain, Sweden, Norway, the
Austro-Hungarian Empire and Greece. Separately, each of these nations can
barely be represented by a number of ships sufficient for a decent tech tree.
Put together, though, they may be added to our game.

Can you briefly tell us about the key differences between the two nations?
Their weak and strong sides, specific shipbuilding traditions or warfare

As was mentioned before, we try to stick to historical realities as much as
we can. Both opposing sides had their own unique military doctrines that
influenced all spheres, from ship construction to preferred battle tactics.
The Japanese fleet enjoyed balanced, consistent and easy-to-operate
squadrons. They were the first to reveal the potential of aircraft carriers,
turned out be crafty night warriors and their torpedo armament was the best
in those days.

The USA, on the other hand, put all their production might into building up
the most technological, versatile and reliable vessels.  These ships had
state-of-the-art equipment (radars and AAA systems).

Generally, Japanese ship builders tended to endow their ships with character
and individuality, making them close to works of art, whereas American
engineers were way more pragmatic. Having run into a successful engineering
solution they instantly churned it out, trying to take the best parts of it.
At the beginning of the 30s, the USA developed a successful Mark 12 127mm
cannon. When it showed excellent performance on the battlefield, the
Americans quickly arranged its mass production. This essentially placed the
Mark 12 almost everywhere where it could actually fit :)
在30年代初期,美國發展出成功的Mk.12 5"/L38 DP,這門砲在戰場上表現良好,美國

All these facts and realities will be reflected in our game.

控雷達、航艦全甲板準則、5"/L37+40mm Bofors+20mm oerlikon三重防空火網、VT信管


What is the principle for selecting ships for tech trees? How are they
balanced in the end? As you possibly know, the Japanese shipbuilding
development wasn’t smooth and even. Instead, it witnessed a number of
evolving successions. Didn’t that interfere with building balanced tech

There are a number of ships that we cannot help but mention, as they left a
remarkable trace in history and on people’s minds. Among these floating
legends are the “Yamato”, “Bismarck”, “Aurora” and say the “Essex”
 carrier, which represents a symbol of American victory in the Pacific Ocean.
These ships will be added to the game for sure, it is only a matter of time
and place for them to take their place in the tech trees.

As I used to say, arranging development trees is both an interesting and
complex occupation. While working on them, one should thoroughly consider the
fact that the shipbuilding didn’t develop evenly in each country. For
instance, the USA possessed a number of battleships sufficient for parallel
tech trees; on the other side they lacked cruisers. The “Omaha” – a
powerful cruiser suitable for Tier V-VI followed her predecessor, the “
Chester”, which was commissioned in 1907. Unfortunately the USA haven’t
built any ships between these two models and that’s why the relevant tech
tree turns a bit hollow. So we have to deal with partially-built or “
existing on paper” ships to fill this gap. Our studio even possesses a
special department for that. They resemble a real development laboratory,
where all documentation is collected: archives and blueprints that are used
later for the virtual assembly of a ship that has never seen reality.



We used that approach while making the Japanese battleship tree. The Japanese
“Kongo” cruiser became the successor of an early “Kawashi” dreadnought.
The new vessel was superior in many respects, but actually there was a
significant gap between them.  Digging into the archives revealed that there
was an early “Kongo” project, featuring weaker 305mm cannons. This
prototype fit our purposes perfectly.


Actually, we always tend to provide a smooth increase of firepower and other
characteristics across the tech tree, thus ship selection is quite thorough,
but leaving the logic of the whole process transparent for end users. Not
every player realises what it takes to increase a cannon calibre, say from
305mm to 356mm. The exterior of the cannon will barely show any significant
difference. In fact, the energy of a shell is proportional to its calibre
raised to the third power, so a couple of lucky shots from 356mm barrels
would be far more effective than dozens of 305mm ones. It is even more true
in naval warfare where everyone manoeuvres and the firing range is long.

This Saturday, January 25th, we will publish an article that will reveal the
World of Warships balance work principles and describe the historical battle

- Q: "All tier 10 heavies lost their meaning!"
- A: "Checked your stats, shrugged, didn't read further"

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
fransice7   :我比較關心CPU弱到只有E5200能不能玩 ......1F 01/25 20:22
※ 編輯: hsinhanchu      來自:       (01/25 20:24)
YukiPhoenix :WOWS的史實性 呵呵2F 01/25 20:28
YukiPhoenix :每次講優點就拿史實來說嘴  玩家拿資料打臉就說要史
YukiPhoenix :實請去從軍  WG你搞得我好亂阿阿阿阿阿
zoidsx      :感謝翻譯,讚!5F 01/25 20:33
hsinhanchu  :咦,趴兔已經出了,打完今天晚場再來弄。6F 01/25 20:35
fransice7   :我覺得不用太悲憤啦...都要按照史實日本艦大概7F 01/25 20:50
fransice7   :只能被美國艦打假的
WillieHuang :夜戰主義 大破至上(偽)9F 01/25 20:56
ASTRAY      :真的照史實愛荷華級用雷達跟火控就打趴大和級吧10F 01/25 20:56
hitlerx     :對很多玩家來說能開著長得像大和的船開砲就是史實啦11F 01/25 21:10
fireunicorn :史實的話通通都給美國玩就好了...其他其旁邊玩沙吧..12F 01/25 21:25
fireunicorn :德國 日本前中期勉強抗衡...之後就輸慘了...
fireunicorn :在儘量平衡中帶有史實...遊戲才會好玩...
g3sg1       :德國輪機悲劇會反映出來嗎? 還是跟WOT一樣會燒?15F 01/25 21:38
condition0  :E3E4都是BUFF16F 01/25 21:54
Yijhen0525  :WOWS的日本顧問有給官方人員展示艦これ18F 01/25 22:10
Yijhen0525  :不知道艦これ的概念會不會影響WOWS?
l9901213    :德國不僅坦克變速箱前置,德國戰艦機輪又悲劇了嗎?20F 01/25 22:13
g3sg1       :德國蒸氣渦輪體質悲劇 看驅逐艦表現就知道了21F 01/25 22:24
g3sg1       :德國輪機體質不佳可是史實 沒辦法 學費沒繳夠
g3sg1       :日本是受限於鋼鐵產量 只有八幡製鐵所能造出鍋爐用鋼
fireunicorn :德國用汽油當燃料...你知道後果的...xd24F 01/25 22:31
g3sg1       :詳細狀況請去戰史版找keins大的文 有詳細資料25F 01/25 22:32
dulinove    :又要火燒德國船了嗎...26F 01/25 22:49
wild2012    :看來只能期待WT了  陸海空大戰快來吧 這樣最符合史實27F 01/25 22:52
batterykugua:troll看不到聊天內容 + tk ban一天  完美的8.1128F 01/25 23:13
leehello    :其實可以加入台灣線 拉法葉,成功級,日月坦舢舨船30F 01/26 02:18
leehello    :平衡一下 可以增加不少遊戲性

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