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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-13 19:08:41
看板 WoT
作者 WillieHuang (Willie)
標題 [情報] 禁用模組原則列表
時間 Thu Mar 13 18:01:44 2014

NA服 來源縮址:http://goo.gl/Kd86WN (內有例圖)
Policy on Prohibited Modifications - Gameplay Discussion - World of Tanks official forum
Policy on Prohibited Modifications - posted in Gameplay Discussion: Tankers!
We all love World of Tanks. We also love seeing the unique things you create through the application of mods like original garage designs, vehicle skins, or new types of color filters. Its one of the many facets that help ...




 『濾鏡瞄準器(Lens scope)』(去除瞄準圈內的樹葉或改變透明度)







另外,我為了之前美服 Sela 被鎖帳號的事去信WG ASIA詢問「傷害面板」的問題


The modification that shows you who damaged you is not in violation of our
The modification that shows you what type of ammo was used is illegal.
Best regards,
Kurt Spaulding


        In church, they say to forgive!

        Forgiveness is between them and God;

              it's my job to arrange the meeting.           《 Man on Fire 》

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: WillieHuang     來自:      (03/13 18:08)
airasuka    :這樣好像有的dmg receiver mod不能再裝了@@?1F 03/13 18:09
Archio      :我用了傷害面板,但是最op的最後敵蹤反而可以2F 03/13 18:13
Archio      :Sela是誰?為何會鎖?
abc12812    :sela: http://wotlabs.net/na/player/sela4F 03/13 18:19
YukiPhoenix :WG:顯示彈種不能用  以後誰靠杯一直被金彈抽就是(ry5F 03/13 18:33
condition0  :顯示彈種模組QB在歐服有在使用 目前沒被鎖過6F 03/13 18:45
hensury     :有時候沒用金蛋也會被靠背用金蛋@@7F 03/13 18:53
korsg       :蝦餃 蛋種顯示不能用了8F 03/13 18:55
CKlolita    :管他是不是金彈 有沒被打穿比較重要9F 03/13 18:55
udm         :還沒有XVM顯示勝率之類的被宣布要禁?10F 03/13 18:59

※ 看板: terievv 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 156 
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